Chapter 4: Later Shahmiris
The late Sultan Sikander
was succeeded by his eldest son Sultan 'Ali in A.H. 817 (A.D. 1414).[1]
It has already been said that his reign lasted eight years and some months.
In the year A.H. 826 (A.D. 1422), he proceeded on a pilgrimage to Mecca[2]
and entrusted his kingdom, government and property to his son Zainu'1-'Abidin.
The later ascended the throne of Kashmir in the same year, and his reign
lasted fifty-two years.
Expedition against Jasrath
During his reign Mir Sayyid Nasir re-equipped
himself with arms and supplies to confront Raja (of?) Jasrot. He paid no
heed to the entreaties of his brothers, dear ones and elders to desist
from the contemplated expedition and was inspired by the verse which says:
'In the hand of God, the conductor of affairs, have we left the result
of our actions; let us see what His grace will be." Setting aside their
advice, he told his relatives that the year appeared to be auspicious for
his victory. Since, with the grace of God Almighty, all the necessary means
were available to him, he was disposed to translate his desire into action.
In accordance with the dictum that 'whenever God wishes a certain thing
to be done, necessary means appear', it was likely that victory would be
theirs, and that group of wicked persons would become their prisoner. The
aforesaid group [of well-wishers] found that the Sayyid was not prepared
to change his decision. Hence they were left with no alternative but to
remain silent and leave the consequences of his actions to God Almighty.
They returned to their residence. In short, the abovementioned Mir Sayyid
very humbly embarked on this expedition and uttered the verses:
[ verses ]
In a fit of anger, he (Sayyid Nasir) burnt the
dwellings of the inhabitants of Jaricha, and then turned towards Jesrath.
Sayyid Qasim[3] says that apart from his own troops, five thousand more
soldiers of his old acquaintance, who were armed to the teeth and owed
allegiance to Mir Nasir Baihaqi, preferring death to life, marched from
Jaricha to seek revenge on Raja [ of ? ] Jasrot [sic]. They passed through
dangerous stages [of the journey] and at last were face to face with the
troops of the Raja. A fierce battle ensued in which people in large numbers
on both sides were killed. At last, with the help of God, the troops of
Islam emerged victorious over the infidels, whose innumerable soldiers
were killed on the battlefield and many were taken prisoner.
Relation with Sayyids
After destroying the Satan's[4] party, he (Mir
Sayyid Nasir) proceeded to Nowshehr (Hind) to visit the holy shrine of
Miran Sayyid Hasan. When the news of the advent of the victorious troops
of Mir Sayyid Nasir in Nowshehr (Hind) reached Sultan Zainu'l- 'Abidin
in Kashmir, he despatched experienced advisers to [meet] Miran Sayyid Nasir
with the purpose of reviving cordial relations with Mir Sayyid Mahmud which
had been established during the reign of Sultan Sikandar.
To strengthen and to stabilize his authority,
he (Zainu'l'Abidin) invited him to a feast and duly fulfilled the obligations
demanded of a host. Mir Sayyid Nasir had three sons, all brave and valiant.
One of them, Mir Sayyid Ibrahim, attained martydom while fighting the infidels
in the vicinity of the Doab; his grave is at Jaricha. With his death Ibrahim's
line came to an end. The second son, Miran Sayyid Mahmud, succeeded his
father. At the time of leaving Nowsher (Hind)[5] for Kashmir, he bade his
son proceed to Jaricha. Mir Mahmud remains buried at Jaricha and his descendants
continue to live at that place. His third son was Mirak Sayyid Hasan who
was taken by his father along with himself. Relying on Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin's
promises of friendship and cordiality, Nasir entered Kashmir by the Hirpur
route at the head of a sizeable entourage. Then he settled in Kashmir.
Zainu'l-'Abidin found that Mir Sayyid Nasir was
gifted with excellent qualities of head and heart; he entrusted him with
the administration of justice in those lands.[6] A dwelling-house situated
somewhere between Bagh-i-Mir Veys and Nowshehr was provided to him. The
Sultan strengthened his relations with this group to add to his prestige
and power. The wisdom and sagacity of Mir Sayyid was wellknown among the
learned men of Kashmir.
Nasir's death
Finding that Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin held the Sayyid
in high esteem, the materialistie people of that wretched country (Kashmir)
conspired to put an end to his life, which was dedicated to public good,
by putting poison into a pineapple, which was sent to him as a gift.
This foul deed was done by a wicked person. God
grants special favours to His true and sincere devotees, and one among
these is to elevate them to the heights of martyrdom at the last moments
of their lives. [7] Despite his miraculous powers of anticipating dangers,
Miran Sayyid ate the pine-apple. What appeared to be a fruit was in reality
the fatal poison which went into his bowels, tearing them to shreds.
Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin immediately went to see
him at his place and came to know about what had happened. He asked Miran
Sayyid about the ignoble wretch who had committed that crime, so that he
might be brought to book. "He has snatched you away from us and we shall
meet nowhere save in the next world." said the Sultan. The Sayyid replied
that he would, in no case, disclose the identity of the detestable culprit
because torturing him would only work towards his [Sayyid's] losing the
lofty claim to martyrdom. It was enough that on the day of resurrection
the sinner would be exposed to untold torture and the wrath of the Omnipotent.
Mirak Sayyid Hasan, his son, pointedly insisted upon him to disclose the
facts about the poisoning, but to no avail. He asked for a pen and an inkpot
and wrote these couplets as a recommendation for his sons, and gave [the
paper] to the Sultan
[ verses ]
Perceiving that the Sayyid's illness had taken
a serious turn, Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin felt greatly distressed and retired
to his palace in a state of utter dejection. He continued to make constant
enquiries about his health and was overpowered by grief to such an extent
that he could not rest even for a moment in his bed. The Hatif (the invisible
messenger) brought this word from the unknown to the ears of the pure:
[ verses ]
On wednesday, the twelfth of the month of Sh'aban,
his condition became serious:
[ verses ]
On Thursday, the thirteenth of Sh'aban, A.H. 829
(A.D. 1522), he surrendered his soul to the messenger of death. The chronogram
of this event has been recorded as follows:
khiradmand dana-i danish pazir
ze man baz pursid Tarikh-i Mir
dil-e danish anduz-e ulwi sarisht
bigufta buwad Sayyid ahl-e bihisht
His death was mourned by all, high and low, friend
and foe.
[ verses ]
The burial [of the Sayyid] and the accompanying
rites of a dead person were performed in accordance with the traditions
laid down by the Prophet [of Islam].[8] The body was laid to rest in the
neighbourhood of the graveyard of Shaykh Bahau'd-Din,[9] a lovely, alluring
place of spiritual charm. To this day, the shrine continues to be a place
of spiritual attraction for the devotees who visit it to seek the blessings
of the departed [soul]. They offer prayers to seek fulfilment of their
wishes and solutions to their difficulties. The shrine in that land is
called Mazar-i-Sadat.
Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin and his nobles and elderly
people condoled the death of the Sayyid for three[10] days and also fulfilled
mourning obligations demanded by the sad occasion. Divines, priests and
scholarly persons were summoned to recite the Qur'anic verses round-the-clock.
On the third day, he [the Sultan] served a sumptuous meal to them as well
as to poor people. After visiting the graves [of the pious ones], he returned
to his palace. Mirak Sayyid Hasan, the son of the deceased, and other kinsmen
and relatives of the late Sayyid were then summoned by him to his palace,
where he entrusted the office held by the late Sayyid to his son. The rest
of his associates were rewarded with different favours.
Insurgents curbed
After Mirak Hasan assumed the office of his father,
the foster-brothers [11] of Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin, adopted a threatening
stance in Nowshehr by showing defiance of and disregard for his authority.
They began to put hurdles in the way of Sultan's administrative officers
in conducting their duties. Their insolent and base actions made him unhappy.
It was generally believed by people in Kashmir that these very persons
were instrumental in getting Sayyid Nasir poisoned. Thus the Sultan had
sufficient reasons to be displeased with them. Placing a contingent of
troops under Mirak Sayyid Hasan, the Sultan directed him to suppress the
insurgents. Supported by the unbounded grace of God, Mirak Sayyid Hasan
confronted them bravely. A grim battle ensued which resulted in the wholesale
slaughter of those people.
[ verses ]
With the defeat of the enemy, Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin's
government in the lands of Kashmir became very strong and stable. People
in those lands were delivered from the oppression and tyranny of the Sultan's
foster-brothers and their accomplices. They all submitted to the authority
of Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin and spent their days in peace and security and
prayed for his long life.
Arts and crafts
Relieved of anxieties, Zainu'l-'Abidin took up
his residence at Nowshehr and ordered the construction of lofty mansions
and imposing buildings in that locality.[12] Most of his generals and commanders
were given houses in that area for residential purposes. Apart from these,
some high ranking people among the Sayyids and the learned, like Sayyid
Muhammed Madani, Mulla Parsa and others were also invited to live in that
locality so that their association and company would be easily available
[to him].[13]
After this victory, people in this land enjoyed
peace and prosperity. The Sultan made full efforts towards the development
and progress of his kingdom and extended encouragement to artists and craftsmen.
As a result of these, a number of novel arts and crafts developed and became
popular. Whenever a traveller came to this country, he was asked searching
and pointed questions as to whether he was proficient in any art and craft.
In case he was, a couple of clever and intelligent persons were told to
learn these crafts from him. In this way many arts and crafts came into
During those days, no one in this land knew the
art of paper-making and book-binding. This king of excellent parts despatched
two intelligent and sharp-witted persons to Samarqand. Their families and
children were provided with means of subsistence from the state exchequer,
and they themselves received all the expenses of their journey and other
incidental expenses during their travel to Samarqand. They stayed in that
city for some years. One of them learnt the craft of paper-making and the
other book-binding. After attaining perfection in their respective crafts,
they returned to their native land where they popularized their newly-learnt
crafts among people.[14]
Patron of learning
He (the Sultan) bestowed so many favours upon
men of arts and learning that it is not possible to imagine that annything
more could be done [about it].
During those days, the number of authentic and
rare books in this country was very small. This patron of learning sent
a variety of presents to the rulers of Fars, Khurasan and the governors
of 'Iraq and Sijistan, with the request that they arrange for him a collection
of genuine and rare books. The number of books thus collected was so large
that it cannot be described here. When the Sultan learnt from haji pilgrims
that the original manuscript of Jarullah 'Allama's Kashshaf in his own
hand was in the possession of the learned men of holy Mecca, he [immediately]
summoned an excellent calligraphist and placing more than adequate funds
at his disposal, despatched him to Mecca where he stayed for some years
and succeeded in making for him a true copy of this work. After collecting
and correcting his copies of the manuscript very carefully, he procured
a certificate from the nobles and the elite of the 'Mother of Cities' to
the effect that the scribe had copied from the original manuscript of Jarullah
and had most carefully compared the two, making necessary corrections in
his copy before carrying it with him to those lands. On seeing the manuscript,
Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin once again bestowed upon the scribe gifts and robes
of honour. The manuscript was put in the custody of the concerned office.[15]
During the first uprising of Mirza Haider,[16] amidst loot and arson, this
manuscript fell into the hands of Qadi Mirza Haidar [or the Qadi of Mirza
Haidar ?].[17] The Qadi, realizing that it was a valuable prize, carried
it to his native land.
Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin showed considerable respect
for men of learning and attainment; he also gave prizes and stipends to
them. During his reign, many learned men of great repute flocked to his
court from foreign lands (vilayat)[18] Maulana Mir Muhemmed Rumi and Maulana
Ahmad Rumi, the two brothers with various attainments to their credit,
arrived in this land [during this time]. They received lavish gifts and
favours from the Sultan and ultimately settled here. On learning about
Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin's bounteous patronage to men of learning, a large
number of them came to Kashmir; they were received and looked after with
special care. [19]
Tolerant towards Infidels
Whereas the Sultan showed considerable favour
and regard to the Muslim nobles and their learned men, he also undertook
the re-construction of the monuments of the infidels and the communities
of the polytheists. He popularized the practices of the infidels and the
heretics and the customs of idol-worshippers and the people ignorant of
faith. All those temples and idol-houses af the infidels, which had been
destroyed totally in the reign of Sultan Sikandar, may God bless his soul,
were re-built and re-habilitated by him.[20] Most of the unbelievers and
polytheists, who had fled to the lands of Jammu and Kishtwar because of
the overwhelming strength of Islam, were induced by him to return to Kashmir.[21]
The sacred books of the infidels and the writings of the polytheists which
had been taken out of this country were brought back, and thus the learning
of the unbelievers and the customs of the polytheists were revived by him.[22]
He helped the community of the misled idolators to prosper. In every village
and town, blasphemous customs connected with spring or temples were revived.
He ordered that in every town and locality, celebration of special feasts
and festivals by the infidels be revived in accordance with the customs
prevalent in the past. He himself attended many of these festivities[23]
and distributed gifts among dancers, stage actors, musicians and women
singers so that all people, high and low, found themselves happy and satisfied
with him.
Security of boundaries
Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin provided effcient and orderly
administration during his reign and ensured safety and security of the
boundaries of Kashmir from encroachments and forcible territorial occupation
by foreigners. He extended the territorial limits of his domain to acquire
some arable land in distant Tibet at a place called Li Shi and turn it
into a private farm.
On the side of India, all the territories conquered
by Sultan Shihabu'd-Din on the other side of Bahlul Pora waters, the Salt
Range and the boundaries of Swadgir were put in the control of Sultan of
India. Whatever fell on this side [of the geographical boundary] remained
under the control of the Sultans of Kashmir.[24] Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin
made secure and guarded these boundaries of his domain. These territories
yielded tribute to the Sultan. If any ruler dared to launch an attack on
these frontiers, he would despatch his commanders and generals at the head
of a formidable force to ensure the security of his territory from such
attacks. Sometimes he came out in person to command his troops.
Tibetan operation
Once, during his reign, an uprising took place
in those regions, in which the ruler of Kashghar attempted to occupy Tibet
and Balti. Sultan Zainu1-'Abidin summoned his nobles and chiefs and a strong
of twenty thousand horsemen and a hundred thousand footmen was raised in
the pargana of Lar. These troops were put under local commanders: Muhammad
Magray, Malik Mas'ud Thakkur,[25] who was a descendant from the line of
Chandas, Helmat Raina, and Ahmad Raina. Among the non-locals, Mirak Sayyid
Hasan also shared the command with them. [Along with these] the Sultan
marched on to Tibet. Although Kashgharian soldiers outnumbered their Kashmiri
counterparts, yet the latter exhibited singular courage and valour. A fierce
and bloody battle took place at Yashya[26] [sic], a place in Tibet. At
this juncture, under the pressure of the enemy the Kashmiri soldiers began
to show signs of fatigue and slackness. But that valient chief of the Sayyids
of Baihaq-Mirak Sayyid Hasan[27]-exhibiting the traditional valour of the
Hashimites[28] advanced to confront the Turki saldiers.
[ verses ]
Turkish troops made a desperate attack. A day's
relentless fighting wore both the sides down and, by nightfall, they retired
to their respective camps. Next day, at sunrise, the commanders and the
stalwarts of the realm of Kashmir, taking inspiration from the unique valour
which Mirak Sayyid Hasan had exhibited on the previous day, struck so fiercely
and slew the Turks so ruthlessly that the very sun in its high sphere sang
[their] praises.
[ verses ]
A large number of soldiers was slain on either
side. "When Gad wills, a few shall overpower many", so goes the saying.
The happy news of the victory of Kashmiri troops spread among the people
and was conveyed to Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin. He returned to Kashmir in triumph
from the Tibetan ranges and continued to rule over his realm in peace and
Works of public utility
During, the times of the aforesaid Sultan, the
people of these parts as well as of those falling under his suzerainty
witnessed prosperous days and security of life and property; for, the Sultan
paid full attention to the dispensation of justice and general welfare
of his subjects. During his times, food and other eatables were so abundant
and corn and cereals so cheap as they had been never before. Wholehearted
efforts were made by the Sultan towards the promotion of works of public
utility and other construction activities which led to the prosperity of
the country. Many villages and hamlets and stretches of land which had
been devastated and rendered fallow and stood in ruins on account of the
ravages of Zulchu were rehabilitated and reclaimed. Some of these are Zainpora,
Zainakot, Zainadab, and Zainagir. Wherever land was reclaimed for cultivation
and habitation, he ordered the construction of a spacious mansion or an
attractive rest-house. He desired that the land at Zainagir be reclaimed
and made arable. For this purpose he got the old Pohru canal blocked by
huge stones. Its water was thus brought to the lands of Zainagir which
enabled the villagers to cultivate paddy. Income raised from the taxes
and revenues of those lands was given to men of learning, eminence and
piety, for their maintenance. Thus it was endowed in their name. [In Zainagir]
he ordered the construction of a magnificent palace. When it was completed,
he also ordered that a garden with shady and fruit-bearing trees be laid
around it.
Pandav Chak destroyed
In those days there lived one Pandeh (Pandav)
Chak, a descendant of Lankar Chak,[30] and head of the clan of Chaks. He
conferred with his relatives and associates that in case Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin
stationed himself in Kamaraj,[31] it would result in forced labour for
their tribe. Men would be forced to do manual labour including carrying
of loads and luggage.[33] On the eve of the Sultan's arrival in the town,
no workers except carpenters, masons, and artisans were present. Pandeh
Chak took with him a group of his kinsmen and set that place on fire [where
the Sultan had decided to stay in Kamaraj]. After destroying all the buildings,
he withdrew to the mountains of Trehgam,[33] but despatched his womenfolk
to Drav.[34] When the news was conveyed to the Sultan, he sent a large
contingent of his soldiers who burnt the houses belonging to Pandeh Chak
at Trehgam. Pandeh Chak fled to Drav. Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin got the palace
re-built but only to be burnt by Pandeh Chak and his men once again, when
they seized a suitable opportunity to return from Drav. Again Pandeh Chak
retired to Drav. Later on Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin tried to win the people
of Drav by offering gifts and extending many favours to them. In this way
he brought them under his submission. They captured Pandeh Chak along with
members of his family and kinsfolk, young as well as old, and then handed
them over to the Sultan, who issued orders of execution [sic] of Pandeh
Chak and also of such of his sons and relatives who were capable of fighting
or resisting him. Their children and womenfolk were banished to a village
called Kavarel [35] [sic] and situated on the other extreme of Kashmir.
They took up permanent dwelling there. After some time, their infants came
of age and cultivated acquaintance with local people. Their neighbours
treated them with compassion and affection. At last the clan of the Nayaks
which had been enjoying superior position in that locality entered into
matrimonial relations with the Chaks. Most of the other leading families
of the area also established matrimonial alliances with them.
Of their line-a son of Pandeh Chak-was one Husain
Chak whom God blessed with nine or ten sons. The clan of the Chaks of Trehgam
increased and multiplied through the progeny of this Husain Chak and their
tribe broke off into various branches.[33] We shall deal with them at their
proper place in this work.
The legend of Wular
Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin had zest for raising buildings
and mansions at places which commanded scenic beauty and had attractive
surroundings. Lakes, full of clean and transparent waters, like of Dal,
Bumeh [sic] and Wular were filled with stones and earth [at particular
spots] to create artificial islands on which splendid buildings were erected.
Such a big artificial island was developed in the Wular lake on which a
mansion, a mosque and some houses were erected; it was given the name of
It is said that in ancient times there was no
water at the present site of the lake and a big town[37] with dense popution
flourished there. The ruler of this city was called Sudarshan. The inhabitants
of the city indulged in various kinds of immoral and corrupt acts and the
king and his courtiers perpetrated cruelty and oppression [ on people ].
In the city there lived a pious and God-fearing
potter; he was unhappy with the rest of the people for their corrupt and
impious acts. One night he saw a soothsayer in his dream who bade him to
exhort his compatriots to desist from all acts of impiety and ignominy,
failing which their land would get submerged under a sheet of water. When
the potter conveyed this to the people, they did not give any credence
to him; they called him a mad man and dismissed his words as nonsense.
The following night the potter received afflatus directing him to roll
his belongings [that very night] and abandon the city because an impending
deluge was to wipe it out entirely. Till midday he made a public announcement
of this imminent danger, but no one paid heed to him. Shortly after the
afternoon prayers, he collected his belongings and fled to Kamaraj. The
following dawn he glanced back from the hill-tops[38] far across the city-and
found it submerged. He found no traces of its buildings.
In that city there was a big idol-house and a
lofty temple.[39] The idol-house also got submerged under water. Since
Zainu'l-'Abidin desired to raise an artificial island in the lake on which
the lank could be created, he ordered the boatmen and the divers to locate
a spot of minimum depth in the Wular over which it could be raised without
much labour. All of them suggested the spot where the massive buildings
had stood previously. They said that when the water receded to its lowest
level in winter, the stones of the temple would become visible through
the crystelline waters of the lake. Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin took a boat
and personally examined the spot. He ordered the divers to make an attempt
at finding anything [of the relics] inside the temple in the water. The
divers plunged into the lake and with utmost care made their way into the
temple, wherefrom they pulled out two bronze idols. The Sultan then selected
the very site for developing an island.[40]
Prior to that, this Sultan had got a boat built
for use in the Wular lake after the design of boats found in Gujerat. A
master architect, Duroodgiri by name, had been called from Gujerat and
he supervised the construction of the boat[41] in which the Sultan used
to make pleasure trips whenever he so desired. The boat moved with the
help of sails. For developing the artificial island, lank, he ordered that
the boat be brought to stand exactly over the site of the submerged temple.
It was then filled with stones and sunk into the lake. Then more stones
were dropped around it. This was followed by boatloads of loose earth and
stones till the island came up. It was brought to a level higher than that
of the water, so that the structure raised on it was made secure against
floods and storms. The shape of this island is somewhat like a rectangle,
with its length extending from east to west and --- yards respectively
and --- yards from north to south.
The Sultan ordered that two buildings be constructed
on that island; one, a palace with its ground floor made of stone, and
the upper two storeys of brick and timber; the other, a mosque raised solidly
in the middle of the island. One of the poets of those days found the year
of construction of lank in the chronogram Khurram-Abad. The verse ergraved
on the top fore-part of the mosque is:
ta Zain-i abad andar an jashn kunad
paiwasteh chu tarikh-i khudash Khurram bad.
The Sultan got mulberry and fruit trees planted
and flowers of different hues cultivated on the island. In fact, an attractive
place with an airy mansion was raised in the middle of the lake. A picnic
spot of such beauty is not to be found in the whole of Kashmir.
It has been seen that some of the rulers who attained
power and authority ordered the pulling down of some ancient buildings.
They raised new structures on these sites to be ascribed to them. But the
palace and the mosque of Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin [ in the Wular lake ] cannot
suffer such an alteration.
Pohru canal
After the construction of the lank and the raising
of structures on it, the Sultan paid attention towards the reclamation
of land at Zainagir and also towards the digging of the Pohru canal, as
is evident from the chronograms about these two projects. The date of creating
the lank has been derived from the chronogram Khurram-Abad and that of
Pohru Canal from Jay-e Khurram.
Men of learning
There flourished a large number of famous saints
during the reign of this Sultan, such as Shaykh Bahau'd-Din Kashmiri, Shaykh
Sultan Kubra, Shaykh Nuru'd-Din,[42] Maulana Othman Majzoob, Shaykh Zainu'd-Din
Rishi, Mir Veys Majzoob, Maulana Nuru'd-Din, Mir Sayyid Madani, and Sayyid
Hasan Bilad-Rum. Some of them lived from the times of Sultan Sikandar,
the Iconoclast, to the times of Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin; some appeared and
became known only during his ( Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin's ) days. Apart from
them, a fairly large number of men of erudition and eminence also lived
at that time: for instance, Mulla Muhammad Rumi, Mulla Ahmad Rumi [of whom
mention has already been made], Qadl Sayyid 'Ali Shirazi, Qadi Jalal,[43]
Maulana Kabir, Sayyid Muhammad Luristani, and Sayyid Muhammad Sistani.
By and large, his courtiers and the men of learning of his times were of
cheerful disposition, experts in the art of versification, and subtle in
their discourses. These included Maulana Ahmad Kashmiri, Maulana Naderi,
Maulana Ziyai? Maulana Fathi and several others whose artistry can be found
in their delightful verses. The Sultan himself was adept at writing verses
and possessed a poetic sensibility. He adopted Qutb as his pen-name and
has left behind a Diwan of his verses. Here is a verse from his composition:
ay begird-e sham'-i
vaz lab-i shirin-i tu shorist dar har khanehi
In short, he was a ruler who did his utmost for
the progress and prosperity of his subjects; who took keen interest in
the re-habilitation and building up of the state; whose benevolence and
munificence prompted artists and craftsmen to gain excellence in their
skills . [ When ] the Jame' Mosque in the city caught fire during his reign,
he ordered the re-building of its western structures so that Friday congregations
and prayers were not suspended. The front portion of the mosque remained
charred. The ceiling as well as the roof had been completely burnt and
except for the bare walls nothing remained. The mosque continued to be
in this condition till the times of the government and ministry of Malik
Musa Raina [ and ] Ibrahim Magray. During the ministry of Malik Musa Raina,
Malik Ibrahim Magray undertook the task of re-construction of the three
sides of the mosque, making use of timber and pillars and other material
brought from Kitch-hama and Kamaraj and [ in ? ] it is, indeed, a big achievement
of Ibrahim Magray.
Revival of idolatory
The only conspicuous defect and an over-all drawback
of Zainu'l-'Abidin was that idolatory and heresy, which had been stamped
out in the reign of Sultan Sikandar the Iconoclast - God bless his soul-
and of which there had remained no traces in the lands of Kashmir, were
revived by him. The customs and practices of the polytheists and the heretics
received fresh impetus and were given renewed currency. He ordered that
particular days of festivity be celebrated in every town and village, in
which innumerable vices and corrupt practices were let loose. In more than
one way, these had a deletarious influence on the sharia' and Islam brought
by the Prophet. The community of infidels and heretics called him the Great
King[ 45] because they flourished under his rule and he was known by the
name throughout his kingdom.
With the passage of time, the customs of the Hindus
[46] and the infidels and their corrupt and immoral practices attained
such popularity that even the 'ulenza, the learned, the Sayyids and Qadis
of this land began to observe them without exhibiting even the slightest
repugnance for them. There was none to forbid them to do so. It resulted
in a gradual weakning of Islam and a decay in its cannons and postulates;
idol-worship and corrupt and immoral practices thrived. It was only after
the arrival of Amir Shamsu'd-Din Muhammad Iraqi and through the instrumentality
of his generous acts and excellent efforts that those unholy practices
were eradicated. Islamic religion and injunctions of the sharia' of the
Holy Prophet were revitalized under the dispensations of that spiritual
guide. Some of these events will be recorded at their proper place.
Thus ruled Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin over the kingdom
of Kashmir and enforced laws through its length and breadth. His reign
lasted fifty-two years. Unable to protect his dear life from the claws
of the angel of death, he passed away in A.H. 878 (A.D. 1473). This, according
to the calendar of the people of Kashmir, was [46] Vivat 12. He was buried
by the side of his father Sultan Sikandar, God's peace and forgiveness
be on him.[47]
[ verses ]
Haidar Shah
After the death of Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin, his
son Haidar Shah succeeded him on the aforesaid date. He did not live long,
and, after reigning for about two years, died in A.H. 880 (A.D. 1475).
Hasan Shah
Thus, in the aforesaid year, which according to
Kashmiri calendar is 48 Vivat, he was succeeded by his son Sultan Hasan
Shah.[49] During the tenure of his kingship, the Sultan gave himself up
to carnal pleasures. Nearly twelve hundred Indian singers [50] of both
sexes were inducted into his service. Apart from them, Kashmiri musicians,
singers, cymbal-beaters, etc. were also in the employ of his household.
During the entire period of his reign, he never came out [of his palace]
to lead his troops, though, of course, he did despatch his chiefs and commanders
to lead them. The commander of his army was Malik Ahmad Itoo. Sehej Raina,
a descendant of the Chandals, and Ahmad Magray of the clan of Magrays [51]
were among his high-ranking officials.
Expedition to Sialkot
Upto his times, the inhabitants of Bahlool Pore
and its adjacent areas paid taxes and tributes to the officials of Kashmir
and subjected themselves to their authority. One of his (Hasan Shah's)
officers, Tazi Bhat had proceeded to Bahlool Pora with a contingent of
troops to collect taxes and tributes. The governor of Lahore and Panjab
at this time was one Tatar Khan. He had moved his soldiers to a certain
place for military exercises and the troops [ stationed ] at Sialkot and
its suburbs joined him for the said purpose. Thus [at the time of Tazi
Bhat's arrival] in Sialkot and its adjoining areas only the peasants, artisans,
and petty shop-keepers could be found. Tazi Bhat launched an attack on
Sialkot and subjected the people to loot and plunder, causing ruin and
devastation. When Tatar Khan returned to Lahore and came to his dwelling
place, he was told about the devastation suffered by his country. Forthwith,
he turned towards Kashmir at the head of his army. However, no strenuous
efforts were needed at that time to occupy Kashmir for the reason that
the Sultan, the nobles, the commoners, as well as the soldiers were given
to sloth and had become addicted to bkang (canavis sativa) and other kinds
of narcotics. In the past the kings of Kashmir had enjoyed fame and reputation
in the lands of India, and the territories from the ridges of Kajdari mountains
and the off-sides of the borders at Gagren, was lost by the Sultans of
Kashmir and passed into the control of [the kings] of India, still, the
revenues from the peripheral areas of the domain of Kashmir from Kajdari
and Gagren [sic] to this side amounted to twelve crores [?] and one thousand
horses [sic] annually . [52]
After this (Tatar Khan's invasion), the commanders
and the chiefs of Kashmir adopted an attitude of bellicosity towards one
another and took to mutual feuds and in-fighting. This naturally crippled
their capacity to re-capture the out-flanking areas of Kashmir. They could
not ensure the security of the country; the result was that those territories
were lost by the rulers of Kashmir. Thus, except for bare midlands. nothing
remained under the sway of the authorities in Kashmir. Indeed, when friends
begin to oppose and confront one another, the enemy enjoys the fruit of
their conflicts to his heart's content.
Shams 'Iraqi arrives
In the times of Hasan Shah, Mir Shamsu'd-Din[53]
- the pioneer among the enquirers of truth-blessed these lands for the
first time with his auspicious footsteps.[54] He had brought an affectionate
letter of greetings for Sultan Hasan Shah from Sultan Husayn Mirza [55]
in which the latter had honoured him by addressing him (Sultan Hasan) as
his 'illustrious son.' Apart from that he had sent Sultan Hasan a fur-coat
of Kesh from his personal wardrobe.[56] Being addressed as his 'illustrious
son' and supplemented by the presents sent by him, the ruler of Khurasan
certainly added to the honour and prestige of the kings of those lands
After the death of Hasan Shah, Amir Shamsu'd-Din
'Iraqi got detained in Kashmir for about eight years on account of chaos
and confusion which prevailed there.[57] It was during the reign of Sultan
Fath Shah that he was permitted to leave and presents were offered to him.
His second visit [to Kashmir] came off after a lapse of twelve years,[58]
during the reign of Sultan Muhammad Shah.
Hasan Shah's death
During the time of the same Sultan Hasan Shah,
Shaykh Shihabu'd-Din Hindi, accompanied by his daughter, paid a visit to
this land. He announced that at Medina, by the side of the grave of the
Holy Prophet, he had been told in a dream that his daughter would be the
future wife of Sultan Hasan Shah of Kashmir. He further made it public
that he had come from Medina only to give his daughter in marriage to the
This Shaykh Shihabu'd-Din was a learned man who
came to Kashmir in the middle of autumn. Sultan Hasan put off the marriage
ceremony for a couple of months to allow them rest after a long and arduous
journey. When the spring set in, he wanted the marraige to be solemnized.
But the inevitable dispensation brought him his message of death before
the contemplated marriage could take place, and he joined the world of
the dead. Sultan Hasan Shah reigned for twelve years and five days[59]
and in the year 89 - corresponding to the sixth Vivat, l0th in Kashmiri
calendar- he breathed his last. He was laid to rest by the side of his
father and his ancestors. In the same year, his son, Sultan Muhammad Shah,
ascended the throne at the early age of seven.
[ verses ]
Muhammad Shah under guardianship
At that time, the authority and control of the
government rested in the hands of Sayyids of Baihaq. The foremost leader
of this group was Mirak Sayyid Hasan, the son of Mir Sayyid Nasir. He wielded
authority over other high officials [sic] in major administrative matters;
he considered Kashmiri chiefs and commanders as not a bit higher than his
servants and attendants. He had it proclaimed that in the management of
public affairs, he would not outstrip the limits of the sharia', and that
negligence in its observance [ by people] would not be tolerated. He further
said that he would not take for himself a single penny exacted under oppression,
and promised to abide strictly by the commands of the holy Book while dealing
with the matters of state. "Justice is a provost who adorns the state:
a ray that removes darkness and brings light." [60] Mirak Sayyid Hasan
put into practice what he said; he meted out justice to the oppressed and
gave them solace.
[ verses ]
[Such an] enforcement of religious law was resented
by the miscreants and the wicked who feared him. Since Kashmiri chiefs
were ignorant of the [superior] quality of administration based on the
Muhammadan law, they found it difficult to get adjusted to the authority
of Mirak Sayyid Hasan.[61] Hence they looked for pretexts to put an end
to his life. The scheme they devised was to deploy three hundred well-equipped
irregular warriors [62] in the royal place at night. When Mirak Sayyid
Hasan would come to his chamber where he used to dispense justice after
offering morning prayers, the troops would rush from their hiding places,
and put him to the sword. The conspiracy was kept a top secret.
It has been written in Kashmiri (i.e. Sanskrit)
[63] that on that particular night, while Mir Sayyid Hasan lay asleep as
usual, he had a dream in which he saw his father Mir Sayyid Nasir informing
him that since his enemies had joined hands in a vicious conspiracy of
murdering him, it was advisable that he should not come out of his house
next day nor should he ride his horse. But after rising from sleep he ignored
to seek an interpretation of the dream, [64] and proceeded to his office
chamber. Despite vehement entreaties made by his well-wishers and sincers
friends not to come out of his house on that day, he came out, and regarded
the previous night's dream as the work of an evil spirit.
[ verses ]
Mirak Sayyid Hasan arrived in his office chamber
without any hesitation. The murderers rushed out of their hiding place
and made a sudden attack on him and his nephews. He had with him his bow
and arrow. Forthwith he struck an arrow into the breast of one of his assailants
with such force that, piercing his breast, it embeded into another man's
side, killing both of them.
They [the Sayyid and his assailants] came so near
to each other that there was hardly any chance for anybody to use an arrow
or a lance. With swords and daggers, clubs and other weapons Mirak Sayyid
Hasan and his nephews got entangled in fight with their opponents. It led
to many killings in which Mirak Sayyid Hasan and fourteen of his brethren
and nephews attained martyrdom. The date of his death has been found in
the chronogram:
tarikh-i faut-i u ze khirad just murshidi
dana-i aql goft ki Mirak shahid shud.
Revenge and fighting
Of Mirak Hasan's party only one servant, wounded
and badly-mauled and drenched in blood, could manage to force his escape
through an aquaduct in the fort of Nowshehr. He carried himself to Mir
Muhammad, the son of Mirak Hasan, and told him of the tragedy [that had
befallen Mirak Sayyid Hasan]. In spite of the fact that Mir Muhammad had
not even crossed the seventeenth year of his age, he was not frightened
by this overhelmingly tragic event. He told his blood-brother, Mir Sayyid
Hashim, that if they did not fight the enemy then and there, the result
would be death to their supporters.
[ verses ]
He added that unless they fought their enemy,
unless the valiant on either side were slain in battle, and unless streams
of blood flowed between the royal palace and the fields their score with
the chiefs of Kashmir would not be settled [65]
[ verses ]
This suggestion was liked by the entrie body of
seniors on their side. A force of three thousand troops, armed to the teeth,
was raised and, relying on God's grace, mounted their horses, and headed
towards the fort of Nowshehr. When Kashmiri nobles came to know of their
[enemy's] ability to strike, they blocked the gates of the fort and deployed
archers and catapulters all around it. They armed themselves and stood
guard at different gates.
Sayyids win
People, high and low, climbed on roofs and house-tops
to have a view of the mighty battle which was being fought between soldiers
[fighting] on foot and on horse-back. Mir Muhammad, along with his soldiers,
engaged the enemy in front of the gate where the royal band played at regular
intervals. Amir Sayyid Hashim and his warriors took position near the gate
from which water flowed down. Both the brothers told their men in loud
words that the onlookers expected them to fight like brave and valiant
soldiers. Emotionally charged, the warriors were galvanized into heroic
action and they fell upon the enemy like lions on their prey. With divine
assistance, they put those wretched people to utter rout with a single
onslaught. Many Kashmiri warriors were slain, and the rest, realizing that
resistance was futile, left from the gate opening towards the Phak pargana.
They destroyed the bridges over the river running through the city, and
assembled at Zaldagar[66] maidan and sought reinforcement and help from
the people of that locality.
Raising the lofty banner of victory, Mir Muhammad
arrived at the spot where his father lay slain. He saw the tragic scene
of his father's dead body and those of his relatives lying in dust and
blood, like the martyrs of Kerbala.
[ verses ]
Despite the overwhelming strength and power of
the Sayyids, the situation slipped out of their control for some time,
with the result that there appeared signs of slackness on their part. However,
Mir Muhammad was able to recover the dead body of his father from the heap
of dust and laid it to rest in his ancestral graveyard. In despair he expressed
his thoughts as are embodied in these verses:
[ verses ][67]
Thereafter they challenged the Kashmiris in loud
words, accompanied by the shrill sound of the clarion and the beat of the
drum. Fully equipped horsemen rallied round the Sayyids in group after
group on their side of the river. They kept themselves in full readiness
for an attack. But finding that crossing the river without boats and platforms
[68] was difficult for the horsemen, he (Mir Muhammad) decided to encamp
on the specious Idgah grounds with his soldiers and attendants. He ordered
that all treasures of the governors of Kashmir be taken out of the fort
at Nowshehr. Not troubling his officials to blacken their fingures by counting
gold and silver coins one by one, he signalled them with his arrow that
these be distributed among his soldiers in shieldfuls and skirtfuls, by
way of prize-money and incentive to fight the enemy.
Mirak Sayyid Hasan's murder gave rise to serious
confusion and chaos among Kashmiri chiefs and commanders. The local people
as well as the aliens (mawali) living in the land were also faced with
a similar situation of chaos and disorder. However, the wise and the sagacious
opined that since it was not possible to put an end to the prevailing turmoil
without resorting to brute force and a policy of repression, it would be
better to send a delegation comprising the learned, the noble and the pious
to Mir Muhammad for exploring means of putting an end to the prevailing
state of anarchy. The members of the delegation were told to use such soft
and appeasing words as would make a definite impact on him. They were to
use friendly words and give wise counsel which could bring about conciliation.
They were to plead that to err is human and that they were only human beings.
[ verses ]
After agreeing to this, the delegation proceeded
on its mission to see Mir Muhammad. First, it offered condolence to him
on the death [of Mirak Hasan] and presented him with gifts. Then it conveyed
to him the deep regret of the nobles for their acts of omission:
[ verses ]
They went on to say that they (nobles) found themselves
at a loss to understand why they did things in haste, and therefore, reproached
themselves for not having shown caution and ccnsideration.
[ verses ]
The delegation impressed upon him that if the
government [of the land] did not pass into the hands of a capable elderly
person, there was a danger that a large number of people would fall victims
to revenge and reprisals. Already innocent persons like the pious and elderly
Mir Veys had been murdered because of such a state of anarchy. They further
told him that because of this magnificent buildings and prestigious localities
had also been destroyed.
[ verses ]
Truce concluded
In short, senior members of the mission succeeded
in conducting negotiations with poise and affability to pave the way for
conciliation. Negotiations for truce stretched over a period of two days
and conditions were laid down, and by slow degress Mir Muhammad was brought
round to agree to the promotion of peace. Kashmiri nobles felt obliged
[to them] for success in their mission. Mir Muhammad, therefore, returned
with his troops and entourage to India via Hirpur route. [69]
[ verses ]
After the peace treaty was concluded, the reins
of power and administrative authority during Muhammad Shah's reign rested
in the hands of Jahangir (Ahmad) Magray.[70] Mir Sayyid Muhammad joined
Sultan Fath Shah, the son of Adham Khan, and the grandson of Sultan Zainu'l-Abidin,
at Nowshehr in India. [71]
Saif Dar
Before this event, Malik Saif Dar had fled to
that (Hirpur) mountain region. After three years, Fath Shah and Mir Sayyid
Muhammad Baihaqi brought him to Kashmir along with them. They (Fath Shah
and Mir Sayyid Muhammad) together became the governing authority of the
domain of Kashmir. Since Mir Sayyid Baihaqi was a blood relation of Sultan
Muhammad Shah, he joined hands with him after some time; and, after raising
troops, regained control over the state of Kashmir. Sultan Fath Shah was
again forced to flee to India. In the sixty-fourth year of Kashmiri calendar,
Jehangir Magray breathed his last.[72] Once again, Sutan Fath Shah and
Malik Saif Dar succeeded in establishing their control over the domain
of Kashmir.
In this adventure, Malik Musa Raina and Serang
[73] [sic] Raina- the offspring of the clan of Chandas [74] - joined Malik
Saif Dar and Fath Shah.
Shams Chak
Malik Shams Chak of the clan of Chaks was among
the nobles of the land (of Kashmir). He was the son of Helmat Chak. Their
tribe hailed from the regions of Gilgit and had settled down in the town
of Kupwara.[75] Their kinship with the Chaks of Trehgam had become very
distant and there was only mutual rancour and hostility between them. At
first, Shams Chak was in the service of the above-mentioned Mir Sayyid
Muhammad. But as the two were not able to pull on together, Shams, later
on, entered the service of Malik Nowroz Itoo, the son of Ahmad Itoo. Before
long, he was able to establish his fame as a brave and valorous person.
Intrepid by nature, Shams Chak had displayed exceptional feats of bravery
in many battles. Later on, he wielded full authority during the days of
Malik Saif Dar.
Husain Chak, the son of Pandav Chak, dwelt in
the village of Kawarel [sic]. He gave his daughter in marriage to Shams
Chak[76] and with that [alliance] the long-estranged kinship between them
was revived. A few of Husain Chak's progeny joined Shams Chak as his soldiers.
Since bravery, heroism, and martial spirit were in the blood of the Chak
tribe, Malik Shams Chak was able to acquire an authoritative and powerful
position through his people.
After some time, Sultan Fath Shah wished to deprive
Malik Saif Dar of his power and authority. To achieve this, he aligned
with himself a faction of the chiefs and nobles, such as Shams Chak, Malik
Musa Raina, and Serang [sic] Raina, destroyed bridges over the river in
the city, rose in opposition against Saif Dar, and created conditions of
strife. After some days, Fath Shah and his men crossed the river towards
the lower section of the city. The opposing troops then clashed in Ramlench
[sic] village. After a hard-fought battle, Malik Saif Dar was killed in
the 72nd year of Kashmiri calendar. On Fath Shah's side, Malik Serang [sic]
Raina was slain on the battlefield. After emerging victorious in the battle,
Fath Shah entrusted the ministry and administrative authority to Shams
Chak. But as in the past, owing to mutual rancour, Mir Sayyid Muhammad
Baihaqi and Shams Chak could not get along smoothly. Two and a half years
later, the two openly confronted each other near the khanqah of Baba Bulbul
in the heart of the city. This has already been recorded in [earlier] narratives.
[ verses ]
Shams withdraws
Finding himself hard pressed in the battle, Shams
Chak proceeded towards Zaldagar by crossing the river over the bridge lying
at the far end of Baba Bulbul's Lashkar/Langar [sic]. He waited there for
some time. Malik Kaji Chak, following him close at his heels, reached the
head of the bridge. He found that the humpshaped bridge, built with a view
to facilitating the movement of lofty and loaded boats along the river,
had been dismantled. Its wooden planks had wide gaps in them and one could
not imagine even a horse to cross the bridge by leaping over them. But
Malik Kaji Chak besides being a veteran horseman was also a man of extraordinary
- heroic spirit. He whipped his horse fiercely and made it leap in one
jump onto the roving platform. He cast a mocking glance at the enemy who
came close at his heels, and joined the troops of Malik Shams Chak. A few
horsemen-associates of Malik Shams Chak-followed the above-mentioned Kaji
Chak and arrived at the bridge-head. In trying to follow the example of
Kaji Chak, they made their horses to leap onto the platform, but failing
to do so, fell into the river and got drowned.
Shams retaliates
Confusion and disorder in the rank and file of
his army forced Shams Chak to turn towards Kamaraj, and the crown and sceptre,
the kingdom and fortune passed into the hands of Muhammad Shah. For the
second time, administrative and judicial control [over Kashmir] came to
rest in the hands of Mir Sayyid Muhammad Baihaqi. Muhammad Shah aligned
himself with Mir Sayyid Muhammad, Musa Raina, Ibrahim Magray and other
sirdars, and headed towards the district of Kamaraj to see that Malik Shams
Chak was totally destroyed. As he reached the village of Trehgam, Malik
Shams Chak fled towards Drav.[77] Muhammad Shah and Mir Sayyid Muhammad
jointly destroyed the whole of that area by burning houses and localities.
Thereafter, they returned to the town of Soipore (Sopor) where they- encamped
by the river bank overlooking Kamaraj. On learning of their withdrawal,
Shams Chak reappeared from Drav [78] and proceeded towards Trehgam along
with his senior army officers like Malik Bahram Dar, Malik Uthman and Dati
[sic] Malik, and the host of Dangars with whom he held consultations. The
opinion of the vetarans was that since the main body of their force consisted
of nobles and chiefs and the number of soldiers and footmen was inadequate,
it would not be advisable to deploy them in an open combat and, therefore,
a night-assault wauld be the most appropriate strategy. This plan of Shams
Chak's remained a secret for the troops of Muhammad Shah.[79]
Battle of Sopor
Malik Musa Raina took up his dwelling there along
with his sons and relatives whose number was not large. Malik Shams Chak
arrived in the town of Sopor in the early hours of the day. When Malik
Musa Raina learnt of his arrival, he assembled his men and gave him a tough
fight. Most of Shams Chak's men indulged in acts of vandalism and plunder.
With the help of a contingent of brave warriors, he launched an assault
on the troops of Malik Musa Raina. A large-scale and bloody battle ensued
between the opposing troops leading to the slaughter of a large number
of men on either side. Malik Kaji Chak displayed such extraordinary feats
of bravery that even heroes and warlords, like the legendry Rustam and
Sam, would have felicitated him in laudable terms. He sustained so many
wounds [80] on his face and all over his body that all the persons known
and unknown to him in that group felt that there was no hope of his survival.
Some of his near-ones carried him off the battlefield for dressing his
wounds and giving him medical treatment. Since it was the Will of God that
he should hold the reins of the government of this country as also be the
recipient of happiness in this world and the world hereafter. God's all-pervading
grace restored him almost to a new life through his rapid recovery and
return to health .
After a great fight, Malik Shams Chak once again
returned to Trehgam and thence to Nowshehr in India where he joined Fath
Shah. Muhammad Shah and Mir Sayyid Muhammad triumphently entered the city
and later on, combining themselves with Malik Musa Raina, occupied the
domain of Kashmir.
Shams 'Iraqi's second visit
[During] those very days, Amir Shamsu'd-Din 'Iraqi
was on his second visit to the land of Kashmir.[81] Malik Musa Raina became
his ardent follower and accepted his faith.[82] But he could not get on
well with Mir Sayyid Muhammad Baihaqi, and not before long they came to
loggerheads [over some is ues],[83] as a result of which Shams Iraqi proceeded
on his travels to Tibet. For this reason, Malik Musa Raina became dissatisfied,
rather disgusted, with [his services to and companionship of] Mir Sayyid
Baihaqi, and strengthened his relations with Ibrahim Magray and Hajji Padar.
[ verses ]
Fath Shah VS Muhammad Shah
He then established liaison with Fath Shah and
Shams Chak who were at Nowshehr in India [at that time], and through an
exchange of letters with them, he prepared the ground for a renewal of
their old bonds of friendship. Trusting in his promises and letters, they
left the mountainous regions of India to come to Kashmir. On reaching Hirpur,
they were joined by Malik Musa Raina, Ibrahim Magray. and Hajji Padar along
with a large number of their associates. On the other side, Sultan Muhammad
Shah and Mir Sayyid ~Muhammad Baihaqi collected all-available troops to
give them a tough fight. The two armies faced each other at Zatni Kuji[84]
[sic]. The troops of Fath Shah outnumbered those of Muhammad Shah, but
the latter's army included a brave leader like Muhammad Baihaqi, a lion-hearted
warrior, a veteran of many a grim and bloody battle, in which he had surpassed
everybody in feats of bravery, and had won many victories by his sheer
heroic spirit. On this occasion he inspired the sons of war-lords and the
chiefs of his troops by infusing in them a spirit of heroism and manliness.
The battle that was fought on this day was so terrifying, that the like
of it had never been heard of by people in this land.
[ verses ]
The fame of his (Baihaqi's) extraordinary bravery
and imposing personality had reached the ears of the people of these lands
much earlier. Therefore they did not dare to confront him. In these circumstances,
Fath Shah addressed Shams Chak in these words: "O you veteran of many a
battle and valiant and famous among the distinguished warriors ! Spur on
your charger and, with the Herculian strength of your frame, sever the
heads of our opponents on the battlefield and avenge the death of your
kindred."[85] But the aforesaid Shams Chak did not move [towards the enemy]
and told him that though they had a satisfactorily large number of foot-soldiers
and cavalry forces in their camp, they did not have sufficient number of
light-footed soldiers who were needed for a swift attack on the enemy.[86]
To this Fath Shah answered: "What fears does a lion have of a whole pack
of foxen?" "If the enemy chose to launch a massive attack on our flanks
with only two or three thousand of its intrepid warriors, fighting in harmony
as they do, there is no doubt that they will put the very centre of our
army to utter rout in no time, " said Shams Chak. With these words, he
rejected the emotionally-charged appeal of Fath Shah. As it had already
become dark, he avoided fighting and with the blow of trumpets, both sides
retired to rest [for the night].
[ verses ]
With the rise of the sun, Shams Chak, Musa Raina,
Hajji Padar, and their soldiers assembled like ants and locusts to fight
the enemy.
[ verses ]
Decisive battle
On the other side, Mir Muhammad also made promises
of special honours, robes of honour, and high posts and other favours to
his warriors. Reposing full faith in God and detaching himself from the
world and what lics in it, he surrendered to the will of God and moved
towards the centre of Fath Shah's army.
[ verses ]
On they marched to the battlefield. A deafening
tumult of war cries together with feverish commotion was raised in the
camp of Fath Shah.. A great battle was fought from dawn till midday in
which warriors on either side displayed feats of valour. The centre of
Fath Shah's army could no longer withstand the attack of the enemy. He
was compelled to link the right flank of his troops with the left and once
again gave a concerted fight to Mir Sayyid Muhammad. The last attack of
Mir Sayyid's soldiers could have given him final victory; his sword spat
fire of revenge;
[ verses ]
he spurred his horse and dashed against the enemy's
centre. But it so chanced that on that ground there was an abandoned well,
the top of which was covered with rubbish, but was hollow from inside.
During his charge, his horse's leg was caught in the hole. Many of his
foot-soldiers rushed to the top of the well:
[ verses ]
When the enemy saw this, it took advantage of
the opportunity, and made a lightening attack on them:
[ verses ]
Death toll
A group of [the enemy's] wicked persons encircled
him (Sayyid Muhammad Baihaqi) and made repeated attacks to throw off the
soldiers who surrounded him. Beholding that the enemy had encircled them
and that a breakthrough had almost become impossible, though no doubt his
men had been fighting with all their courage and determination and not
at all afraid of death that hovered over their heads, all that Muhammad
Shah could do in such circumstances was to pray for their deliverance.
He himself was forced to flee towards Nowshehr in India. The date of his
(Mir Sayyid's) death has been found in the chronogram:
kard tarikh-i wafatash chu khiradmand su'al
guft pir-i khiradmand kin sazawar-i behisht.
This event is very well-known in Kashmiri (i.e.
Sanskrit) history.[87] It took place in the eighty-first year of Ashushat
9. In this encounter one thousand seven hundred and nineteen of Mir Sayyid
Muhammad's associates, kinsmen and attendants lost their lives, besides
the Mir himself. This number included a thousand and two hundred troops
who wore saffron-coloured stockings. The tradition in those days was that
none but the brave were entitled to wear such saffron-coloured stockings.
The dead bodies of Mir Sayyid Muhammad and his kinsmen recovered from the
battlefield, which was littered with slaughtered bodies, were buried in
their ancestral graveyards. Down to this day, their graves are visited
by the needy and the suppliant. Thus Sultan Fath Shah's power over the
kingdom of Kashmir was confirmed and with that began the second tenure
of Malik Sams Chak's ministry.
Destruction of mansions
Mir Sayyid Muhammad was survived by three minor
sons, who were brought up in the house of Bahram Dar at Soybug. They were
Mir Sayyid Murtaza, Mir Sayyid Ibrahim and Mir Sayyid Ya'qub. The eldest
one, Mir Murtaza, got killed when he was hurled down a mountain on his
way to Tibet. Sayyid Ibrahim Khan remained a prisoner of the governor of
Tibet for a period of two years and six months. It was only after the army
of Kashghar got disrupted that he was freed from prison, by the grace of
God and without incurring the obligation of any human being, and then returned
to Nowshehr in India to rejoin Muhammad Shah. Further details about him
will appear at their proper place in this chronicle. Mir Sayyid because
of being a minor,[88] continued to live in the main city, unhurt [ by the
Out of deep-seated malice towards Mir Sayyid Muhammad,
Sultan Fath Shah totally destroyed his mansions. These magnificent mansions
had been recently completed after several years of labour. Their dormitories
and parlours were decorated with wall paintings of exquisite grace and
workmanship and the figures drawn were indicative of the artist's unique
novelty. This lent them a distinctive place in the buildings of those times.
The ceilings and towers were loftier than what one could imagine and let
in fresh air and light plentifully. A notable feature of these mansions
was that these were swept clean by silvery-bosomed slender damsels, holding
in their soft and delicate hands fly-whiskers of blue horse's tail with
handles set in gold. These mansions were totally destroyed, so-much-so
that peasants brought their ruins under plough in which they sowed cottonseed.
On seeing such cataclysmic changes in these palaces, the minstrels of those
lands made it a theme for their Kashmiri [i e. Sanskrit ?] songs which
they sang to the accompaniment of the rhythmic beat of their feet and cymbals.
They sang these songs in such doleful voices that sensitive listeners were
reminded of the grandeur and magnificence of the lord of those mansions
and were moved to tears. These memories broke them down. The verses they
composed and sang were: [89]
shinav in qisseh andar mulk-i Kashmir
na az man az zaban-i kudak-o pir
nishasteh ba hazaran hur-o ghilman
ba khubi har yaki mah-i jehangir
ze uqtas-i du rang-i bahr-i jarub
na kardandi kanizan hich taqsir.
'Iraqi's reaction
After this event, the news of killing of Mir Muhammad
was brought to Mir Shamsu'd-Din by one of his disciples, who told him that
the enemy who had driven him out of Kashmir and forced him to turn to Tibet,
had been overpowered and killed by his followers. The messenger had hoped
that Mir Shamsu'd-Din would feel happy over it. But as he was a believer
in the Oneness of God[90] and a person who surrendered to His Will,[91]
he ordered that the messenger be lashed. Himself he felt greatly sad like
a bereaved person mourned the death of Mir Sayyid, and kept chanting this
unni z guzasht azin gazargah
an kist kih naguzrad azin rah
He felt sorry that the gracious and benevolent
(Sayyid Mul!ammad) should have been levelled with the dust. Tears rolled
down his face and he offered a prayer for the salvation of the soul of
the dead person. He prayed for the welfare of his children and also wished
well for all the inhabitants of the locality where the late Mir Muhammad
lived. Through the good wishes of Mir Shamsu'd-Din, that locality was rehabilitated
and became prosperous within a few years.
Shams Chak murdered
In the early spring of the same year, 12th Veshast
[sic] a terrible earthquake was recorded in Kashmir. For [a period of]
four months after this, Malik Shams Chak held the reins of the government
of Kashmir. After that, Malik Musa Raina and Ibrahlm Magray, in connivance
with Fath Shah, imprisoned and chained him (Shams Chak) and later on killed
him. He was held responsible for the murder of Malik Saif Dar, for the
destruction of the riches of the Dangars, and for having concentrated power
in his own hands. For these reasons, Malik Musa Raina gave orders to Bahram
Dar and Dati [sic] Malik to put an end to the life of Shams Chak. Shortly
after offering evening prayers, they led a party towards the prison to
undertake the task. One of the legs of Shams Chak was in clains. He understood
that they had come to take his life and he had no weapons with him except
a small knife. With it, he attacked his adversaries, and within the prison
walls, he killed thirty persons, besides wounding many more. He repeated
his attack several times till that party found itself helpless, and nobody
had the courage to strike him with a sword. With a small knife and with
stones and brickbats, he held his assailants at bay. None of them, in spite
of being equipped with swords and axes, could muster courage to go near
him. At last his assailants shot a volley of arrows at him from a distance
and killed him and his son on the eighty-first of Kashmiri calandar.[92]
[ verses ]
Musa Raina
After the murder af Shams Chak and his son, the
office of the Chief Vizier and the administrative authority of Kashmir
was entrusted to Malik Musa-Raina [93] in A.H. 907 (A.D. 1501). In agreement
and collaboration with Malik Ibrahim Magray, he took control of the domain
of Kashmir and undertook its governance. He felt that in certain matters
he was being opposed by the group of Dangars.[94] He suspected their designs
of fomenting trouble and disorder in the state; [thereforel , he drove
them away towards the mountains of India. Malik Musa held the reins of
administration for about nine years, during which period the enforcement
of Islamic laws and religious tenets of the Prophet reached the highest
point. Under the guidance of the righteous Amir (Shams)[95] Shaykh Muhammad
'Iraqi, the pure religion of Muhammad and the prosperity of the Muslim
community reached the highest pinnacle [of attainment]. Malik Musa Raina
supported and advanced the mission of Mir Shams 'Iraqi.
Persecution of Hindus
[It may be recorded] that the temples of idol-worshippers,
which had been destroyed and razed to the ground by the religious-minded
and justice-loving Sultan Sikandar- God bless his grave and bless him-had
been rebuilt and rehabilitated by Zainu'l 'Abidin. He had permitted idolators
and polytheists to revive the practices of infidelity and they had propagated
heresy (kufr) and false religion (din-i batil). With the support of some
more kings,[96] the infidels had flourished day after day. But with the
support and authority of Malik Musa Raina, Amir Shamsu'd-Din Muhammad undertook
a wholesale destruction of all those idol-houses [97] as well as the total
ruination of the very foundation of infidelity and disbelief. On the site
of every idol-house he destroyed, he ordered the construction of a mosque
for offering prayers after the Islamic manner. The idolatory and heresy
which had existed prior to his coming to this place were effectively replaced
by his preaching and propagation of Islamic laws and practices. He brought
honour to all the infidels and heretics (zandiqa) of Kashmir by admitting
them to the Islamic faith and bestowed upon them many kinds of rewards
and benefactions. It is publicly known as well as emphatically related
that during his life-time, with the virtuous efforts and elaborate arrangements
made by the fortunate Malik Musa Raina, twenty-four thousand families of
staunch infidels and stubborn heretics were ennobled by being converted
to the Islamic faith. [99] It is difficult to compute the number of people
who had hitherto indulged in corrupt practices of a wrong (false) faith
and dissent and were put on the right track under the proper guidance of
Mir Shamsu'd-Din 'Iraqi .[99]
In fact the transmitter of (God's) grace (Mir
Shams 'Iraqi) conferred favours upon the righteous Malik Musa Raina and
gave him blessings which enabled him to fulfill that cherished task. Indeed,
fortunate is one who has been able to become the recipient of such special
consideration at the hands of a highly venerable and elderly person like
him (Amir Shamsu'd-Din). After Sultan Sikandar-God's peace be upon him-no
one among the Muslims who wielded authority over this country rendered
as much service to Islam by its propagation and advancement as Malik Musa
Raina did. Nobody was able to make as organized an effort as he did towards
the advancement and furtherence of the Muhammadan religion.
l. Sikandar died in A.H. 816/A.D. 1413. See p.
59 supra. But the chronogram Faut-i-Sikandar recorded by Hasan puts the
date as A.H. 820 /A.D. 1417. THK p. 185.
2. There could have been more than one reason
for taking this decision: (a) Sultan-'Ali did not feel happy with sayyid
Muhammad Baihaqi (p. 59 supra); (b) He had lost 'both the Tibets' to the
ruler of Kashghar whose troops had made an incursion into those regions.
( THK. p. 186 ); (c) His younger brother Shahi Khan (Zainu'l-'Abidin) had
become very popular with the people of Kashmir, a fact proved by later
events. Ibid; (d) Baihaqi Sayyids had become very powerful and interfered
in the affairs of the state. pp. 44. 48-51, supra. The fact that his Hindu
father-in-law, Raja of Jammu, dissuaded him from abdicating the throne
and going an a pilgrimage to Mecca indicates that it was his political
and military weakness and not his intense religiosity which forced him
to leave his kingdom. The works of his poet-laureate, Mulla Naderi, which
reportedly contain details of the events of his reign, are lost to us.
See TMH. MS. f. 39a. However, Jonaraja says that the authority of the government
was given to Shahi Khan out of affection, and other considerations. See
St. 691. In fact, the title Zainu'l-'Abidin was also conferred upon him
by 'Ali Shah, who was given jewels and horses by Shahi Khan presumably
to enable him to meet the expenses of outfit and transport for going to
Mecca. Ibid. Stt. 707, 709.
3. It has not been possible to identify who Sayyid
Qasim was. Perhaps he was one of the chroniclers from whom the author has
borrowed some details.
4. Infidels or Hindu Raja Jasrath
5. It shows that Nowshehr in Jammu region was
not included in the kingdom of Kashmir then. But the Baihaqi Sayyids had
made the town their stronghold. According to Shrivara Nasir was the chief
of Bahurupa. See R. C. Dutt (tr.) Delhi, 1986, pp. 184-185.
6. The suggestion is that this portion of the
chronicle was written by the author outside Kashmir. Shrivara writes that
the king was married to one Vodha Khatun of Sayyid family. The Rajatarangini
of Jonaraja, tr. R. C. Dutt, p. 157 Mir Hasan's daughter was married to
Zainu'l-'Abidin's grandson. Ibid, pp. 184-85.
7. Martyrdom has a special significance in Shia'
8. This is a significant sentence in the sense
that there are slight variations in the death-rites of Shia's and Sunnis.
A Sunni author would not need to insert "with the tradition . . . "
9. In the present locality of Nowshehr in Srinagar.
10. The custom of mourning the death of a person
for three days was also prevalent among the Muslims of Central Asia at
that time.
11. Hasan says they were Goorchis (Goorchivar),
and had concentrated at Nowshehr. See THK. p. 191.
12. The Sultan built in that locality a twelve-storeyed
pleasure-house, which had fifty rooms in each storey. Each of its rooms
was large enough to accommodate five hundred persons. The mansion was a
unique piece of architecture. In histories it is famous as Zooneh Deb,
but was popularly known as Razdan in those days which means the royal palace.
THK. p. 191.
13. The tutor of the Sultan, Maulana Kabir, who
later on became Shaykhu'l-Islam, was also given a dwelling place in that
locality. The Sultan also ordered the building of a madrasah for him in
the neighbourhcod of his house. THK. p. 195.
14. Malik Haidar says that paper-makers and book-binders
were brought by the Sultan and they were provided with stipends. TMH. MS.
f. 41a. Hasan says that the Sultan sent some intelligent and clever persons
to different lands to learn the crafts of their people to bring these to
Kashmir. Book-binders, paper-makers, carpet-weavers, pen-case makers, stone
masons, seal-engravers and bolt-makers were brought from Samarqand. THK.
p. 198. Shrivara's reference to Kashmir woollen fabric called Soha (Shawl
?) is confusing. See R. C. Dutt's translation, ed. 1986, p. 151.
15. Hasan writes that some works on Hadith were
brought from the holy place and constantly studied, but he makes no mention
of this parlicular work. Ibid.
16. A H. 947/A.D. 1540.
17. The text is not clear.
18. Meaning Khurasan, Central Asia (Mawara'-a'n-Nahr)
and other adjoining Islamic regions.
19. Hasan mentions these names: Maulana Kabir,
Mulla Ahmad Kashmiri, Mulla Parsa, Mulla Muhammad, Qadi Hamidu'd-Din, Maulana
Naderi, Maulana Ziyai, and Mulla Nadim. THK p. l95.
20. One such temple was that of Jyesthwara in
the vici nity of present-day Srinagar. THK. p. 197. For Zainu'l 'Abidin's
tolerance towards the 'infidels and the polythe ists', see Jonar. Stt 824-25,
879, 898-99, and Srivara, i. 5, 46 and 53. It is recorded in Tohfatu'1-Ahbab
that he built an alms-house for Yogis on the Dal lake which gave name to
the locality of Jogi Lankar (now caled Zooj Lankar or Zooj Lank) in present-day
Srinagar. See Tohfat. MS. f. 134b.
21. Hasan says that apart from inducing those
Hindus to return to Kashmir who had fled under Sultan Sikandar's persecution,
Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin aslo induced many Brah mans from India to settle
in this land. THK. p. 197.
22. Copies of Vedas and Shastras were procured
from India and got translated into Parsian. Many Arabic and Persian books
were got translated into Sanskrit. Particular mention can be made of Mulla
Ahmad's translation of Rajatarangini and Mahabharata. The Sultan also made
Pandit Jonaraja to write a sequel to Kalhana's chronicle which is the chronicle
of events from the times of Jayasimha to his day. THK. p. 197.
23. Jonaraja tells us that the Sultan paid a visit
to the Hindu sacred site of Amaresvara (Amarnath) . See Jonar, (Bombay
Ed.), p. 1233 et seq. Another shrine of the same name is present-day Amburher
near Srinagar. See Rajat. vii, 183, 185 and Vol. II, p. 409.
24. The truce following the Sultan's fierce battle
with the monarch of Dehli, across the river Sutlej made him the master
of the area upto Sirhind, as had been provided in the treaty with sultan
Shihabu'd-Din. THK. p. 192.
25. See Jonar. St. 716, 3n.
26. Its location in the regions of Tibet is given
variously. Shi Zi in THK. p. 181; Sheh Zi in TMH, MS. f. 41a, and Saya
in Jonar. St. 834.
27. Malik .Haidar makes no mention of Sayyid Hasan;
instead he writes that exceptional bravery was shown by Malik Avtar, Malik
Helmat and Malik Ahmad, who were later granted additional jagirs by the
Sultan. See TMH. MS. f. 41a.
28. The chronicler seems to establish the Baihaqi
Sayyids as the descendants of the Hashimi line which is the line of the
Prophet of Islam.
29. The word 'Chak' as it figures in the translation
should have been spelt as 'Chakk' because when it occurs in the verses
in the text, it demands a shadd on the letter K. However, its Sanskrit
etymology ( Cakra ) does not warrant the doubling of the letter k; hence
Chak in the translation.
30. Lankar Chak (Alamkarcakra) was a Damara leader.
For details see Rajat. viii, 2482-83. He had sought Raja Suhdev's assistance
and had settled in the village of Trehgam. See THK. p. 217.
31. For Kamaraj (Kramarajya), see Rajat. Vol.
II, p. 436. In fact the Sultan occasionally rested at the health resort
of Zenagir in Kamaraj were he had laid out spacious and attractive gardens,
nearly two miles long. See THK. p. 193.
32. This suggests that forced labour (begar) existed
during the reign of Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin.
33. Now in district Kupwara, Also see The Rajatarangini
of Jonaraja, tr. R. C. Dutt, New Delhi, 1986, p. l02 et. seq.
34. A tract of land on river Kishen Ganga. See
Rajat. viii. 2709 and ii, 282.
35. Heril, perhaps in pargana Votur. THK. p. 194.
For its ancient geography, see Rajat. Vol. II, Note 26, p. 485 et seq.
36. Apart from the Chaks of Trehgam, Hasan speaks
of the Chaks of Gilgit originating from the ancestor of Helmat Chak. This
tribe settled at Kupwara later on. Pandav Chak and his descendants, Husain
Chak and Kaji Chak accepted Shia' faith by following Shams 'Iraqi, but
the Chaks of Gilgit adhered to Sunni faith and were of Hanafi sect. Hasan
also writes that he had heard his father saying that one of the Trehgam
branch of Chaks came to Sardar A'zam Khan. He donned a Tartar cap (kulah-i-tatri),
were Uzbek boots and was so tall that he lifted the Sardar from the howdah
and placed him on the ground. See THK. pp. 217-18.
37. Sanadatnagar in TMH. MS. f. 39b.
38. The hill-top is known as Kraleh Sanger even
to this day. Ibid.
39. It had been built by Raja Sandhimat. See THK.
p. 194. Also see Rajat. ii, 132.
40. Hasan calls it Zenadab. THK. p. 194. There
is no mention of the existence of a temple and its bronze images in Jonaraja.
See Rajatarangini of Jonaraja, tr. R. C. Dutt, New Delhi, 1986, pp. 90-92.
41. The boat was made on the pattern of a ship.
See TMH. MS. f. 40a.
42. Called Rishi in Hasan. See THK. p. 199.
43. Qadr Jamal came from India and stayed in the
khanqah of Amir Sayyid 'Ali Hamadani. People used to seek solutions to
their religious problems from him and also got their letters written by
him. The Sultan invited him to his court after he got a letter from him.
Later he was made the Qadi of the city of Srinagar. See TMH. MS. f. 40b.
44. Hasan has given five verses of the ghazal.
See THK p. 207.
45. BudShah in Hasan. See THK. p. 206. Hindu writers
raised him to the status of god Vishnu. See Jonar. Stt. 935, 973.
46. The word Hindu (and not kafir) is used here
for the first time in the chronicle.
47. His reign lasted fifty-two years. TMH. MS.
f. 41b. According to Hasan, he died at the age of sixty-nine. Malik Haidar
closes the chapter on Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin with the verse
agar sad sal mani dar yaki ruz
bebayad raft azin kakh-i dilafruz
Shrivara's detailed account of agonising last
days of his life stands in contrast to the author's sudden closing of the
chapter. See J. C. Dutt (tr.) Delhi, 1986, pp. 165-67.
48. It is curious that the author has dismissed
Haidar Shah in one sentence. Malik Haidar, too, has devoted hardly one
sentence to this king. But Hasan gives him more space, alluding to the
court intrigues resulting from Haidar Shah's indulgence in carnal pleasures,
his soft policy towards Hindus, and his damaging of the mosques. See THK.
p. 208. It is to be noted that Shrivara has given us the account of the
rebellion of Adam Khan, the eldest son of Zainu'l-'Abidin and his banishment
from the kingdom. Rajatarangini of Jonaraja, tr. J. C. Dutt, New Delhi
1986, pp. l24 et seq.
49. His queen, Hayat Khatun, the daughter of Sayyid
Hasan ibn Sayyid Nasir Baihaqi bore him two sons, Muhammad Khan and Husain
Khan. The former was brought up by the wife of Malik Tazi Bhat (who later
on became the commander of Hasan Shah's troops), and the latter by Malik
Ahmad Itoo, the chief vizier of Hasan 'Shah. THK. p . 208 seq .
50. This is corroborated by Malik Haidar and Hasan.
See TMH. MS. f. 42a and THK. p. 210. For more details see The Rajatarangini
of Jonaraja, tr. J. C. Dutt, pp. 231-32.
51. Malik Haidar does not menion Ahmad Magray,
only Malik Sehej, Malik Avtar, Malik Ahmad Itoo and Taz Bhat are mentioned.
See TMH. MS. f. 42a.
52. Text not clear. Hasan says that the Sultan
continued to receive 12 lakh rupees in cash and a thousand horses by way
of presents from foreign countries. See THK. pp. 210-11.
53. For detailed account of his being a Sayyid,
a descendant of the line of Imam Musa Kazim, the Seventh Imam according
to the ithna 'ashriyya faction of the Shia', the reader may see the amusing
'Introduction' of Bahristan-i Shahi edited by Akbar Haidari (Kashmir, 1982).
p. 28. et seq. See also Tohfat. passim. In Shuka's Chronicle he is recorded
as Merashesha. The Rajatarangini of Jonaraja, (tr.) J. C. Dutt, Delhi,
1986, p. 339 et seq.
54. 'Iraqi's first visit to Kashmir was in A.H.
882 / A .D. 1477. Bahrastan-i-Shahi, ed. Akbar Haidari, p. 38.
55. Hasan writes that Sultan Husain Mirza, the
governor of Khurasan suspected Iraqi's intentions, and therefore, expelled
him from his country. On the basis of his previous contacts, he once again
came to Kashmir after a period of twelve years. THK. p. 220.
56. See Tohfatul-Ahbab, MS. ff. 6-8.
57. In Kashmir he became a disciple of Baba Isma'il,
and secretly prompted Baba 'Ah Najjar to accept Shia' faith. See THK. p.
58. In A.H. 902 /A.D. 1496.
59. TMH. MS. f. 42a. Shrivara records the years
as 60. See Rajat of Jonaraja J. C. Dutt (tr.) Delhi, 1986, p. 265. The
subtle hint is that he was poisoned by the Sayyids.
60. The sentence has been borrowed from Lawayeh
of Jami. But Shrivara gives a very disappointing account of the administration
of the Sayyids. See Rajatarangini of Jonaraja, (tr.) J. C. Dutt. Delhi.
1986. pp. 252-253, and 260-61.
61. Apostasy among the Muslims had increased considerably
in Kashmir during the reign of Sultan Zainu'l-'Abidin. Stores of re-conversion
to Islamic faith have been vividly told in Tohfatu'l-Ahbab, MS. (transcript)
ff. 6-8. See also T.HK. p. 207.
62. nim jarrar in the text.
63. This indicates that the history of Kashmir
of this period written in Sanskrit also existed and was made use of by
the chronicler through a translator or an interpreter. These could be the
histories written by Srivara and Suka. Srivara clearly mentions about Mir
Hasan's dream. See J. C. Dutt's translation, p. 270.
64. This was common during the Hindu period and
several examples can be found in Rajatarangini.
65. It is clear that the attack on Mirak Hasan
was politically motivated and had little to do with this strict enforcement
of the laws of shariat, see p. 95 Supra. The Kashmiri nobles were against
the Baihaqi Sayyids because they were still considered as outsiders. However,
from the sentence that follows in the text, it appears that Kashmiri commanders
were divided on the issue of loyalty to the Sayyids. Hasan says that since
the Sultan was still a minor, the Baihaqi Sayyids had concentrated power
in their hands and did not allow any other person to exercise authority:
they made it even difficult to meet the Sultan. This made the Kashmiri
nobles join hands with Raja of Jammu who had earliar fled to Kashmir for
fear of Tatar Khan Lodhi, and then they put Sayyid Hasan to death along
with his thirty other associates. THK. p. 212.
66. The locality near Sayyid Mansur mosque in
Srinagar, which bears the same name to this day.
bi ru-i tu zindeh mi tawan bud wali
in zindaqi az hazar murdan batar ast.
(It is possible to live without seeing your face,
but that life is worse than a thousand deaths.)
68. The first boat-bridge ( Navsetu ) on the Vitasta
was built as early as the 6th century A.D. by Pravarasena II of Gonanda
dynasty at some distance from Maksikasvamin (present-day Maisuma). See
Rajat. iii. 354n.
69. The old Surapura. For its geography and remains,
see Rajat. p. 394. Note II.
70. Jehangir Magray, who stayed at Lohar Kot fort,
did not agree to support the Sayyids. THK. p. 213. In Shrivara's chronicle
he is referred as Margapati. J. C. Dutt. tr. p. 320. et seq.
71. After remaining away from Kashmir, Fath Shah
went to Rajauri to re-capture his ancestoral kingdom. Several groups of
Kashmiri nobles went to meet him, and he won them over by giving them rewards.
But Jehangir Magray was not among them, in fact, he resisted and repulsed
Fath Shah' s troops when they tried to re-enter Kashmir. For more details
see THK. pp. 215. et seq. Also see Srivara's hisrory, tr. J. C. Dutt. pp.
270 et al.
72. Hasan says that before his death he was forced
to flee to the mountains. THK. p. 215.
73. Hasan calls him Sarhanq Raina. THK. p. 215.
Now the word sarhanq in Persian means an army officer of the rank of a
colonel. He is Shringararajanaka of Shrivara's chronicle Tr. J. C. Dutt.
p. 313.
74. Malik Haidar includes another general Malik
Nusrat Chadura among the descendants of the Chandas of Chadura. See TMH
MS. f. 42b. All the three shared power with Saif Dar.
75. The Chaks of Trehgam (originally of Gilgit)
have to be distinguished from another family, of Chaks of Dardu. Lankar
Chak (Alamkarcakra) was the founder of the house of Barshal in Dardu. Pandav
Chak, Husan Chak and Kaji Chak were the descendants of this line, and they
had been admitted to Shia' faith by Mir Shamsu'd-Din 'Iraqi. See THK. p.
76. The descendants of Shams Chak were the followers
of Hanafi school. They were Sunnis. Ibid.
77. Hasan says that Shams fled to Dardu. See THK.
p. 219.
78. Karnav in Hasan. Ibid.
79. Hasan says that Muhammad Shah and Sayyid Muhammad
had come to know of their plan of a night-assault, Ibid.
83. Fifty wounds, besides a cut on his ear. Ibid.
81. See note 55 supra.
82. For a fuller account of the numerous presents,
such as orchards, gardens, ornaments, costumes, horses, jewellary, gold,
etc. given by Malik Musa Raina to Mir Shamsu'dDin 'Iraqi, see Tohfatu'I-Ahbab.
MS. (trans). ff. 35-7. These were utilized by the Mir for the construction
of a khanqah at Zadibal. The date of its completion can be found in the
chronogram kashf-i-ummatin which is A.H. 902/A.D. 1496. See THK. p. 220.
83. Tohfatu'l-Ahbab gives full details about the
differences between the two which made Shams 'Iraqi to leave Kashmir for
Tibet. These are of political and personal nature. The political differences
were over Shams 'Iraqi's unwanted and high-handed interference in Mir Sayyid
Muhammad's administration, and is illustrated in 'Iraqi's brutal treatment
of Mantji, a state revenue officer. The personal differences were over
'Iraqi's refusal to give his daughter Bibi Agha in marriage to him. For
more details, see Toufat. MS. (trans). ff. 62-3 and 69-70. Hasan's version
is that 'Iraqi was expelled by Sayyid Muhammad because he did not like
his activities. See THK. p. 220.
84. Zatni Kuji (?) on Khampore ridge. See THK.
p. 220.
85. Kindred refers to those relatives of Sayyid
Muhammad who had been slain in the battle of Sopor.
86. Text is not clear.
87. The allusion is probably to the historical
records of Srivara or Suka.
88. Hasan is of the view that as a child he hid
himself in the house of his foster-mother. See THK. p. 221.
89. Nine verses in all have been recorded. The
chronicler says that the verses were sung in Kashmiri language ('be zaban-i
Kashmiri'). This has to be differentiated from the phrase 'be galam-i Kashmiri',
which we have translated as 'Sanskrit language in Sarada script.'
90. muwahhid.
91. mujibu'd-da'wat
92. Hasan says that he governed for four months.
THK. p. 223.
93. A descendant of the line of Raja of Nagarkot.
TMH. MS. f 44b. Could he be the Somachandra of Shuka's Chronicle. See J.
C. Dutt's translation p. 339.
94. For Damaras (Dangars), see Rajat . Vol . II.
p. 304 et seq.
95. The fuller version is: Shamsu'l-haqq wa'd-din.
That is 'the sun of truth and faith.'
96. This might be an allusion to Muhammad Shah.
97. As many as eighteen big temples of Hindus
in the city of Srinagar and in the rural areas of the valley were destroyed
under the instructions of Mir Shamsu'd-Din 'Iraqi and Malik Musa Raina.
For details see Toufat. MS. (trans). ff. 155-212.
98. The ennobling conversion of infidels to Islamic
faith has been described in THK and Tohfat in this manner. Hasan says that
twenty-four thousand Hindu families were converted to 'Iraqi's faith (of
Shia'ism) by force and compulsion (qahran wa jabran). THK. p. 223. It is
recorded in Tohfat, that on the instance of Shamsu'd-Din'Iraqi Musa Raina
had issued orders that everyday 1,500 to 2,000 infidels be brought to the
doorstep of Mir Shamsu'd-Din by his followers. They would remove their
sacred thread (zunnar), administer kelima to them, circumcise them and
make them eat beef. See Toufat. MS. (trans). f. 157. For a graphic description
of forcible circumcision on Idgah grounds, see the same work ff. 190-91.
99. Since the reign of Sultan Sikandar, no ruler
in Kashmir worked as much for the propagation of Islamic faith as Malik
Musa. TMH. MS. f. 45a. Hasan says that he repressed Sunni nobles also.
Some of them were expelled to evoke fear among people. THK. p. 223.
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