Translate Site

Mr. Kashi Nath Pandita
Mr. Kashi Nath Pandita
Table of Contents
   About the Author
   Translation Methodology
   Hindu Period
   Zulchu and Rinchan
   Early Shahmirs
   Later Shahmiris
   The Chaks
   Chak Rulers
   Yusuf Shah Chak's Accession
   Rise & Fall of Yusuf Shah Chak
   Book in pdf format

Koshur Music

An Introduction to Spoken Kashmiri

Panun Kashmir


Symbol of Unity

Mar 16, 2025: Sunday

Translation Methodology

1. Since the chronicle was one long narrative, it became necessary to divide it into chapters. There are eight of them, each dealing with a particular period or a particular ruling house. Care has been taken to ensure that minimum dislocation of events or their overlapping takes place. 

2. As stated elsewhere in the introduction, translation of verses has been left out. Likewise superfluous titles and appendages to names, a practice very common to Persian historiographical style, have also been left out to make the account readable. 

3. Effort has been made to reproduce the place names as correctly as possible; some deficiencies have still remained. 

4. Transliteration of Persian/Arabic/Sanskrit words, names, phrases etc. has been done in accordance with the accepted system. (See the key to transliteration). Diacritical marks have been used wherever necessary. 

5. Explanatory comments wherever necessary have been put in round parenthesis, but whatever was felt necessary to clear the textual ambiguities has been put in square brackets. 

6. Blanks and erasions in the MS have been shown by the sign ... in the English translation. Illegible words have also been indicated likewise followed by the abbreviation illeg. 

7. Conversion of Hijra years into Christian years has been done on the basis of the Lunar year system of the Muslim calendar and not the Solar year system of the Iranians. 

8. Qur'anic verses, which figure in the chronicle, have been rendered into English wherever possible. 

9. Folio numbers of the MS and their corresponding printed pages have been given on a separate sheet.



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