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Mayhem in Kashmir: Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits
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Mar 27, 2025: Thursday

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Recognize, Remember & Revere
Project R/3 is an effort to Recognize, Remember and Revere all those Kashmiri Hindu souls who perished in the latest holocaust perpetrated against them in the vale of Kashmir. It is very unfortunate that these innocent Kashmiri Hindu Indians, who were mercilessly killed by Islamic terrorists, have already been forgotten and forsaken into the history.
Article 370: A Constitutional Impediment to Resolving the Kashmir Crisis
nArticle 370 was a temporary statute, defining relationship with an interim state administration
n - Gave special status to the state
n - Different citizenship rights
n - Different property rights
n - National corruption laws did not apply
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KASHMIRI PANDITS: The INVISIBLE RefugeesKashmiri Pandits: The Invisible Refugees
In the 1989-1991 time period, nearly 400,000 Kashmiri Pandits were expelled from their native Kashmir valley after a combination of violence and explicit threats by Islamic terrorists aided and inspired by Pakistan. 
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Genocide of Kashmiri PanditsGenocide of Kashmiri Pandits
Religious Sadism At Its Peak
350,000 Kashmiri Pandits, constituting 99% of the total population of Hindus living in Muslim majority area of the Kashmir Valley, were forcibly pushed out of the Valley by Muslim terrorists, trained in Pakistan, since the end of 1989. They have been forced to live the life of exiles in their own country, outside their homeland, by unleashing a systematic campaign of terror, murder, loot and arson. Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits has reached its climax with Muslim terrorism succeeding in 'CLEANSING' the valley of this ancient ethno-religious community.
The Desolation of Cleansed NeighborhoodsEthnic Cleansing Glimpses
The Desolation of Cleansed Neighborhoods
Terrorism, whatever may be its garb, ultimately knows no faith nor religion and is undiscerning, particularly when it is used as a means to attain the ends of an external force. This pictorial series provides a visual window into the destroyed, barren houses and neighborhoods belonging to Kashmiri Hindus in Kashmir valley.
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Panun Kashmir
  Destruction of Cultural Symbols and Shrines of KashmirDestruction of Cultural Symbols and Shrines of Kashmir
Desecration, damage and destruction of temples is not new and unusual phenomena. The process has been continuously going on ever since Kashmir passed into political domination of Muslim rulers in the first quarter of fourteenth century.
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Panun Kashmir
state of Kheer Bhawani PremisesState of Kheer Bhawani Temple premises
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Civil Sectt. Hindu Devotees Sanastha
  The masked terrorists in Kashmir: Pawns in a bigger game.Terror Analysis
Assessing the Strategic, Human and Economic Cost vs. Benefits
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The masked terrorists in Kashmir: Pawns in a bigger game.Kashmir Insurgency
Assessing the Strategic, Human and Economic Cost vs. Benefits
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  The masked terrorists in Kashmir: Pawns in a bigger game.Pak Terrorism
October 2003
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J&K: Defusing the Flashpoint - A Comprehensive AnalysisJammu and Kashmir
Defusing the Flashpoint

A Comprehensive Analysis

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Virtual Homeland of Kashmiri Pandits
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  The masked terrorists in Kashmir: Pawns in a bigger game.The Global Islamic Terrorist Framework
The Big Picture
Virtual Homeland of Kashmiri Pandits
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Will War Bring Peace to Jammu & Kashmir?
Assessing the Strategic, Human and Economic Cost vs. Benefits
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  Terrorist leader with bodyguards.Kashmir Fact Sheet
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US India Relations
KP Martyrs taken from Kashmir: Wail of a Valley By Mohan Lal Koul   Nachiketa's Arrival in India
Massacre at WandhamaMassacre at Wandhama - March 1998
A Massacre of 23 Kashmiri Pandits
WARNING: Pictures displayed are gruesome. Viewer's descretion is required.
The felons came with the fox's smile. The trusting but targetted sleepy innocents served them Kashmiri customary tea. In a minute the young and old were razed to dust and ash.
Pictures courtesy of:
Koshur Samachar
  Massacre at SangramporaMassacre at Sangrampora - March 1997
A Massacre of 7 Kashmiri Pandits
Pictures courtesy of:
Panun Kashmir
Nadimarg Massacre, 24 March, 2003
WARNING: Pictures displayed are gruesome. Viewer's descretion is required.
  With Love from Pakistan - Arms, Explosives, Subversive Literature Recovered from J&K Extremists and arrested ISI operatives
Kashmir Special   Picture Galleries


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Bajrang Bhakt · June 24, 2012

We are with you KPs. We will never give up Kashmir. They will be destroyed, their time is coming. Everywhere in the world they are being finished.



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