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Symbol of Unity

Mar 24, 2025: Monday

Cultural Heritage of Kashmir

Cultural heritage of Kashmir is as multi-dimensional as the variegated backdrop of its physical exuberance which has nursed and inspired it all along. Its sanctity and evergreen stature can be conveniently inferred from the chaste shimmering snow, with its virgin demeanor from top to toe, adorning the towering peaks of its mountainous periphery. Mellowing kisses of the sun endow these summits with a rosy blush lending perennial health to our warbling brooks, roaring waterfalls and sedate and solemn lakes. To crown all, this very nectarine glow has most meaningfully groomed our mental attitude to glean unity amidst seeming diversity.

Culture is always in a flux and ferment. It is a non-stop mental journey with no mile-posts to cool its heels upon. It is, precisely speaking, the cumulative expression of the values enshrined in the heart-beats of the denizens of this Happy Valley. The irresistible stamp of Buddhist compassion, Hindu tolerance and Muslim Zest for life is most unmistakably discernible from the attainments of Kashmiri mind and intellect.

In the foregoing web pages, we have made a humble attempt to portray this very salient trait of our culture.

 - by Professor K. N. Dhar
Text reproduced from Glimpses of Kashmiri Culture

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Table of Contents

History of Kashmir Folktales
Geography of Kashmir Articles from Koshur Samachar
Major Ethnic Groups Five Millennia Old Culture & Literature of Kashmir
Glimpses of Kashmiri Culture Paintings by Kashmiri Pandit Artists
Kashmir - The Crown of India Artistes
Kashmir - Poetry of Nature Poets
Language Playwrights
On Kashmiri Names Leaders
Proverbs Personalities/Scholars
Culinary Art of Kashmir Kashmiri Kangri
Costume Kashmiri Samovar
Walnut In Pandit Heritage – Rituals and Recipes Haarun Gindun
The Valley of Kashmir - Races and Tribes (Main) Deyjehour
The Valley of Kashmir - Archaeology Kashmiri Pandits and Music
Music A typical Kashmiri Pandit Marriage
Video Vyeth Television
Miscellaneous Articles

The Flavour of Kashmir

Kashmiri Pandit Marriages - Main Features

Two Great Kashmiri Buddhist Scholars

Saraswat Brahmins

This clan helped preserve Indian literature

Kashmiri Panda in Haridwar


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