Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)
Aims and ObjectivesCurrent ActivitiesProjectsPublicationsProgrammesExecutive and Advisory Committees


Aims and Objectives
Current Activities
Executive/Advisory Committees
Prof. O. N. Koul

IILS Publications
Prof. O.N.Koul's Publications

VAAKH Issues
South Asian Language Review


Language Courses in Indian Languages including English (Duration 2 weeks to 6 weeks)

The IILS conducts short term courses in major Indian languages including English for Indians and foreigners. The courses are conducted at various places depending on the choice of the place and period of the course. The courses are conducted by highly professional faculty using the latest materials and methods. The courses focus on both oral and written communication skills.

The IILS also designs and offers long term courses in Indian languages.

Effective Communication Skills (3 to 5 days)

The objective of the Course is (a) to provide an understanding of the role of communication for administrative and managerial effectiveness, (b) to develop effective oral and written communication skills required for the middle and senior level officers in an organisation.

The Course focuses on (a) identifying factors responsible for distortion in oral communication and how to prevent these distortions, (b) conducting of meetings and negotiations,(c) presentation skills, and (d) report writing.

The methodology includes lectures, discussions, role play, exercises, video recording and replay and analysis.

Presentation Skills (2 to 3 days)

The objective of the course is to identify and impart necessary skills required in making presentations. The Course focuses on the preparation, structure and delivery of presentations. It emphasises on both verbal and non-verbal communication. The methodology includes exercises, demonstration, video recording and replay, and analysis.

Team Building (2 to 3 days)

The objective of the course is to understand the dynamics of working as a team in an organisation. How to become efficient team worker and accomplish the tasks within a definite time frame. The Course focuses on (a) identification of problems in working as a team and how to overcome these problems, (b) providing opportunities in making the maximum contribution by members of a team, (c) development of skills required for the members of a team who are involved in group tasks. Methodology includes group exercises, observation, group discussion, analysis and theoretical input.

Report Writing (2 to 3 days)

The objective of the Course is to develop necessary skills required for writing and presentation of technical and professional reports. The Course focuses on the structure , preparation, writing and presentation of reports required to be written as a routine and special job requirements. The methodology includes theoretical input, discussion, group-work, writing of reports, presentation of reports and analysis.

Business Communication ( 2 to 3 days)

The objective of the Course is to develop necessary skills required for different types of business communication. The Course focuses on the structure, preparation and presentation of communications required to be written as a routine and special job requirements. The methodology includes theoretical input, discussion, group-work, writing of different types of communications, presentation and analysis.

The IILS offers Course nos. 2 to 6 in various governmental and non-governmental organisations, depending on the demand anywhere in India. These Courses are conducted by highly professional and experienced faculty. For details about the venue, dates, course fee etc., please write to the Director of the IILS at the above address.



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