Dr. K. L. Chowdhary
of Medicine, Government Medical College, Srinagar and Political Director
of the Apex Committee of the Kashmiri Pandit Organisations)
is a plethora of newspaper and pamphlet print about the travails faced
by Kashmiri Pandits during the acme of the ongoing militancy in Kashmir
and subsequent to their mass exodus in 1989-90 but only a couple of organised
attempts to put it down in a book format. A lot of disinformation and canard
spinning on the genesis of the exodus has been whipped up by the very people
who engineered it, reinforced in no small measure by the militant and secessionist-friendly
press and the prevarication and pusillanimity of the state administration
and the central government. Many distortions and misrepresentations are
still rife as to the causes of the uprising in Kashmir which led to the
taking up of sophisticated and lethal weapons of destruction by what were
perceived to be docile and peace loving Muslims of the Kashmir about whom
it was believed that their worst indulgence in violence was to hurl the
Kangris (fire-pot) on the adversary or use one's head to band that of the
opponent m the manner of fighting rams locking horns. Even more flagrant
defacement of truth is to paint the Kashmiri Pandit as the schemer, the
snatcher and the tyrant even while this community with an ample fund of
historical and cultural contribution with 5000-year habitation in the valley
has been forced repeatedly to abandon its homeland in the face of brutal
Violence and religious persecution for the past six hundred years.
It is a historical
truth that only eleven families of Pandits survived in the valley after
the first major exodus but that was during the despotic rule of Sultan Sikander, the iconoclast, who was driven by extreme religious frenzy to
convert, kill or drive away the Hindus. The fact that nearly ninety-nine
per cent of the Pandits have now been again driven into exile and remaining
remnants are living a life of mental and physical siege is a colossal tragedy
and a living shame on humanity because we are talking of the last decade
of the 20th century, of secular, democratic Republic of India, of Naya
Kashmir conceived on the principles and ideals of equality and liberty
and fed on the principles of religious harmony. The present exodus assumes
gargantuan proportions because the largest democracy in the world could
not rescue a small Hindu minority of Kashmir from ethnic cleansing, genocide
and exodus. The greater tragedy of the nation is that we don't find many
academicians, historians, votaries of freedom and champions of human rights
losing sleep either trying to analyst the causes or grasping the portents
of the tragic developments in Kashmir. That Kashmir has turned into alchemist's
laboratory for transmuting peace-loving youth into gun-wielding militants
cannot be denied. That it can be-come a role-model for fundamentalist and
religious bigots for ethnic cleansing of minorities in other regions of
the sub-continent is a warning which we can ill-afford to ignore. That
the demon of terrorism and secession if not crushed and defeated will threaten
the very survival of India as a multi-religious, multi-lingual and multi-ethnic
republic is a bitter truth that Indians will have to grapple with in all
A studio of
tragic history of the Kashmiri Pandits could be one approach in trying
to understand some facts of the Kashmir problem. Towards this Mohan Lal
Kaul's book "Kashmir - Wail of the Valley" is a bold and sincere
attempt which traces the turbulence right from the times Islam opened its
history in Kashmir. The author is well rooted in history and like all of
us has gone through the harrowing experiences of being at the receiving
end of a craftily conceived and carefully orchestrated creed of Muslim
hegemony thriving on the elimination, deprivation and subjugation of Hindus
in the valley of Kashmir leading not only to the invisible exodus from
the year 1947 onwards but also to spurts of violence, loot and plunder
(like Wanpuh and Luka Bawan in 1986) culminating in ethnic cleansing and
mass exodus of 1989-90. A single-minded pursuit in unravelling the contours
of a Pan-Islamic crusade with its epi-centre in Pakistan and its clinical
laboratory in Kashmir. In the process he exposes the fabrication of lies
and canards let loose by Islamic zealots and pulls the veil off secularism
from the visages of some terrorist organizations and their apologists,
many of whom masquerade as Human Rights champions. He ridicules the fast
growing clan of pseudo-secularists in India and compulsive Hindu baiters
who denigrate their own religion and distort their own glorious history
with all impunity. He does not spare the state administration for conniving
with the insurgents nor does he spare the central government for concealing
and deriding the forced exodus and down-playing the atrocities perpetrated
on the Pandits.
In essence
the book of Mr. M.L. Koul is a litany of human rights violations against
Pandits and the running theme is that of loot, plunder and persecution.
He prepares the ground from the days of Bulbul Shah and Mir Ali Hamadani,
the ace proselytizer, to the tyrannical rule of Sultan Sikander, Chaks, Mughals, Afghans et al right into the reign of Dogras when the Muslims
after a brief interlude in history reorganised themselves against Hindus
dur-ing the hey-day of freedom movement in the Indian Sub-continent and
organised their wrath against them in the loot of 1931. He moves on in
the laying process, as he calls it, to the loot of landed properties by
the popular government of Sheikh Abdullah (1947) to the loot of a Pandit
girl (1967) and the dress rehearsal of ethnic cleansing in the loot and
plunder of 1986. The narrative enters the phase of armed terrorism with
intimate details of the massacre of Pandits, their exodus, the loot, the
arson and the forcible occupation and annexation of their left-over properties
and the desecration and destruction of their religious and cultural signs
and symbols.
There is a
brief mention of two twilight periods during the rule of Zaina-ul-Abidin
and the Dogras in the otherwise dark history of Pandits since the advent
of Islam in Kashmir. Mr. Koul debunks the myth of voluntary conver-sions
perpetrated by some historians of his own community. He also has a dig
at those who extol the Sufi tradition and claims that it was mainly patterned
for proselytization. While we are not aware of forcible conversions in
post-independence era in the valley, we cannot discount the subtle moral,
psychological and socio-economic pressures on the Pandits generated by
the ruthless campaign of hatred and discrimination in all State-owned and
private institutions and loudly proclaimed and propagated from the psychology
of siege under which a Pandit took birth and grew up but also for some
of what looked like voluntary conversions. While I believe all Sufis were
not proselytizers, we have the striking example of the sage of Charar-i-Sharief,
Nund Rishi. We cannot but agree that the forces of fanaticism and fundamentalism
did have a great sway in Kashmir all through the last five decades and
always found easy victims in Pandits. We all have faced genie of Muslim
bigotry let loose from the corked bottle at one time or the other and I
still remember with horror the hail of stones on my car from a rampaging
mob of the fateful evening when Zia-ul-Haq met his nemesis in an air-crash
back home in Pakistan, as if I was responsible for the accident. All sanity,
was thrown to the winds during real or imagined provocation to the Muslim
sentiments and the non-Muslims found themselves the butt of their ire in vio-lent demonstration against alleged blasphemy in a book titled, "The
Book of Knowledge". A foreign tourist once found himself inadvertently
in the eye of the storm of shouting hooligans who forced him to join their
slogan "Ban Book of Knowledge". In absolute frustration he shouted, "Ban
All Knowledge".
Mr. Mohan Lal
Koul deftly unwinds the conspiracy re-plete with details and backed up
by references to push the Pandits to the wall and throttle his efforts
for an honourable survival wherein the ruling elite, the political, the
bureaucracy, the judiciary and the religious institutions made a concerted
effort where "all the norms were violated and normlessness was stuck to
as a norm". This happened right since the popular government induced and
implemented the so-called land reforms followed up with the weaning away
of Pandits from important positions in administrative governance, denying
them educational op-portunities and discriminating them in recruitment
and promotions. The loot continues even today through a perfidious scheme
to buy off the left-over properties of the harried, harassed and left-over
The theory
of proxy war by Pakistan as the primary event is again being questioned
and it is argued that the seeds of violence and hatred were sown right
from 1931 and nursed in madrasas, maktahas and mosques from where it mushroomed
into other religious and secular institutions of the land. Pakistan was
also waiting in the wings for its chance to throw in support, material,
moral and physical. It is a different matter, an aberration to which all
violent uprisings are condemned, that like the Frankenstein monster they
consume the very architects of violence. That is how the "The tidal wave
of Jehad and religious bigotry unleashed by the JKLF flowed at the cesspool
of rape, murder, loot and plunder," and after finishing the task of banishing
Pandits into exile it barged into moderate Muslim sections of the valley
for whom yesterday's "Mujahids and heroes" became today's tormentors. This
phenomenon has received scant attention from Mr. M. L. Koul, as also the
phenomenon of militants turned informers, turned pro-India and anti-militant
militants or 'renegade militants'. The process of recruiting these 'reformed'
militants into the security forces and getting them elected to the State
Legislature is a unique experiment the usefulness of which are hard to
fathom as yet.
bow to you my country
that a
militant who took up arms against you
and gunned
down innocent citizens
looted, arsoned, raped
is today
taking the salute
for the
Republic Day parade
while his
in refugee camps.
Apart from putting
the facts in their proper perspective which yet might seem as an eye-opener
to a common man as well as the conscientious intellectual in India. This
book is bound to kindle the "race memory" of persecution of the Kashmiri
Pandits which may to a large extent shape the strategy to re-claim their
ancestral "Home Land" which they have lost.
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