P.N. Kachru
P.N. Kachru
Artist of Kashmir from Rainawari, Srinagar.
Photo Courtesy: Mag. Kapil Kaul
Mr. P.N. Kachru is an artist of national repute. He is a graduate
from the Punjab University. He kept terms in Post-graduation in English
Literature, 1945-46, in the same university. He earned a Diploma in Fine Arts
(Painting) in 1944. He has been the founder member of the National Cultural
Front established in November, 1947 to combat the tribal storm-troopers who
invaded Kashmir in October, 1947. He has also been the founder member of
Progressive Artists Association, The National Cultural Congress, J&K State
Cultural Congress, the J&K Artists Association and the visionaries. He has held
numerous exhibitions of his paintings at various art centres in Delhi, Bombay,
Lucknow and Srinagar. He has also participated in numerous national exhibitions
held by Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi, Hyderabad Art Society, Academy of Fine
Arts, Calcutta, Bombay Art Sociery et al. He has participated and presented
papers on Kashmiri art and culture in several national seminars.
He shot up in the art
scenario of the country when he earned a number of awards from Hyderabad Art
Societal and Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, J&K State. In 1988 he was
invested with "the Veteran Artists" Award by AIFACS, New Delhi.
1. Born in Srinagar, Kashmir
2. Education:
a. Graduate, 1944, Punjab Unive rsity
b. Kept terms in Post Graduation in English Literature, 1945-46, Punjab
c. Dipoma in Fine Arts (Painting), 1944.
3. Founder Member:
a. The National Cultural Front, November 1947.
b. Progressive Artists Association, September 1948.
c. The National Cultural Congress, 1950.
d. J&K State Cultura Congress, 1953.
e. The J&K Artists Association, 1954.
4. Exhibitions, Group Participations:
a. Progressive Artists Association, Srinagar,
May 1949
b. Progressive Artists Association New Delhi, Bombay & ucknow, September,
c. Progressive Artists Associations – 1950, 1951, 1953 and 1955.
d. J&K Artists Association, Srinagar and Jammu, 1954.
e. Kashmir Art Society, 1958.
f. Academy of Art, Cuture and Languages, Srinagar, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960 and
g. The Group of Three – Kachru, Kaul and Kishori, New Delhi, 1960.
h. The group of five – Srinagar, New Dehi & Bombay, 1964.
5. The National Participation:
a. National Exhibitions, Lalit Kala Academy,
New Delhi 1958, 1959, 1964 & 1967.
b. All India (National) Exhibitions of Hyderabad Art Society, 1962, 1965 &
c. Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta, 1960, 1962 & 1966.
d. Bombay Art Society, 1960.
6. One–man Exhibitions:
a. New Delhi – 1955, 1960, 1966, 1972, 1976,
1980 & 2002.
b. Calcutta – 1959, 1963 & 1965.
c. Bombay – 1955 & 1957.
7. Awards and Prizes:
a. Best painting of the year, 1959 award,
Hyderabad Art Society.
b. First Prize, 1959 Hyderabad Art Society.
c. Prize, Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, J&K State, 1960.
d. First Prize, Academy of Art, Cuture and Languages, 1962, J&K State.
e. “The Vetran Artists” award, 1988, AIFACS, New Delhi.
8. Handicrafts:
Design Development:
a) Design Development Scheme formation, 1956,
b) Design development of handicrafts, 1958 to 1980.
Craft Research Programmes:
a) Research in the :Kani Shawl”.
b) Woodcrafts – folk traditions, Architectural (Medieval) & Modern.
c) Kashmir glazed potteries.
d) Namdha Felt making, formation and quality control.
e) Research and survey of Kashmir carpets.
f) Research in vegetable dyes.
a) First survey of handicrafts 1970.
b) Research and survey of cotton prints – the Samba prints.
c) Research and survey of ancient Chikri woodcrafts of Thana Mandi.
d) Survey of felt makers of Saurashtra (Kutch), a project from Gujarat Govt.,
9. Writings and Articles:
a. Modern Kashmir Art movement and its
b. Kashmir Buddhist sites – Harwan, Wushkar and Hutmar (Matan).
c. Kashmir School of Terra Cottas – the Wushkar school.
d. Megalithic site of Burzhom, Kashmir.
e. Burzhom and Indus vally civilization.
f. The living tradition of India-crafts of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh –
Chapters of Papiermache and wood crafts, Mapin Publications Pvt. Ltd.,
g. Survey Report on felt makers of Kutch (Saurashtra), commissioned by
Handloom and Handicrafts Export Corporation, Govt. of Gujarat.
h. “Stein’s search for Codex Archetypus” – the paper was read out on the
occasion of Remembering Sir Aurel Stein.
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