Chapter 12: Why is Hindu Dharma a
Universal Religion?
A religion is universal if its appeal is not restricted to any
particular segment of humanity, religious group, nation, race, class, country or
age. All religions have some universal aspects, but all aspects of Hindu Dharma
are universal. The reason for this difference is that Hindu Dharma does not
derive its authority from the teachings of a single person or a book. The
spiritual experiences of numerous sages and saints of yore form the basic
foundation of Hindu Dharma. A true spiritual experience is always rooted in the
universal vision of mankind. The mystics of all religions have invariably held
that beyond the apparent diversity of the physical phenomena, there is a perfect
Thousands of years ago, the rishis discovered two basic universal
principles: the spiritual oneness of all things and beings in the world and the
divine nature of the human being. The scholars tell us that Hindu sages were the
first to conceive of a true Infinite, from which nothing is excluded. Thus, from
its very inception, the foundation of Hindu Dharma was cast into the bedrock of
universalism. The following major doctrines, which are central to Hindu beliefs
and practices, depict the universal vision of Hindus:
- World Brotherhood: The most daring universal hypothesis man has
ever conceived is the great Upanishadic doctrine "Aham Brahmasmi,"
meaning "I am the Infinite, the very Infinite from which the universe
proceeds." This doctrine identifies every human being-regardless of
race, religion, color, sex, or geographic location-with divinity and lays
foundation for world brotherhood. Hindu sages have declared that no one is
superior or inferior to others. Our individual past karmas have created us
as unique individuals. But our differences are temporary and exist only at
the physical level. All differences vanish when one attains self-knowledge
through a spiritual experience.
- Harmony of Religions: One of Hindu religion's greatest gifts to
mankind is the attitude of religious harmony. Hindus declare that
"holiness, purity and charity are not the exclusive possessions of any
particular religion in the world and that every system has produced men and
women of the most illustrious character." The Hindu scriptures declare,
"As the different streams having their sources in different places all
mingle their waters in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men
take through their tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or
straight, all lead to Thee."
- Reasoned Faith: Hindus declare that blind faith and dogma are the
two most vicious sources of conflict in the world; only reasoned faith can
ensure harmony in the world. "I know that I myself owe it to thinking
that I was able to retain my faith in religion...," writes Dr. Albert
Schweitzer.17 One's deepest convictions must be vindicated by
reason. Reason says that it is irreligious to perform religious actions
which cause pain and discomfort to others. It is alright if an organized
religion inspires its followers in the existence of God and prescribes a
discipline to reach Him. At the same time, it is also important to recognize
that God is above all religious systems, even though theologians may set
limits to Him.
- Ahimsã (Non-violence): Without a true spirit of non-violence
towards all forms of life, there can be no genuine peace in the world. For
universal harmony, the individual and social actions of people and the
economic and political actions of nations must be based upon the attitude of
non-violence. In the words of Geoffrey Hodson, a twentieth century
theosophical writer, ahimsã is "not mere negative non-injury, [but]
positive cosmic love."
"Non-violence is the law of our species as violence is the law of the
brute," says Mahatma Gandhi. "The spirit lies dormant in the brute and
he knows no law but that of physical might.... Non-violence is the greatest
force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of
destruction devised by the ingenuity of man. Destruction is not the law of the
humans....Every murder or other injury, no matter of what cause, committed or
inflicted on another, is a crime against humanity." 15,18
- Universal Prayers: one of the notable features of Hindu religion is
the universality of its prayers. When a Hindu prays, he does not pray for
wealth and riches for himself, his family or his community. Instead he prays
for enlightening the intellect (to ward off fanaticism) and for the welfare
of all the people of the world. This is evident from the following popular
prayers that millions of Hindus sing daily in the morning and evening in
their home shrines and temples throughout the world:
"Asato mã sad gamayo; tamaso mã jyotir gamaya; mrtyor mã amrutum
gamaya; Om, shãntih, shãntih, shãntih." (Brihadãranyaka Upanishad
"Lead me from unreal to the real; lead me from darkness to light; lead
me from death to eternal life. Om, Peace, peace, peace be unto us and all the
beings of the world."
"Om sarve bhavantu sukhinah, sarve santu nirã-maya-ah; sarve
bhadrani pashyantu mã-kaschit dukha-bhak bhavet. Om, shãntih, shãntih, shãntih."
"Oh Lord, may all [entire mankind] be happy; may all be healthy; may all
experience prosperity; may none (in the world) suffer. May peace, peace, peace
be unto us and all the beings of the world."
Referring to the above prayer, Arthur Schopenhauer says, "I know of no
more beautiful prayer than that [of] the Hindus...'May all that have life be
delivered from suffering!'" (Refer to page 71 for another splendid Hindu
prayer, Gãyatrî Mantra.)
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