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Table of Contents

  About the Author
  Books by Bansi Pandit
  What is Hindu Dharma?
  Hindu View of God
  Why Hindus Worship Deities
  Hindu Scriptures
  Principal Hindu Doctrines
  Law of Karma
  Popular Systems 
  Moral & Ethical Ideals of Hindus
  Hindu View ...
  Hindu Reverence for Elders
  Daily Routine of a Devout Hindu
  Hindu Dharma
  Hindu View of Ecology
  Some Philosophical Aspects
  Hindu Response 
  Contribution of Hindus
  Practicing Hindu Dharma
  Timeless Wisdom 
  Swãmi Vivekãnanda's Address
  Works Cited
  Color Plates
  Download Book

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Books by Bansi Pandit


The aim of this book is to present the fundamental concepts of all aspects of the Hindu religious, philosophical, and cultural heritage, the world’s oldest living tradition, in a simple and straightforward language for the readers of all ages.  Thus, the basic concepts are exhaustively discussed and illustrated with the hope that once the reader has attained an understanding of the fundamentals of the Hindu heritage, he (or she) can proceed on his own accord to gain a better understanding of the higher teachings contained in other advanced books.  Accordingly, this book includes the following features:

  • The book is divided in five parts (40 chapters, 448 pages).   Part I through Parts IV discuss the fundamental concepts of all  aspects of the Hindu religious, cultural and philosophical tradition.

  • Part V includes tables, figures, appendices, works cited, suggested readings for higher studies, glossary with pronunciation guide and an alphabetical index.  

  • Each chapter is complete in itself and can be read independently of others.  Cross-references to other sections of the book have been provided, as necessary, for a more comprehensive understanding of the contents

Here is what the experts and readers say about this book:

“...a remarkable and highly rewarding book. It is rational, objective, interesting, relevant and meaningful....”

Dr. T.K. Venkateswaran
Emeritus Professor of Hinduism,
University of Detroit.

 “The Hindu Mind provides an excellent introduction to the historical, philosophical, ritualistic, social,  and ethical dimensions of Hinduism.  The major contribution of the book is that it shows the interconnections among these diverse dimensions.”

Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande
Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana

“It is well-written, informative and timely...there is no other book available at that level where Hindu Americans can get answers to different questions about their religion and heritage....”

Subhash Kak
Professor, Lousiana State University.

 “As a husband and father of two children, I have found The Hindu Mind to be an extraordinary book that my entire family can read, comprehend, and follow.” 

H. D. Sharma
President, Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago

“This is one of the best books that provides the  present generation, especially the young and elite, with the genuine fundamental concepts of Hinduism.”

Dr. C. L. Shastri
Former Professor of Sanskrit,
University of Gujarat, India.

... excellent material...The book is veritably a treasure-house to anyone beginning to learn about the religion....”

Dr. Alagappa Alagappan
Honorary President, The Hindu Temple
Society of North America.

“The author skillfully uses American phrases to make one more familiar to the ideas
and concepts of Hinduism.”

Vikas Deshpande, Hindu Student Council, U.S.A.

 “This book is an elixir, a cathartic,  and an opiate simultaneously....”

India Light, News Journal, Illinois, U.S.A.

“I along with several of my students have benefited from The Hindu Mind.  I find it an invaluable resource.”

W. Jay Wood
Associate Professor, Wheaton College, Illinois, U.S.A.

Thank you for having written such a concise and easy understandable book on a complex topic.  It is a treasure of wisdom and knowledge to me."

Dr. A. Rolfes
Newrybar, Australia

“A very useful book for reference, being comprehensive in its scope.  There is something for the reader of all ages.”

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, India

“ interesting and useful book.  I think everyone---Hindu and non-Hindu---can benefit by reading this well-written book.  It is required reading for all Hindus of all ages.”

Swami Brahmarupananda, Vedanta Society 

 “...provides a well-crafted and complete overview of the fundamental concepts of Hinduism.  This work is an invaluable resource.” 

Hinduism Today, U.S.A.

 “...lucidly explains Hinduism in a nutshell.”

News India-Times, New York.

“The book is packed with excellent being sold in the Temple and almost everyone who has bought it has appreciated the contents.”

Dr. Uma Mysorekar  
President, The Hindu Temple Society of North America

“I have read many books about Hinduism and Indian culture, but this is the best one I have ever encountered.  It explains many  issues that are otherwise confusing to an Indian, such as myself, who was born and aised in America.”

Deepa Patel, Burlington, New Jersey.

“A wonderful book, easy to understand.”

Nisha Patel, 13-years old, Voorthees, NJ.

“Nothing surpasses the research assembled in this book.”

Dinesh Kampani, Hollywood, CA.

“This book has the depth of knowledge which every Hindu and non-Hindu can utilize and gain from.”

 Abnash Narula, Hari Om Mandhir, IL

“It combines erudition with simplicity of style that is rare among Indian authors of books on Hinduism.”

Bandana Purkayastha, Weatogue, CT.

Hindu Dharma
A New Comprehensive Guide to Hindu Way of Life

ISBN: 0-9634798-3-0, soft cover, 120 pp. plus nine color pictures of popular Hindu deities  

Hindu Dharma explains the symbolism of the Hindu deities and includes nine beautiful color pictures of the popular Hindu deities.  These pictures can be used for daily puja (worship) in the home shrines by the devotees.  The book also includes the historic address of Swami Vivekãnanda on Hinduism at the 1893 World Parliament of Religions in Chicago.  The book explains:

  • What are the essential features of the Hindu way of life?

  • What is the Hindu concept of a harmonious family?

  • What is the Hindu vision of a harmonious world?

  • What are the responsibilities of parents, teachers and elders in Hindu culture?

  • What is the Hindu mannerism and etiquette towards elders?

  • What is the Hindu definition of right and wrong?

  • What is the daily routine of a devout Hindu?

  • How can today’s youth and young adults benefit from Hindu religious  and spiritual teachings?

  • What is the message of Vedas for mankind?

  • What is the Hindu spiritual vision of legal, political and economic systems?

  • Are the Hindu religious doctrines relevant to the modern world?

  • What contribution have Hindus made to the world culture?

  • What exactly did Swami Vivekãnanda say at the 1893 World Parliament of Religions in Chicago that helped the Western world to understand and finally appreciate the Hindu religious tradition?

  • Why do Hindus call their religion a universal religion (Sanãtana Dharma)?

Here is how to order these books:

Item No ISBN Price each Shipping Total
Hindu Mind, soft cover 0963479849 $16 $3 $19
Hindu Mind, hard cover 0963479822 $24 $3 $27
Hindu Dharma, soft cover 0963479830 $9 $3 $12

Make check for the total amount payable
to B&V Enterprises, Inc. and mail to:
925 Maryknoll Circle, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
(Allow two to three weeks for delivery)



Bansi Pandit

Hinduism is the oldest living religious tradition in the world. Explore Hinduism is a concise but well-rounded introduction to the variety of beliefs and practices, and describes how Hindus think, act and practice their faith in the modern world. Most importantly, it illuminates the 'soul' of Hinduism, its spirituality.

Bansi Pandit has an excellent grasp of the depth and breadth of Hinduism and his style is readable, making Explore Hinduism simple and undaunting for those approaching this religion for the first time.

This book is recommended for Key Stage 2 and 3 Religious Education and as background reading for all teachers who need to be aware of Hindu beliefs and religious practices.

Published by Explore Books, an imprint of Heart of Albion Press.
ISBN 1 872883 81 8. NEW October 2005.
demy 8vo (215 x 138 mm), 187 + viii pages, 10 b&w photos; 12 line drawings; 6 diagrams, paperback




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