April-June 2002 issue
Kashmir Cauldron
the time this piece appears in Milchar, Kashmir Political cauldron which
has again been on the simmer for the past two months or so now, may have
reached the full boil point. All these six weeks or so many a political
parties moved by their own agenda/considerations/compulsions have tried
to put their ingredients in the cauldron and wish the cauldron to throw
up a dish which even though unpalatable to their palate may appear delectable
to the eyes of the public
Like, the Hurriyat, while offering a fresh proposal on Kashmir, which laid
emphasis on their leaders visiting POK to convince the militants leaders
there about the cessation of militancy for the peace in the valley, added
for garnishing sake that Kashmiri Pandits shall have to return.
Like, Omar Farooq on his coronation while enunciating the priorities for
the state as the new President of National conference harped the tune of
autonomy which he said the present government in Delhi may not concede
to but any future government shall have to grant it to J&K, tagging
for the sake of public consumption that Kashmir Pandits shall have to return
to the valley with honour and dignity.
Like, Mr. Bhat President Jamat-e-Islami completely disassociated himself
with their often quoted maxim – “accession to Pakistan”. He even went to
the extent of saying the word Pakistan doesn’t appear in their constitution
– a volte-face. He even said that whatever views have been pronounced
on this issue so far have been personal views of Mr. Gheelani – Jamat doesn’t
subscribe to it.
Like, for the first time VHP & RSS have adopted resolutions on Kashmir
policy and shown keen interest in the plight of Kashmiri Pandits, as if,
suddenly waking up after slumber of 12 years suggesting quadruplicating
or Triplicating the J&K state. A position in the valley for Kashmiri
Pandits was emphatically made out. The statement was lapped up within minutes
by the Chairman of Panun Kashmir Dr. Ajay Chrangu. The proposals, as was
expected, have since been rejected by the BJP and the other leftist parties.
Like, Sajad Lone, the son of deceased Ab. Gani Lone addressing a sizeable
gathering at Kupwara, his home town on the ‘Chelum’ of his father made
two relevant points – one that Hurriyat leaders are not people’s representatives.
Second, if they do not remove hindrances in ormalizing situation
in the valley, the people could remove them from their respectable places
and disgrace them. The important thing however, was slogans. ‘Hindu-Muslim
Itihad Zindabad’ speaks a lot for the times to come.
Like, there is thinking in Delhi that elections in J&K state may be
held in March 2003, so that when Dr. Farooq’s term, ends in October –beyond
that date the state could be put under Presidents rule and free and fair
elections ensured.
So you see, a lot is cooking in Kashmir cauldron, but, ‘Between Ourselves’
Kashmiri Pandits Community shall be talked about, tossed in resolutions,
but nothing tangible shall fall into our plate – our thirst shall remain
unquenched, for realms best known to our leaders.
J. L. Manwati
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