II: Chapter 15
terrorist violence launched through violence and carnage has been ravaging
the State of Jammu and Kashmir without any visible let up as the culmination
of secessionist movement pursued with resilience since 1947. Despite all
campaigns of canard and disinformation inside and outside the country the
world opinion is now thoroughly convinced that the terrorism in Kashmir
in its fundamental motivations and inputs is a Muslim crusade and that
is how Kashmiri Pandits as the first victims have been hounded out of their
ancestral abode and hurled into a crisis situation of exodus and exile.
Beset with pangs of destabilization and agonies of stupendous losses of
assets and human life the entire community is on cross-roads and stands
absolutely brutalised and disfigured, alienated and isolated. It is disrobed
of its characteristic identity as an ethnic and religious minority and
is equally bereft of its culture personality and existence rooted in the
history and culture of Kashmir. The community as a debris of shattered
illusions is not only sunk in the quagmire of trials and travails but is
virtually frozen in time and space. Uprooted from its cultural and civilisational
ethos it seems to have lost purpose and direction and can be compared to
a rudderless boat adrift on the stormy and perilous waves. It was hunted
and hounded and continues to be pounded and bludgeoned. It was on the run
all the time and continues to be in the same oppressed state. Engaged in
a grim battle for survival it is losing its nerve in face of harsh vagaries
of climate, an apathetic populace and extremely cruel and inimical administration.
The members of the community that have a proud record of decent and cultured
life despite all manner of persecution and economic squeeze are reduced
to penury, want and deprivation.
The greatest
tragedy is that they have become exiles in their own country and aliens
in their own land. Under the grip of an agonising and frustrating situation
the community having no vote-bank clout is deemed as disposable Junk by
the governments under the tight leash of unscrupulous and corrupt politicians
who have made shameless attempts to conceal the genocide and hush up the
plight and woes of the community and tag it with labels and pejoratives
as an excuse to leave it in lurch. The absolute hostility of the Muslim
government of the state being given, the central governments of varied
shades have been classical in their postures of neglect, callousness and
apathy unto the community in exile and Diaspora.
Kufra as a
dominating factor of Muslim mental apparatus anti-Kashmiri Pandit hysteria
was generated and whipped up to weld Muslim ranks to realise their externment
and exile flaunted as a tangible achievement to cement the cracks in the
secessionist movement. What was Hindu has been vengefully erased and dismantled
whole hog. Rational argument deemed as inimical to the terrorist-cum-secessionist
movement has been crucified to enforce uniformity through violent and ruthless
methods. Rhythms of religion have been geared to reinforce and stimulate
frightful orgies of strife and disorder, rape and masssacre. Untold physical
sufferings have been perpetrated on the community and in the name of religion
its dignity has been fatally wounded and Nizam-e-Mustafa is held out to
the battling ranks of Muslim violents as a new dawn of promise and hope
on the debris of hewn flesh of Kashmiri Pandits and spilt blood of their
womenfolk and children. To achieve the ends of crusade said to be historically
infamous the Kashmiri Pandits as Kafirs have been tortured, hanged, massacred,
dismembered, tied with grenades and blasted, lynched and sawed into two
halves and burnt alive into cinders thereby putting into shade the cruel
pogroms of tyrants who have been tried and punished for their inhuman crimes
under international law.
As a response
to the formidable challenges that have plagued and staggered the Kashmiri
Pandit community at large the demand for homeland has been voiced and articulated
as a cogent and decisive remedy to mitigate the social, political and economic
strangulation and existential plight of the community in forced galut and
Diaspora caused by the Muslim crusaders motivated with the idea-force of
It is not for
the first time that the homeland demand has been orchestrated and projected
as a viable alternative to the subjection that the Kashmiri Pandit community
has been reduced to by the Muslim rulers owing allegiance to the Islamic
guide-lines not to the democratic and secular constitution of the republic.
The Kashmiri Pandits gave currency to and agitated the homeland demand
in the wake of murderous and despicable loot of 1931 when they were scathed,
looted and murdered by the hateful communal elements in league with British
imperialists ensuring a raw deal for them by callous and arbitrary rejection
of their reasonable and legitimate demands and concerns. Hard pressed by
the communal scenario the Kashmiri Pandits with a discerning mind reiterated
the demand for home. land with its echoes in 1890 in which they would feel
safe and secure from the brutal Muslim aggression and implaccable enemies
of civil society holding rights and values in contempt and to ransom through
the construction of their own state. In the wake of Bread Movement the
demand snow - balled into a new perspective and dimension when the Muslim
majority was incited and harnessed to throttle the political right to dissent
and protest and stonewall the Kashmiri Pandit mobilisation to champion
their economic demands through generation of obscurantist and communal
scenario. Now that the community as a whole has been expelled and externed
by the forces of militarized Islam flaunting bigotry and myopic perspectives
homeland demand is the apt response that hews close to the cause. As per
the situation obtaining homeland demand is neither a dream nor a fall-back
option; in reality it is the first choice, an effective political initiative
and is to be pursued for hundred years with firm resolve and forceful vigour.
Homeland demand is the crystal ball in which KPs are gazing the ruptures
and continuities between their past and future.
In the post-independence
era that began with Nehru's "tryst with destiny" the Kashmiri Pandits as
a matter of policy and communal vengeance were put on the hit-list of the
governments of all shades and hues. Blatant communal policies and measures
were conceived and executed to sideline them from decision-making bodies
and governance structures. Communal quotas were fixed in education to rob
them of educational opportunities and attainments. Employment, postings
and promotions were communalized to incredible limits. Quality, brilliance
and academic affluence were cruelly sacrificed at the altar of quantity,
gross mediocrity and academic poverty. The Muslim pre-eminence in all sectors
of administrative governance was rapidly achieved through blatant violation
and transgression of the legitimate rights and privileges of ethnic and
religious groups not subscribing to the faith of Islam. To achieve the
sinister objective of undiluted Muslim sway and precedence fraudulent manipulations
were effected, irrational measures devised, communal directives issued
and sectarian preferences unabashedly flaunted. All norms were violated
and normlessness thus created was stuck to as a norm. To cap it all, posh
Muslim localities abuzz with glitz and glamour were arbitrarily categorized
as backward and stinking slums inhabited by Pandits as posh and developed
areas to deprive them of a tap or a good paved - lane and other educational
benefits. Remorseless and relentless purge of Kashmiri Pandits as the state
policy many brilliant sons of the soil seeking jobs and admissions in government
sponsored study programmes on the firm footing of merit and achievements
were brazenly conveyed the whisper that they could shift to greener pastures
outside Kashmir in India leaving Kashmir to Muslims. This policy-path was
blazed by no less a person than Sheikh Abdullah, who was a prisoner of
ghettoised mentality.
On the false
and misconceived paradigm of backwardness and poverty blatant communalism
was practiced to ease out contenders with remarkable academic records and
achievements. To Islamise the services an unheard of practice was taken
a resort to. Two seniority lists on the model of two-nation theory, one
for Muslims and the other for Hindus, were prepared and duly recognised
and considered for promotions. Not satisfied even with this cruel communal
practice leading to the extreme polarization of the two communities what
the rulers did was to destroy records, tamper and manipulate them. Restless
to grab all levers of power for a bigger game-plan of secession the Muslim
rulers declared as redundant the entrenched principle of upward mobility
through normal processes and established channels for the Muslims, and
devised and designed all means and methods of artifice, deceit and cunning
to destabilise and marginalise the Pandits who as kafirs at war were to
be reduced to the hewers of wood and drawers of water. The democratic and
secular character of the state apparatus was metamorphosed into an Islamic
mould to cater to and foster the Muslim interests. The measure of labelling
90% Muslim population of the valley as backward and poor and 10% population
of Kashmiri Pandits, Sikhs, other Hindus even of Dogra origin as creamy
layer caused surprise at all levels of Judiciary. A particular justice
of the Apex Court was said to have remarked that it would have been better
for the state government to declare 10% Hindus also as backward and poor.
A backward class organisation with Saif-ud-din Soz as its kingpin was formed
to coerce the Kashmiri Pandits not to pester for the implementation of
Supreme Court orders which had quashed all promotions on the absurd rationale
of backwardness and poverty.
Since 1947
when the messiahs of responsible government came to power rule of law as
pillar of justice was sung out with the last requiem. It was banished for
good from the land of Kashmir and shown absolute contempt and derision
and was never allowed to prevail with its full sway and sovereignty. As
a matter of result a new era of subjection and subjugation, denial and
deprivation, fear and insecurity, persecution and oppression began for
the Kashmiri Pandits as a minority.
The "New Kashmir
Manifesto" as an egalitarian and secular document was maliciously distorted
to restructure and reorganise the entire state into a political system
which openly betrayed a bias and partiality for the Muslims. The package
of concessions and privileges followed by incessant flow of such packages
showered on Muslims as a special breed of people have not flowed from the
sources in constitution but from the religion that they harboured. Under
the guise of communal amity, equality and opening up of opportunities for
the under-dogs the governments from time to time in complete disregard
of the constitutional principles of right to equality before law and safe-guard
against discrimination on religious grounds promoted the cause of Muslims
leaving diverse ethnic and religious communities high and dry, neglected
and detested.304
Land reforms
implemented with vengefulness against the Kashmiri Pandits proved as a
prelude to their death and destruction. They were not effected to usher
in an egalitarian socio-economic dispensation with the objective of founding
a rational, sane and democratic society. As a weapon of destabilization
thousands of Kashmiri Pandits were forced to migrate to various parts of
India for a pittance as a result of economic squeeze and denial of rehabilitation
opportunities. The National Conference rulers with ample resources of cunning
and fraud figmented the idea of the appeasement of Muslim peasantry especially
the richer sections through land reforms so that they belt wooed and enticed,
nay bribed, to vote for National Conference in case a plebiscite under
a foreign agency was held. The land reforms shabbily implemented with least
ideological commitments to the restructuring of the entire politico-economic
system on radical lines led to the creation and spawning of a class of
Muslim kulaks who have emerged as the bastions of Muslim reaction and secession
and as the mainstay of the detestable ideology and politics of Jammaat-i-Islami.
In the form of a protracted war waged on the Pandits the said-reforms injected
communal venom and virus into the average sections of Muslim peasantry.
The 1989 - fundamentalist insurgency has drawn maximum recruits and vigorous
support from the Muslim novo-rich of the rural areas who were offered land
in a platter without paying a pie.
were hatched at governmental level to dispossess the Hindus of the industries
which they had established through the mobilization of their capital and
entrepreneurial resources. The Muslim workers in such industries were provoked
for strikes and lock-outs thereby providing a handle to the plotters to
interfere for fruitification of their designs. The match factory in Baramulla
as an enterprise of a Hindu was grabbed when the Muslim labourers in the
factory disrupted the productive processes through strikes and lock-outs
at the behest of their Muslim masters. The Woollen Mills in Srinagar again
as venture of a Hindu was put to the same orgy of labour trouble, throttling
and lock-outs. The owner Divas coerced to hand over the factory to the
government for a trice. The Pandits thick in the silk trade owned many
a silk-weaving unit and under the guide-lines of the same conspiracy were
ejected out of the industry through generation of communal rivalries, withdraw
al of government patronage and starvation of raw-materials.
As a matter
of reality all political regimes under the tight -leash of fundamentalist
Muslims not only stoked and fostered Muslim communalism but pioneered measures
and devices to snuff out the Kashmiri Pandit minority. It was subjected
to unprecedented black-mail and intimidation. It was not only disenfranchised
but its population figures were clandestinely manipulated and consciously
suppressed. The constituencies where the community could assert and exercise
its unfettered political rights were fragmented and Jerrymandered thereby
divesting it of the right to elect a single legislator to reflect its yearnings
and aspirations, grouses and grievances. As an essential part of Islamisation
campaign the names of six hundred towns and villages rooted in the Hindu
stream of culture were slated off through the imposition of unrelated Arabic
and Persian names. Unable to transcend the narrow confines of Muslim conference
politics and sunk in picayune and orthodox views Sheikh Abdullah launched
frontal attacks on Pandits as his bete noir in 1978 and 1982 for the fact
that he deemed in them a potential impediment to the Islamisation as part
of total game-plan of pan-Islamism which he had been feeding and directing
since his take-over in 1975. He set the trend for and reinforced the Muslim
model of elimination of Pandits when he fascistically commanded his Hindu
Minister from Jammu region not to recruit them in state level services
and with a view to blotting out the community he mobilised and garnered
the campaign for marginalisation of the Pandits from Central services on
the twin planks of religion and population ratio and the same campaign
was picked up by his minions and proxies who carried it to a logical end.
The Kashmiri
Pandits thus disinherited by the Muslim politicals in their land of birth
were assaulted and their residential and business premises invariabley
looted and plundered mostly on days connected with events in the Muslim
world especially Pakistan. The religious places of Pandits were the main
targets and therefore ravaged and arsoned. A storm of hatred and vengeance
was unleashed against them blaming and holding them responsible for a sell-out
of Kashmir to India. The 1986 Muslim aggression on the minority, planned
and pre-meditated, marked the tail-end of the total destabilization campaign
and strategy.
The protection
and safe-guards meant for ethnic and religious minorities as a meaningful
practice pursued all over the world has no lessons for the Kashmiri brand
of Muslim rulers who sadistically usurped the democratic rights and privileges
of the Pandit minority. In India which is broadly wedded to democracy and
secularism there is a duly constituted Minority Commission monitoring the
rights and grievances of Muslims in particular even though the Muslims
in fulfilment of their demand had their chunk of land at the time of partition.
But in the state of Jammu and Kashmir where under the facade of secular
constitution a Muslim state has been created with fundings from Government
of India. There have been no safeguards and protective umbrellas for the
minority and what has been astounding that all protections and safeguards
have been culled and harnessed to fortify the Muslim interests by throwing
secular ideals, democratic values and constitutional tenets to winds. Nor
are there any operative channels that could envisage and ensure the full
participation of the minority in over-all functioning of the politico-economic
system and nation-building activities and processes. The Hindu minorities
curiously dubbed as "amaanat"- trust, not valued as citizens with the same
democratic rights and guarantees that have been enshrined in the Republican
Constitution were squeezed, harassed, intimidated and finally liquidated
grabbing not only the political and economic cake to feed the insatiable
Muslim dianasaur but also their lands, properties and houses.
After the legal
accession of the state to the Indian union was formalised Sheikh Abdullah
vigorously and assertively sought for special status on the grounds of
Muslim majority character of the state thereby protecting and subserving
the Muslim interests of hegemonism and majoritarianism. But the congress
leadership under the siege of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru bartered away the vital
concerns and interests of minority groups by placing them at the whims
and tender mercies of Muslim majority which under no circumstances can
ward off the pull of Islamic ethos of persecuting and oppressing the minorities
not pinning their faith in Islam. In absence of political and constitutional
guarantees with a heightened emphasis on the right to live and live with
safety and an effective mechanism for their implementation Kashmiri Pandits
were pushed out to the peripheries of the political and economic scenario,
oppressed and persecuted, bereft and deprived, hounded and hunted.
How wrong was
Pt. Prem Nath Bazaz when he in his communication to Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
wrote that the native Pandits should not press for political and constitutional
guarantees and safety valves as an effective shield against Muslim aggression
and blatant trespass on and into their rights and privileges. In his response
to Pt. Bazaz Nehru with the political sagacity of a Fabian socialist dittoed
to the dot what Bazaz had communicated to him apropos political and economic
safeguards and guarantees ignoring Muslim cultural model brazen in its
contempt of a liberal frame allowing and ensuring the blooming of hundred
flowers. Both Nehru and Bazaz despite tremendous signals from the changed
political scenario in the wake of 1953-developments could not envision
a moment in history when Kashmiri Pandits rooted in their commitments to
the national unity, integrity and security would emerge as targets of gun
and grenade for the Muslim majority for not committing themselves to the
consorting with the Muslim majority for the agenda set by Islam heading
towards militarization. Both of them were not perceptive in their historical
evaluation of Islam with the result that they anchored their unflinching
faith in the view that the Muslim majority despite the Hinduised Islam
would perennially harbour goodwill and accommodation unto the Kashmiri
Pandit minority and there would be no distortions and aberrations in the
over-all ethos when ephemeral idealism in face of Islamic imperatives would
get dimmed and quenched out. That Rule of Law was the frame upon which
Justice hangs as the only guarantee against Muslim onslaught would be undermined
and given a hamhanded and cosmetic treatment was not visualised by the
brightest literatti of the period.
Despite persecution
and discrimination Kashmiri Pandits played indisputably a frontal role
in modernization of Kashmir and harnessed their mental and intellectual
resources and initiatives to reconstruct the infrastructural foundations
for a vibrant democratic order as part of mainstream politics. To dispel
the darkness of illiteracy and backwardness as inhibiting factors forestalling
any significant social change they invested their honest endeavours and
resourceful energies to expand the network of universal education by encompassing
the broad sections of Muslim society that had maintained distance from
the light of education. Modernity and rationalism were what they disseminated
for the establishment of a sane society, dynamic and buoyant comprising
of the individuals cast in the mould of higher values adding charm and
meaning to human life. Though the Muslim vested interests in tandem with
religious lobbies had etched them as Muslim foes on the Muslim mindscape
yet they reposed full faith in and were never repugnant to the democratic
order and its sanctified institutions supposed to guarantee their maximum
participation in the nation-building processes.
But unfortunately
the carefully nurtured Muslimisation of total layers of state apparatus
leading to the erosion of secular ideals and democratic principles shattered
their cherished dream of basic freedoms, fundamental rights, unfettered
opportunities for flowering and more than most security of life and assets
from all manner of religion inspired vandalism and barbarity. They have
been betrayed by the Muslims who were thick in the conspiracy that was
brewed in the mosques and madrasas for their extermination and are harbouring
genuine feelings of hurt, disillusionment and disenchantment. With the
inaugural of Muslim terrorism the Kashmiri Pandits were reviled, humiliated,
brutalised and slaughtered and to their utter shock and dismay Muslims
suffered a total failure in sanity and rationality and were swayed by the
waves of bigotry and hatred which emanated from the mushrooming mosques
when in a typical boatman s fashion loud drums about the inaugural of insurgency
were fiercely beaten threatening the kafirs to quit and vacate the land
of Kashmir for an immediate Muslim take-over and consolidation.
The state government
under the helmsmanship of Farooq Abdullah, traitorously simulating paralysis
as an act of complicity failed to rise to the occasion to meet the challenges
posed by the devastating forces of terrorism through flexing the powerful
muscles of state power. The Kashmiri Pandits undergoing carnage and horror
were first betrayed by his government which abdicated its moral and constitutional
obligation to provide security to the victims under siege of Muslims gone
berserk and added to their saga of disaster by virtual perishment from
the scene. The undeniable fact is that his government was in the warm lap
of Muslim conspirators and was fiddling when Rome was burning. The central
Government is equally a culprit and cannot divest itself of the fair share
of responsibility that it had in the brutalization and elimination processes
that were wreaked on the Kashmiri Pandit minority. The trials and travails
of the patriotic community that had assumed menacing proportions since
1975-Accord with Sheikh Abdullah were not monitored and measured and taken
as ominous signals Wintering to an impending disaster with far-reaching
consequences for the national security. To the consternation of nationalistic
and patriotic forces the central government with a Muslim Home Minister
having lubricated and stained his hands with the blood of Hindu minority
in a panic reaction to douse the fires of insurgency absorbed Muslims in
droves in Central Government institutions through extra-constitutional
channels by flouting and effacing norms and stipulations thereby completing
the unholy task of Muslimisation of the valley.
As a cover
up operation for the communal and fundamentalist character of the so-called
freedom struggle a virile campaign of disinformation was launched against
the Kashmiri Pandits not only to malign them but paint them in the blackest
hues. The canard that their exodus was touted by Jagmohan, the then Governor
of J&K State, was floated, given widest possible currency inside and
outside the country to conceal the forced exodus and communal carnage of
the Hindu minority. The web of malicious canards as an instant product
included the strands that Kashmiri Pandits as artful people had cornered
and usurped maximum state and central government jobs which as a source
of anger and irritation had impelled the Muslim youth to cross the borders
and take to the gun culture and the Pandits through their merit and achievements,
cunning and manipulation would usurp all trades, professions, educational
institutions and government jobs in Jammu and elsewhere"'. As a spill-over
effect of the villainous campaign the forced-out employees were not suitably
adjusted, the scholars of the community who had abandoned portals of their
educational institutions under severe terrorist threat were not enrolled
in regular colleges in Jammu and elsewhere, the unemployeds were denied
employment and the professionals belonging to varied fields made to vegetate
and lose their acquired skills through dis-use. The strategy was to keep
the cross-section of Kashmiri Pandit refugee population in panic, stress
and on tenter-hooks lest they should organise and consolidate their numbers
for a political act of demolishing and dismantling the decadent and moribund
political culture of the country immured to drown and annihilate the patriotic
people for the appeasement and pampering of Muslim rebels against national
integrity and solidarity.
In galut and
Diaspora the Kashmiri Pandits in a bird's eye view of themselves and their
chequered history of persecution and massacre have come to realise the
prime importance of asserting their political rights to a homeland in Kashmir
where they will be free to conceive and construct a socio-political structure
in tune with their cherished goals and lofty ideals with least interference
and interruption from Muslim schizophrenia, backwardness and parochialism.
The active political opinion that has emerged out of protracted deliberations,
debates and polemics was crytallised in the Homeland Resolution adopted
by Panun Kashmir in the Margdarshan convention held in December, 1991.
The Homeland
Resolution Interalia demands:
The establishment of a homeland for the Kashmiri Hindus in Kashmir valley
comprising the regions of the valley to the east and north of river Jhelum.
b) That the
constitution of India be made applicable in letter and spirit in this "Homeland"
in order to ensure right to life, liberty, freedom of expression and faith,
equality and rule of law.
c) That the
homeland be placed under Central administration with a Union Territory
status so that. it evolves its own economic and political infrastructure.
d) That all
the seven lakh Kashmiri Hindus which include those who have been driven
out of Kashmir in the past and yearn to return to their homeland and those
who were forced to leave on account of the terrorist violence in Kashmir
be settled in the homeland on equitable basis with dignity and honour.
Kashmiri Pandits
through the concept and content of Homeland Resolution underscored the
crying realities that they have been deprived of a homeland and their generations
are facing a precarious and perilous future and the double-edged sword
of Islamic communalism and Diaspora has exposed their community to degenerating
experiences of deprivation, insecurity, depression and estrangement. The
historic Resolution clinically analyses their prevailing position of insignificance
and non-entity to which they have been reduced and are bartered as sacrificial
goats and disposable commodity and more than most are on cross-roads and
have ceased to be the citizens of their own state and the country as they
have lost the protective shield of fundamental rights and other constitutional
guarantees which virtually sustained them through the post-independence
era of denial, discrimination, subjugation and blatant religious persecution.
The 1989-exodus grave in nature and formidable in scale has shaken them
to roots as it was a reenactment of their tryst with Muslim ferocity and
bigotry in contemporary Kashmir which political managers claim to be a
part and parcel of India wedded to democracy and governed by a sovereign
The political
scenario in Kashmir has undergone a seachange by the replacement of normal
political culture even though tainted by unhealthy Muslim domination and
precedence by a new breed of Muslim terrorists who are avowedly for the
elimination and decimation of the Kashmiri Pandit minority through the
ushering in of Islamic sociopolitical structures envisaging imposition
of Jazia (poll-tax) and disenfranchisement as its well-defined stipulations
for the non-Muslim minorities. Terrorism has not only led to their exodus
from their birth-land but has also diminished and nearly sealed their chances
for a safe return to their native homes which have been brutally destructed
and disfigured through acts of abysmal vandalism. A minuscule minority
scattered all over the valley where their cultural presence too has been
effaced out does not see any cogency and logic in living the same fashion
in their scattered clusters as they lived prior to their exodus and that
is how they are face to face with a grim reality and cannot like ostriches
go on pinning faith in the shattered myths of secularism and coexistence.
The only star that they gaze at is a homeland where they can unify and
galvanise into a force of resistance against the terrorist onslaught and
Catholic and
modernistic in outlook, upwardly mobile and defiant of communal curbs,
Kashmiri Pandits refuse to live in a socio-political dispensation, which
has been the creation of politicians who are self-servers and in face of
their political failures they wield the stick of Islam and to upgrade their
popularity graph they resort to rabble-rousing for plebiscite and myth
of autonomy and swayed by whims of vacillation and dreams of sultanate
they spurt out venomous sputum against Kashmiri Pandits and back in the
seat of power they initiate subversion and swear allegiance to the forces
of insurgency and in honest confessions they nonchalantly spill the beans
that they had dispatched National Conference activists across the borders
for arms training and strategic guidance. The Kashmiri Pandits abhor and
detest the socio-political order dominated by such dishonest and dubious
politicians who are deft and artful in double-speak and hypocrisy and can
stoop to abysmal depths of moral eclipse in diverting the Muslim frenzy
against the minority by blaming them for the ills they are responsible
for and for the failures in nation-building processes they have pooh-poohed
and never viewed from angles positive. Kashmiri Pandits refuse to chain
themselves to a system which is alienated and isolated from the currents
and cross-currents in the country through building of political barriers
to cater to their needs of bigotry, parochialism and religious schism.
They uphold and subscribe to a world - view and work-culture which do not
cage and stifle their faculties and creative impulses in the straitjacket
of cosmic hatred and obscurantism and are votaries of healthy and wholesome
trajectory of growth and development for stupendous successes and glittering
attainments. Nizam-e-Mustafa projected as the Islamic destination as replacement
of the sovereignty of Indian Constitution is an anathema to Kashmiri Pandits
who are wedded to liberalism, fairness, equity and egalitarian societal
structures and feel, therefore, forced to carve out a niche for themselves.
The Kashmiri
Pandits refuse to tether themselves to a system which is wallowing in the
shades of medieval darkness and is shamelessly devoted to the Muslim commune'
interests and in the process bares its fangs of bigotry and communalism
and as a part of Muslim conspiracy suddenly collapses to a heap of mangled
material under the weight of propaganda shit blurred out by Pakistan and
avidly lapped by the Muslims. It is a system which has lost its human face
and where wise counsels failed to prevail, harmony and co-existence could
not bloom and good-will and tolerance were a far cry.
Kashmiri Pandits
as an educated and cultured community and by all parameters poor but civilised
section of Kashmiri society have been for a vibrant and democratic society
which they helped to take birth and shape out in its broad features and
contours through the spread of literacy levels for temper formation and
value enhancement. By introducing the Muslims to the language primers and
initiating them in 3 R's the Kashmiri Pandits despite religious differences
and world-view variations humanised and aculturised them for a new constructive
role in world and life drama and equipped them with new cultivated ideas
and ingenuities, perceptions and awakened creativities. But tragically
the advance that they had registered on their intellectual slates previously
not so unclean and medieval for leading an emancipated life on a higher
plane of values, surely not Islamic, was reversed and rubbed off by swashbucklers
and dot-busters who dressed their destructive plans under religious garb
and religious terminology resulting in their eclipse and death on 19th/20th
1990. Common
sense took an immediate retreat. Rationality developed a tumour. Hallucination
was at its high noon. That what was taught to them by their detestable
teachers as nebulous appeared shaping into the form of reasonable credibility.
New hopes even though dim and amorphous made them frenetically feverish
and hysterical. With loss of discretion "Azadi" and "annexation with Pakistan"
started twinkling like twinkling stars and what was worse they lent their
vociferous support to the barbarous acts and ignominous lechery which startled
if not the world but the Pandits on the scene. It was a culture shock to
Pandits who failed to reconcile to the enveloping darkness and marched
out to establish their own claims and rights to an El Dorado in the valley
which they have lovingly nomenclatured as 'homeland' stipulated to be free
and liberal in theme and concept excluding those myopics, parochials and
fanatics responsible for death of reason and crucifixion of an ethos. Azadi-seeking
and Pakistan-dreaming Muslims have fortified the Kashmiri Pandit determination
and resolve to establish their prior rights to their ancestral homeland
which will be a scintillating model of liberalism, democracy, humanism
and culture suffused with the vitalising spirit of Indian Constitution.
The Kashmiri
Pandits are justifiably apprehensive of the Constitutional changes that
are sought to fortify the state agamst the currents and cross-currents
of the mainstream life of the country. The pre-1953 status of the state
in theory and praxis keeps the state outside the purview and pale of the
Indian Constitution. The constitutional provisos of the fundamental rights,
citizenship rights, jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, Directive Principles
of the state policy
et al were not applicable to the state on the
plea that these were not listed in the Instrument of Accession. The incorporation
of Art. 370 misnomer as an enabling provision but actually as an article
of limitations constitutionally cognised the Muslim character of the state
thereby rendering diverse ethnic and religious groups to the status of
subjugation and servility in a Muslim state. It is an indisputable fact
that Art. 370 has generated and unleashed the negative alchemy for separatism,
divisive forces, parochial trends and Muslim majoritarianism and has limited
the sovereignty of the Indian constitution thereby facilitating the push-over
of the state into the vortex of terrorism and insurgency. The cunning politicals
inside and outside the corridors of power have exploited the said-Article
to the hilt as an instrument of black-mail to which the central power in
the capital has been constantly succumbing through its reiteration of continued
support despite it being a weapon of Muslim reaction and fundamentalism.
In its basics the Homeland Resolution is bitter in its opposition to the
Article 370 which is primarily responsible for the banishment and uprooting
of Kashmiri Pandits. The homeland as envisaged by the Pandits will be unflinching
in its faithfulness and fealty to the country and its fundamental concerns
and will emerge as an oasis of democracy and humanism in the desert of
Muslim insurgency and terrorism. It will have full flow of Indian constitution
and will not be put to limitations and mutilations, restrictions and trimmings
to feed Muslim insularity based on religious bias.
The Homeland
Resolution is the product of the failure of the secular experiment in the
valley. Despite attempts to camouflage the ground realities in Kashmir
the facts speak that Kashmir has degraded into a wild Muslim ghetto, it
is being governed by the Muslim terrorists and their cohorts through their
writs and fatwas and it is the Islamic law that is enjoying precedence
and supremacy and more than most Kashmir has emerged as a theocratic state
which is being funded and guarded on its frontiers by Government of India.
The people of India who appear to have been manipulated through propaganda
engineering have belatedly come to realise the secular experiment meeting
its disaster in Kashmir. Even Nehru himself was sceptical about the success
of his experiment which had floundered on the Indian plane but was giving
it another trial in Kashmir. In his letter to P.N. Bazaz he writes," The
real problem in Kashmir is whether it continues as a secular state as the
rest of India or not. This affects the whole of India because secularism
in India also has not got such a firm foundation as I would like it to
have. Anything happening in Kashmir will undoubtedly affect the rest of
India with its vast Muslim population." In such an uncertain and menacing
situation when Kashmir is already in the Jaws of Muslim communalists the
Kashmiri Pandits have asserted their rights and claims to the homeland
in valley wherein democracy and catholicity with thrive and flower for
the deviants to emulate. If Melapuram in Kerala was carved out for Muslims
to thrive and expand, why can't homeland in Kashmir be carved out for Kashmiri
Hindus to thrive and expand? Homeland emerges as an imperative to retain
as much of area as is possible with a view to consolidating all humanistic
and democratic forces who are willing to settle in it for patriotic considerations
and demands. Homeland will emerge as a pocket of stiff resistance, not
as a pocket of compromise and acquiescence, against the Muslim frenzy that
has been let loose to realise another partition.
The Homeland
Resolution envisages in unequivocal terms that the Kashmiri Pandits with
their firm commitments to the doctrine of live and let live and social
unity cannot accept to live in a state which is governed by Muslim preceptors
openly preaching and propagating intolerance and religious hegemony. As
bitter enemies of religious fanaticism and myopic perspectives they abhor
the Muslim majoritarianism which fetters freedoms and shackles opportunities
for growth and development on religious grounds. They detest that state
which is riddled with fanatics and enemy agents at every step of the total
structure assigned the role-model of decimating the remnants of the land
of learning and wisdom that Kashmir once was long ago. Kashmir is not Kashmir
if it is denuded of Kashmiri Pandits who are a vital link between the past
and present of Kashmir. The opinion that has been floated by the Mushm
vested interests and picked up at many levels that Kashmiri Pandits can
be sacrificed and murdered to retain Kashmir is lacking in political sanity
and prudence. Kashmir without Kashmiri Pandits is virtual acceptance of
its status as a Muslim state and another partition of the country with
a deferred date.
The Homeland
Resolution sums up:
They (Kashmiri Pandits) have not reacted to Muslim communalism, instead they have faced
the rigours of Muslim dominance with the fervent hope that the thrust on
universal education and the scientific progress in the state would pave
way for the full flow of democratic thought, recognition of human rights,
the genuine urges and aspirations of Kashmiri Hindu minorities, religious
tolerance, equity and justice. This hope is now shattered. Neither his
Muslim brethren in Kashmir nor the Indian Government which swears by secularism
came to the rescue of Kashmiri Hindus at the time when they were butchered
and hounded out of their homes and hearths, nor at this moment when they
have been uprooted and thrown into wilderness to face a life and death
struggle for survival. All the constitutional guarantees for the protection
of their limb, life, property, their status and dignity have been trampled
with impunity Kashmiri Pandits have as much right to live in Kashmir as
any other religious group.
The Kashmiri
Pandits faced with the Muslim tyrannical order were neglected and hurled
into the backwaters of Kashmir political scenario which fact is conceded
by a highly partisan writer like Gautam Navlakha. He writes, "It goes without
saying that the absence of a clearcut policy towards non-Muslims is a shortcoming
of the political leadership in Kashmir. It has seldom bothered to go beyond
the generalities, which only assuage the insecurity felt by Kashmiri Pandits."
As a result
of intensified vilification campaign against Kashmiri Pandits and politically
sponsored blatant communal aggression launched upon them, a Jewish anthoropoligist
Isaac Shamoun was obliged to remark:
"This community
is suppressed to the extent that its dignity as human beings is disfigured
and its personality debased making the community its worst enemy. Only
such a community deserves to be lifted upto the level of proud and dignified
human beings.
As a response
to the banishment and externment of the entire community the Homeland demand
puts, "Because of their equal rights to the land of their birth they stake
their claim to be an equal partner to any future deliberations in the process
of normalization and ultimate solution of the problems."
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