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Mar 26, 2025: Wednesday

Shivratri (Herath)

Shivratri is the crown of our festivals, and is spread over a full fortnight of the Phalguna month. Among the Kashmiri Pandits this is known as Herath, a phonetic derivation of Har-ratri the night of Hara (Shiva). It is a socio-religious function that is the very part of our life. It is believed that every Kashmiri girl is a Parvati and is wedded to Shiva. The Shivratri symbolises the wedding of the two, and on this occasion the Bhairavas and other Ganas accompanying Lord Shiva are fed with choicest dishes up to the fill and to their satisfaction.

Shiv-Parvati with Ganesh
Shankar, Parvati with Ganesh

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Shiva Ratri
Shiva Ratri is the integrating force of the Sanatana Dharma, popularly known as Hinduism. Shiva Ratri is the essence of the Yajur Veda, where Shiva is adored as Rudra, Shambhava, Bhava and Hara. Shiva Ratri is a spiritual journey from Hara state of mind to the Bhava state of existence.  >>>  
Walnuts and Shiva Ratri
Walnuts as it is called Doon in Kashmiri language is an integral part of the Vedic injunction in the Kashmiri Pandit religious ethos. Walnut in any Homa is essential ingredient of the Samagri. >>>
The Secret of Shivaratri
Shiva is eternal existence and, therefore, the Supreme Truth. He is free of bondages, devoid of attributes, all pervading and yet above everything (Ati tishthat dashangulam). He is Conscience (Chit) and Bliss (Ananda). Everything emanates from Him and everything merges with Him. He answers the form of Brahma and with the attribute of Rajas (Rajoguna) creates the universe. 
Mahashivaratri (the great night of Shiva) falls on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight of Phalguna (February- March), and is dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva. This festival is purely religious in nature and universally observed by all Hindus. On this day devotees sing bhajans in honor of Shiva, recite Sanskrit shlokas (verses) from scriptures, offer prayers in the morning and evening, and some observe fasting throughout the day.  >>>
Kashmiri Pandits' Version of Sivratri
Sivratri (Kashmiris call it Herath) is an important festival of Hindus. Lord Siva and his spouse Parvati are worshipped with great devotion everywhere in the country. Even those Hindus living abroad cannot forget observing and enjoying this king of festivals. Alongwith worshipping 'Siva' people observe both social and cultural meets on this festival. They rejoice and exchange greetings with friends and relatives, no matter how distant and near they are.  >>>
Shiv Ratri
A number of festivals are celebrated by Hindus in India and all over the world. One of the most prominent of these festivals is Shiv-ratri. For Kashmiri Pandits, Shiv-ratri is the most important religious festival. Celebration of this festival has remained proverbial from ancient times. In Kashmiri, Shiv-ratri is also known as Har-ratri and Herath. It is said that Lord Shiva called Devi Jagatamba by the name Hairte on this day which eventually got transformed into Herath. >>>
Shivaratri - The Biggest Festival Of Kashmiri Pandits
Shivaratri (literally meaning Shiva's night) is a festival of great significance for Hindus all over the world, especially for those of Kashmir. Esoterically, it is symbolic of the mystic union of Jiva (individual soul) with Paramatma (the Supreme Godhead) and it represents the high state of spiritual realization wherein the world of relativity fades away and perfect peace and calm prevails. >>>
Any account of the customs and rituals of our community, without a mention of the Shivaratri festival, would be incomplete. This is the crown of our festivals, and is spread over a full fortnight of the PhaIguna month. It is a socio-religious function that is the very part of our life. On the first day of the dark fortnight, called Hurya Okdoh the wholesale cleaning of the house, painting and decorating begins with gusto. >>>

Festivities Galore - Shivratri

Festivals and sacred days have deep roots in our socio-religious traditions. They form a significant part of our cultural heritage. Their celebrations lead to spiritual upliftment, soul purification, moral enrichment besides self-discipline. The festivals sustain our spirits, add colour, zeal, variety and zest to our existence and in the process help to keep our traditions and time tested rituals alive. >>>


Maha Shivratri - Revisting Kashmiri Ritual Variants

Festivals are vibrant representatives of traditional values, cultural and religious ethos and mythologised past. The various rituals and religious rites having localised distinctive uniqueness are vital components of festivals. They add substance, strength, warmth and spiritual colour to the weave of human life. >>>



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