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Kashmir: The Storm center of the World
Table of Contents
   About the Author
   Abode of Kashyap
   The Making of J&K
   Hundred Years of Dogra Rule
   Quit Kashmir Movement
   Hari Singh's Dilemma
   Accession to India
   First Indo-Pak War
   Bungling at U.N.
   Kashmir Divided
   The Dixon Proposals
   Shadow of Cold War
   The Chinese Factor
   Indo-Pak War of 1965
   Indo-Pak War of 1971
   The Great Betrayal
   Back to Square One
   War by Proxy
   The Way Out
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Mar 15, 2025: Saturday


Bal Raj Madhok is a well-known personality in the Indian subcontinent and as such does not need any introduction for Indian readers. However, by virtue of the fact that it is well-nigh impossible to foresee the future of a book, any book, if published in India, as they are more often than not banned by the Congress-ruled government to hide facts from the people, it has become necessary that a few words are said about this renowned author and his latest book for the benefit of non-Indian readers in the West.

The Moslem fundamentalists have got a strangle hold on Indian politics to such a degree that no books can be published or read without the approval of these highly sensitive individuals sniffing at anything that could even remotely be accused of being blasphemous to a delicate prophet. That explains why it was necessary to publish Mr. Madhok's book, KASHMIR - The Storm Center of the World, in the United States of America, a bastion of liberty and fairplay and not in India, inspite of its national motto, "Truth Will Prevail". It was India that had banned Rushdie's book the first and not Iran or Saudi Arabia!

Readers will soon discover that the Kashmir imbroglio was the creation of one and one man only and that was India's Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. And unfortunately this very important fact has been kept hidden from the Indian people all these years by acts of omission and commission for which the entire Congress party and its luminaries have to be blamed.

The Indian people have been called upon to expend immense sums of money, lose thousands of innocent lives and all that for nothing. When the cream of Maharajah of Patiala's Sikh battalions were fighting the rapacious Moslem tribals, Pandit Nehru was laying in bed with his mistress Edwina Mountbatten. The man never ever took the trouble to visit any battle fronts, either in Kashmir, Tibet or in the North-East when the Chinese communists attacked India. Our boys had to fight a singularly difficult battle which had been rendered impossible by Nehru's ideological stupidities, who suffered from hallucinations and used to imagine himself as a 'British' Viceroy of India after the departure of Lord Louis Mountbatten of Burma. The man's retribution did come by divine intercession, one would say; he died a victim of syphilis.

The story of Kashmir is a long story of betrayal by our own leaders. All endeavors by our honest, hardworking patriotic men were nullified by treachery. The readers will read how Gopalaswamy Ayyengar's brief for the debate on Kashmir in the United Nations, was leaked to his opponent, Zafrullah Khan of Pakistan, over and over again, by Moslem agents of India's Foreign Ministry, hired and promoted by Nehru himself.

It is a sad story of trying to save a country when a potent poison is injected into the psyche of the Indian people, in the form of Nehruvian secularism. The deadly symptoms are visible today in all aspects of life in India; Kashmir is only one side of it. Then, one may ask, why are the secular minions of the now deceased Nehru trying to hold on to Kashmir! The obvious reason is that if Kashmir goes, so goes the myth of Nehruvian secularism and the only justifying reason for India's Moslems to remain in India against the wishes of the rest of the population. After all, the country was partitioned on religious grounds and at the demand of the Moslems only. They had maintained that they could not live among the kafir Hindus, or non-believers! The future of Indian Moslem in such a situation will then go back in the hands of our inscrutable gods; no man, secular or otherwise, will have any say when the final deluge comes!

The Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Christian refugees from Islamic Pakistan and Bangladesh, are inundating the streets of India. They had to leave their established homes and processions in those Islamic lands to save their lives. They too need a roof over their heads, a job to sustain themselves and their families. And how long will they live on the streets when India's Moslems can go to those Islamic countries and vacate their homes here. They have homes waiting for them anyway! But things are being made even more difficult by the Congress party that permits illegal influx of Moslems from the two Islamic wings on either side, that runs into scores of millions already!

The author has chosen a right title for his book. It is quite eloquent. Kashmir IS the storm center of the world. This fact has been kept hidden so far but not any longer. There is a lot to learn from Mr. Madhok's present book and no doubt students of history and international politics will find the book extremely informative, if not shocking. The current leaders of India are exemplified by men like India's erstwhile Foreign Minister Solanki, belonging to Nehru's Congress party. He was caught red handed while attempting one of his many anti-national and nefarious activities! Such are the men that helped to bedevil the Kashmir situation and the entire country is still paying for it. India has now been turned into a country where there is a lot of crime but NO punishment; but surely that is going to change when the people's retribution is administered in full dose, eventually. That will be the day!

The Publisher
Ramnavami, April, 1992
Houston, Texas

Kashmir: The Storm Center of the World


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