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Mar 27, 2025: Thursday
Islamic Terrorism in Kashmir
Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits

This website will show you a glimpse of the history, culture, and the current plight of Kashmiri Pandits. You will understand the goals of the bigoted religious terrorists in Kashmir whose vision of Azadi (independence) is to use religious dogma to exclude women, religious minorities, and secular-minded people from every kind of freedom in social and political life. 

Mayhem in Kashmir: Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits
After centuries of decimation of our population within Kashmir valley, the 1990 pogrom by Islamic terrorists and their supporters against us was the final act that expelled almost the entire remaining 400,000 strong population of Kashmiri Pandits - something that has unfortunately gone largely unreported in the Western press. These Pandits are at present living as refugees in their own country. While the expelled refugees as well as our worldwide community have not resorted to any form of violent means to regain our territory, we have never accepted this ethnic cleansing as final. We are carrying on a non-violent war through legitimate political means and by using the Internet to disseminate the truth about how Islamic interests have caused the near-extinction of our community in their zeal to convert the valley into the next Afghanistan. This non-violent war will continue until we win back our homeland and the right to live there without being subject to Islamic hegemony. We will also continue to use these non-violent means to ensure that the government of India does not barter our interests away in the process of placating Islamic terrorist groups in Kashmir.

Featured Collections

Atrocities on Kashmiris by Pak-Trained Terrorists
Since 1990, planned and organized secessionist-terrorism has brutalized Kashmir, the valley of peace and exquisite beauty. Systematic efforts have been made to destroy its syncretic culture, traditions, and heritage, by an orgy of mindless violence fueled by religious fanaticism and extremism, aided and abetted from across India's borders.  
Paradise Lost: Seven Exoduses of Kashmiri Pandits
So much has been sung of the marvellous and magnificent beauty of the physiography of Kashmir, 'Paradise on Earth' by saints and sages, philosophers and poets, mystics and bards, divines and emperors, historians and travelers from far and near, that I wish I could describe one hundredth of what they have sung.
Understanding the Kashmir Turmoil
Kashmir, the most picturesque area in this part of the world, known for its beauty, gardens and gentle people has been reduced to a region of ghosts because of the devious means adopted by Pakistan to incite the people by giving them arms and instigating them into terrorism. This booklet gives a brief insight into the role of Pakistan and the pitiable condition of the people of Kashmir.
Human Rights Violations of Kashmiri Hindus - an Appeal
This is an appeal by the intellectuals of a small yet distinct ethno-religious community, the Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus) who have a history of more than five thousand years of a rich cultural tradition and a unique religious philosophy of the universality of man, peace and amity amongst peoples. 
Baharistan-i-Shahi (A Chronicle of Mediaeval Kashmir)
Baharistan-i-Shahi, a Persian Manuscript history of Kashmir by anonymous author and brought down to A.D. 1614, has served as an important reference work for historians from the 17th century to the present day. 
KASHMIR: The Crisis in Perspective
Indian Research Institute for Kashmir Affairs has been established by people who have been part of Kashmir's freedom struggle and other well meaning friends in the country who have spent a large portion of their lives in the State. The objective is to keep the Indian public opinion informed about the State, the genesis of the present turmoil and related issues. This first publication is a backgrounder.  
Kashmir Article 370
The present study is aimed to trace the process of federalization in India and the inclusion of special provisions for the Jammu and Kashmir State embodied in Article 370 of the Constitution of India. Since Jammu and Kashmir presents a variant of the federal structure in which the Indian States were welded, the present study is expected to provide a perspective for the future evolution of the federal frames which the founding fathers of the Constitution of India constructed. 
White Paper on Kashmir
The present crisis in the Jammu and Kashmir State is a continuation of the Muslim struggle in India for an independent Muslim homeland, which culminated in the separation of the Muslim majority provinces of Sindh, North-West Frontier Province, and Buluchistan, the Muslim majority areas of West Punjab and East Bengal and the Muslim majority division of Sylhet of the Hindu majority province of Assam, to form the state of Pakistan. 
The Poplar and the Chinar: Kashmir in a Historical Outline
The paper presents the recent militancy in Kashmir in a historical context. The policies of the Government of India that have contributed to the alienation of the different religious communities of the State are analyzed. The militancy is seen as an attempt by the fundamentalists to wean the Kashmiri Muslims away from their heritage of Rishi Islam that includes elements of Shaivism. 
Kashmir: The Storm Center of the World
The author has chosen a right title for his book. It is quite eloquent. Kashmir IS the storm center of the world. This fact has been kept hidden so far but not any longer. There is a lot to learn from Mr. Madhok's present book and no doubt students of history and international politics will find the book extremely informative, if not shocking. 
The Kashmir Story
The book attempts to project facts and facts alone and also underline the grievances of the Kashmiri people. Yes, they do have grievances and it is the business of the Government of India to redress them. So one believes, it is not the business of Pakistan or any other country to say "do it or else?". India can look after its territory and its people. Otherwise democracy here could not have survived all these years unlike in Pakistan. 
Kashmir: Past and Present - Unraveling the Mystique
he extremely awful and shocking experience of Kashmiri Pandits has given birth to a different kind of authors and analysts. Their books, some of them already published, is the result of their firsthand experience, as well as their revised opinions and rethinking on many vital subjects that deeply concern and influence our contemporary life.  >>>
Operation Topac
A presentation by General Zia in April 1988 in a ISI (Inter Service Intelligence Services, Pakistan's military intelligence agency) 
Question: Which nation supports the largest terrorist operation in the world?
The Metastasizing Cancer Of Pakistan / Aghanistan-based Islamic Terrorism
Osama Bin Laden's network, which supports numerous terrorist groups in Afghanistan, collaborates extensively and shares training facilities with over a dozen Islamic terrorist groups based in Pakistan. The Pakistani groups that collaborate with Bin Laden's network are well known to be financed and sponsored by the Pakistani intelligence agency, ISI and its military (New York Times, October 10, 2000).
Kashmir: Wail of a Valley - Atrocity and Terror
Kashmir: Wail of a Valley is the heart rending tale of the people, popularly known as Kashmiri Pandits, the natives of Kashmir who by brutal force were reduced to a minority during a few centuries of Muslim rule. 
Of Shrines and Blackmail
Hostage politics is not restricted to men or captive school children. Shrines have also become a part of the politics of hostages, especially in the Kashmir valley. Get into a Shrine, threaten to burn it, place your explosives or incendiaries all along the building- a charge near the dead saint's tomb or the sacred relic- encircle the building with mines and the militant starts feeling that he is in the driver's seat. 
Language and Politics in Jammu and Kashmir: Issues and Prespectives
It is surprising that the neglect of Kashmiri has never been a theme of unrest and anti-Indian movement in Kashmir. It is mainly because the Kashmiri Muslims have been swayed by their intellectual elite and political leaders of all hues (whether in power or out of it), most of whom have been educated at the Aligarh Muslim University, thereby imbibing the spirit of Aligarh movement which regards Urdu as the symbol of Muslim cultural identity.
Recognize, Remember & Revere
Project R/3 is an effort to Recognize, Remember and Revere all those Kashmiri Hindu souls who perished in the latest holocaust perpetrated against them in the vale of Kashmir. It is very unfortunate that these innocent Kashmiri Hindu Indians, who were mercilessly killed by Islamic terrorists, have already been forgotten and forsaken into the history. 
Human Rights Violations of Kashmiri Hindus - an Appeal
This is an appeal by the intellectuals of a small yet distinct ethno-religious community, the Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus) who have a history of more than five thousand years of a rich cultural tradition and a unique religious philosophy of the universality of man, peace and amity amongst peoples. 
Kashmir: Distortions and Reality
This book is at once a sharp departure from the prevailing practice of writing on Kashmir. It gives the inside account of what actually happened during the last four years and is not a partisan publication. Facts have been revealed in the larger national interest. Many prevalent assumed notions about territorial and political aspects of J&K state have been nailed. 
Kashmir: Constitutional History and Documents
Contrary to claims made by Kashmiri secessionists and their sympathizers, there is no legal ambiguity about the accession of Jammu and Kashmir state to India. At the time of independence from Britain in 1947, the more than 500 principalities that formed the Indian dominion had the option to join India or the newly formed Pakistan, or declare themselves an independent state. 
With love from Pakistan....
"...There are credible reports of official Pakistan support for militants fighting in Kashmir..." -- U.S. State Department report "Patterns of Global Terrorism" 1995.
Afghanistan Factor
Afghanistan is located at the crossroads of Central, South and West Asia, sharing its borders with the Central Asian States of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan on the north, Chinese province of Xinjiang in the east, Iran on the west and south-west, and Pakistan and Pak-occupied territory of Kashmir on the south and south-east. Due to its strategic placement Afghanistan became the focal point of intense rivalry between Tsarist Russia and Britain during the nineteenth century.
Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits
Kashmiri Hindus (Pandits) are in exile since early 1990 after Islamic religious fundamentalists in the valley of Kashmir took to armed subversion and terrorism and drove them out of their centuries old habitat.
Why Homeland for Kashmiri Pandits?
The call for a homeland has become not only natural and necessary but urgent as well. The community has arrived at a water- shed in history. It is now or never that it has to fling the cloak of minority complex under which it fossilized itself into inaction through the centuries.
Kashmir: Facts Speak
It is not Kashmiri Pandit - a miniscule minority - suffering, but it is a patriot punished for holding fast to his patriotism. The nation may afford to treat him callously but the posterity will not forgive the nation for not holding fast to protect the nationhood by securing and safeguarding the life of true patriots. To see the problem in its entirety one needs to look into the figures of the Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir which tell a tale of their own.  
Human Rights Situation in Kashmir through the Eyes of a Painter
Veer's canvases present images which are intriguing. They cross average notions of reality and pass into a surreal realm. Veer Munshi has not only painted his own experiences of Islamic fundanlentalist and terrorist forces in Kashmir, but has done a yeoman service to depict the overall human rights situation in Kashmir through his paintings.  
Ramkrishen Kaul BhattKashmir and Partition of India
The tribal invasion by P
akistan on Kashmir was as indication of the fact that it wanted to annex Kashmir by force. Its contention that India wanted accession and therefore did not sign Standstill Agreement, is untenable.  >>>
Articles on Kashmir
Articles on Kashmir written by
columnists.   >>>
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Who will deliver justice to Pyare Lal Tickoo?

Pak Raid 1947

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