April-June 2002 issue
From the
Editor's Desk
Excellence is
issue of Milchar makes a proud mention of Achin Kaul, achieving place of
honour in Maharashtra Board examination. Also mentioned is the selection
of first ever KP girl Sharmishta Kaul, to the coveted IAS. These are some
examples of our youngsters achieving laurels in various fields and disciplines,
which may not always find mention in our organs. But they are equally important
and significant. They testify that it is within us to stand ahead and me
noticed. It may sound chauvinistic but I will not hesitate to say there
is something special in us which makes us shine. Shine we will, if we rub
off the rust which covers the genuine mettle within.
This issue also contains the obituary reference to two other great
personalities, Shri Sham Lal Shakdher and Dr. M.L.Dhar. They have done
the community proud in their own field. They have done so with humble origins,
working hard up the line, with no special facilities or patronage available
to them. They achieved what they did on the basis of their grit and intelligence.
There are many who have gone past amongst us, who have done it. Others
are even at this time making the grade. They all go to prove 'we can'.
I would go a step further and say this very quality of excellence
is our salvation. Politics may use us, but will not save us. Politics is
finally a game of numbers in which we will always be losers. Fairness of
our demand and whatever we have in support of our cause, will be overlooked.
Few words of sympathy but no urge to help us, will welcome us. What can
help us, is our own capacity and attainment. This is the age of knowledge
power. If we ride the crest of this wave, we may share power - but
never a political power. Let us distinguish ourselves by our achievements.
I am proud of the achievements of our youngsters who point that
it is within us to lead the knowledge pack. Mr. Pradip Kar - Microland,
may be a more known example. Thanks to the state of Maharashtra, our boys
and girls have got a kick start into professional courses, from which we
were being biased in home - Kashmir. It has opened the flood gates of our
creativity. Except for few exception, our youngsters have generally done
well. No doubt, there has been an employment crunch during last one year
or so, but our youngsters have mostly found an opening. This they have
done merely on the basis of their own individual ability and capacity.
I would not hesitate to restate that the solutions
to our problems will come from within us only - our undivided and collective
achievements. Let us take full advantage of the freedom to excel, which
had been denied to us for decades. Freedom and discipline are two sides
of the same coin. Let this freedom spur us to higher realms of creativity
and not lead us astray.
... P. N.
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