Mar 27, 2025: Thursday
of Kashmiri Pandits
Kashmiri Brahmins are divided into 199 exogamous sections (gotras) the
members of which profess to be descended from the Rishi or inspired saint
whose name the gotra bears. Among these sub-divisions social preeedence
is governed by the spiritual greatness or the inferiority of the respective
Rishis, Koul being considered the highest of all the sub-divisions. But,
generally, social position is determined by the nature of occupation followed
rather than by the gotra and those who have been employed in superior State
service since two or three generations hold their heads high above, those
who are engaged in trade or cultivation. Originally there existed only
six gotras, viz., Dhattatreya, Bharadwaja, Paladeva, Aupamanyava, Maudgalya
and Dhaumyayana. By intermarriage and intermixture with other Brahmins
the number of gotras multiplied to 199. According to some authorities there
were only three principal divisions viz., Bhat, Pandit and Razdan, from
which are derived the distinctive appellations of Koul, Sopori Pandit and Raina. From these three families, as each took to a particular occupation
or by adoption or intermarriage with other gotras, other gotras came into
Besides gotra, each family has a kram or nick-name
added to the original name by reason of the head of the family's or any
of his ancestor's special calling or because of such peculiar circumstance
which has occurred to him. For instance, a man, named Wasdev, had mulberry
tree growing in his courtyard and, therefore, he was called Wasdev Tul
(mulberry). He, in order to get rid of this nick-name, cut down the tree.
But a mund (trunk) remained and people began to call him Wasdev Mund. He
then removed the trunk of the tree but by its removal a khud (depression)
was caused and henceforth people called him Wasdev Khud. He then filled
up the depression and the ground became teng (a little elevated) and he
began to be called Wasdev Teng. Thus exasperated, he left to do any further
attempt to remove the cause of his nick-name and it continued to be Teng
which is now attached to the names of his descendents.
The Kashmiri Brahmins perform their religious
ceremonies and rites according to the Vedas of Laugakshi Rishi and the
Nilamatpurana. They freely partake of fish and flesh. They intermarry,
only avoiding gotras on both paternal and maternal sides. A list of gotras,
together with the two chief divisions of Bhamamasis and malmasis and the
nick-names of the families belonging to each gotra is at the end of this
Pocock says that there are traces of the settlements
of Kashmiris in Greece and from this he infers that the Kashmiri Pandits
were originally Greek or Persian settlers in the valley who were Brahmanised.
It is by no means improbable that some Kashmiris went to Persia and Greece
in the time of Darius Hystapse's invasion of the Punjab and Alexander's
conquest of India (331 B.C.) and settled there. Hence there might be traces
of Kashmiri settlement in those countries. It is possible that some people
from Greece came and settled in Kashmir in ancient times. The tribe Mlecchas
which existed here in the time of Ashoka is assumed to have been Greeks
(see Rajatarangini I, footnote 10). These were driven out of the country
by his son Jalauka. But Mlecchas were quite a distinct race from the Kashmiri
There is a tradition in Maharashtra that white
men like Kashmiri Brahmins got drifted in a storm on the Malabar Coast
and, being supposed to be dead, were, however, found alive when attempted
to be cremated. Probably it was a large number of fugitives from Kashmir
in the time when Hindus here were being forced to embrace Islam. They might
have been quite exhausted and emaciated as if looking dead after their
long and tedious journey. The terms of this tradition are, I believe, a
grossly exaggerated form of expression.
During the Muhammadan rule some Brahmins were
once given option to either submit to the sword or take food prepared by
a Musalman. They naturally quivered at the prospect of death and unwillingly
accepted the latter alternative, but, in their anguish to reduce pollution
to its minimum. made the Musalman cook boil rice in a new lej or earthen
pot and when ready they took it out from the lej with their own hands and
reluctantly ate it. They afterwards expaciated for the forcible pollution
by performing Prayashchitta but still the Biradari, who were as punctilious
as ever, ostracised them, condemmning them for not having preferred death
to losing their caste by pollution as thousands others had boldly done
under such circumstances. Their descedents are called Lejibat because of
their ancestors having eaten food cooked by a Muhammadan in a lej. A stigma
also attaches to the members of the caste known as Wurud or Purib who are
the illegitimate offspring or are of a mixed union in which one of the
parents is brahrmin and the other a khatri. No Brahmin will take food touched
by a Lejibat, Wurud or Purib. In the time of Zain-ul-abdin the Brahmins,
who studied Persian and took to government service, were called Karkuns.
With the advent of Sikh rule in 1819 A.D. some Karkuns began the study
of Sanskrit literature again, and they were called Pandits. Karkuns do
not, intermarry with Bachabats. Those who are versed in astrology and draw
up calendars, cast horoscopes and profess to prophecy future events, are
called Jotshis. The priests, who preside over Shiva worship, are called
Gurins. The Panyechh are those who receive alms and other offerings connected
with funeral obsequies. Their office is legarded as derogatory by the Bachabats
as well as the Karkuns who, for this reason, look down on them and refuse
to take food from their hands.
Gotras |
Nick Names |
Bhava Kapishthala |
Khoru, Zadu, Sibbu, Vantu, Chandra, Kalla, Khaibri,
Lattu. |
Bhava Kapishthal Aupamanyava |
Wanikhan. |
Bhuta Vatsya Aupamanyava |
Peshin. |
Bhuta Vatsya Lauaakshi |
Dar Bharadwaja |
Bangi, Dar, Jawansher, Misri, Parikala, Qandahari
Thalatsur, Tritsha, Tshut, Turki, Uthu, Vichari, Waguzari. |
Dar Varshaganya |
Bakhshi, Kachru, Safaya, Shali |
Dar Wasak Shandilya |
Safaya. |
Deva Bharadwaja |
Jatu, Khurdi, Sabani, Yachh, Zaru, Kallu. |
Deva Vardhatta Shalan Kaushika |
Tsrungu. |
Deva Varshaganya Shandilya |
Safaya. |
Datthtreya (Koul) |
Aima, Babu, Bamtsunt, Bamzai, Buju, Chowdhri,
Dandar, Dangar, Drabi, Dout, Hak, Jalali, Jinsi, Jota, Kak, Keni, Kissu,
Kothdar, Ladakhi, Mekhzin, Mandal, Moza, Muhtasib, Nagari, Padar, Pahalwan,
Ratiz, Sahib, Shargha, Shoga, Singhari, Salman, Sultan, Tota, Ugra, Zamindar. |
Kantha Dhaumyana Laugakshi Gautama |
Bandar, Breth, Hastiwal, Muhtasib, Kav, Razdan,
Shah, Shair, Wangani, Wat, Zari. |
Paldeva Vasagargya |
Pat, Kukru, Khoshu. Kav, Pir, Malla. |
Pat Svamina Kaushika |
Amhardar, Bira, Braru, Chacha, Chaghat, Durani,
Fotedar, Ganju, Jala, Kachru, Kalu, Khurdi, Kyani, Mam, Mattu, Misri, Pandit,
Panzu, Salman, Shanglu Sulu, Teng, Tritshal, Unt, Vashnavi, Wufa, Wanchu,
Waza, Zithu. |
Pat Svamina Deva Ratra Parwara |
Pandit, Watal. |
Raj Kaushika |
Khod. |
Svamina Bharadvaja |
Bazari, Garyali, Jan, Khar, Miskin, Miyan, Munshi,
Tikku. |
Svamina Gautama |
Gagar, Tava, Padora, Parimu, Keni, Kak, Razdan,
Fehrist, Tarivala. |
Svamina Gautama Laugakshi |
Fata. |
Svamina Koshk Bharadwaja |
Bhatt, Kukru. |
Svamina Maudgalya |
Lala, Kandar, Buni |
Svamina Laugakshi |
Tur |
Svamina Vasishtha Vatsya Laugakshi |
Svamina Was Atreya |
Thusu. |
Shalan Kautsa Sharman Gusha Watsya Aupamanyava |
Tilwan Koul, Mukka. |
Wasadeva Palagargya |
Bindri |
Gotras |
Nick Names |
Atri Bhargaya |
Hapa |
Artha Varshaganya Shandalya |
Choudhri |
Bharadwaj |
Bhava Atreya |
Bhava Devalya |
Bhava Kapishthala Kaushika |
Patar |
Bhava Kapishthala Manana |
Bhava Aupamanyava |
Variku |
Bhuta Laugakshi Dhaumyayana Gautama |
Bhuta Laugakshi Gautama |
Bhuta Raja Laugakshi Dhaumyayana Gautama |
Bhuta Aupamanyava Laugakshi |
Bhuta Aupamanyava Shalan Kayana |
Giru |
Bhuta Aupamanyava Vatsya Laugakshi |
Pishen |
Bhuta Was Aupamanyava Laugakshi |
Peshen, Thakur, Zalpari |
Dar Bharadwaja Paladev Vasagargya |
Dar Dev Shalan Kapi |
Mota |
Dar Dev Shalana Kaushika |
Muttu |
Dar Dev Shalana Kuayana |
Dar Kapisthala |
Lidi, Bhatt. |
Dar Kapisthala Upamanuva |
Mich |
Dar Shandalya |
Jogi |
Dar Sharman Kautsa |
Dipat Saman Aupamanyava |
Sapru |
Dat Dat Shalan Kautsa |
Bhatt, Kasab, Khaumush, Malik |
Dhaumyayana |
Razdan |
Datta Kaushika |
Dat Sharman Kantha Kashyapa |
Raina |
Dat Varshaganya |
Sazawul |
Dat Was |
Khari |
Deva Bharadwaja |
Bhatt, Gadar, Kallu |
Deva Bharadwaja Kaushika |
Deva |
Deva Gargya |
Bhan |
Deva Gautama |
Bhatt, Purbi |
Deva Gautama Laugakshi |
Hakim |
Deva Kaushika |
Bhatt |
Deva Kantha Kashyapa |
Kar |
Deva Kucha Atreya |
Badgami |
Deva Kashyap Maudgalya Kashyap |
Bradi |
Deva Laugakshi |
Mantapuri, Pandit |
Deva Parashara |
Thogan, Tulsi, Yachh, Kak |
Deva Patsvamina Aupamanyava Kaushika |
Deva Patsvamina Koshk |
Kalpush |
Deva Rishi Kaushika |
Deva Svamina Gautama Kaushika Maudgalya |
Deva Sharmanya Kautsa |
Deva Shandalya |
Bataphalu, Karawani |
Dev Svamina Maudgalya |
Bradi |
Dev Chahanda Shandalya |
Dev Aupamanyava |
Kalu, Khashu, Meva, Pandit |
Dev Vasishta Bharadwaja |
Dev Wasishta |
Shopuri, Hukku |
Dev Vishamitra Varshaganya |
Kem, Vangar |
Dev Wasishta |
Ukhlu |
Ishwar Shandalya Kusha |
Nakhasi, Raval |
Kautsa Atreya |
Bhatt |
Kaushika Bhardwaja |
Bhatt, Nagari |
Kanth Kasahap |
Bhatt, Dassu, Razdan, Tangan |
Karchanda Shandale |
Chandru, Kar |
Kara Shandalya |
Mantu |
Kash Aupamanyava |
Bhatt |
Mitra Atreya |
Mitra Kaushika |
Mitra Kashyapa |
Handu |
Mitra Shandalya |
Bhatt |
Mitra Svamina Kaushika Atreya |
Said |
Nanda Kaushika Bharadwaja |
Pandit |
Nanda Kotsa |
Nanda Koshk |
Bhatt |
(Deva) Parashara |
Yechh |
Paladeva Vasgargya |
Bangru, Bakaya, Kadalabuju, Khashu, Kichlu, Kokru,
Mala, Mam, Mirakhur, Misri, Munga, Pir, Put, Sopuri-Pandit |
Raj Dat Atreya Shalan Kautsa |
Bhatt |
Raj Bhut Logaskhi Deval |
Bhan |
Ratra Bhargava |
Zitshoo, Chacha |
Raj Dhattatreya |
Partazi |
Ratna Kucha |
Raj Kaushika |
Hakachar |
Rishi Kaushika |
Kashgari |
Raj Kautsa |
Rishi Kavigargya |
Zaru |
Ratna Maudgalya |
Rama Ratra Vishwamitra Agastya |
Rama Ratra Vishwamitra Vasishta |
Raj Shandalya |
Duru |
Raj Soma Shandale |
Ratra Varshaganya |
Kotar |
Raj Vasisht |
Shunglu |
Ratra Vishwamitra Agastya Aupamanyava |
Ratra Vishwamitra Vasishta |
Trakari |
Ratra Vishwamitra Agastya |
Mattu |
Sharman Atreya |
Gaddu |
Sharman Bharadwaja |
Bhatt |
Shandalya Bharadwaja |
Bhatt |
Sharman Kautsa |
Bhatt, Mogal, Sav, Thela |
Sharman Kanth Kashyapa |
Shalan Kayana Atreya |
Sharman Kaushika |
Sharman Shandalya |
Shila Shandalya |
Soma Gargya |
Shandalya |
Soma Shandalya |
Soma Vatsa Gargya |
Svamina Atreya |
Chaka, Handu, Gadwali, Kala, Shal, Sikh |
Svamina Bhargava |
Bali, Battiv |
Svamina Bharadwaja |
Khar, Kutsru |
Svamina Bharadwaja Vatsa Atreya |
Svamina Bharadwaja Kaushika Vatsa |
Svamina Bharadwaja Vas Atre |
Kalu |
Svamina Bharadwaja Kaushika |
Svamina Bharadwaja Shandalya |
Svamina Bharadwaja Kaushika |
Svamina Bharadwaja Dhuni, Kashypa, Gautama, Laugakshi
Divali |
Svamina Deva Gargya |
Svamina Gargya |
Machama |
Svamina Gautama |
Bazaz, Badam, Charangu, Chillum, Gurut, Kak,
Khosa, Kakapuri, Labru Langer, Manwotu, Naqib, Padora, Piala, Qazi, Razdan,
Thalatsur, Thapal, Zari |
Svamina Gautama Atreya Shalan Kucha |
Raina |
Svamina Gan Kaushika |
Padi |
Svamina Gotam Bharadwaja |
Kemdal, Karihalu |
Svamina Gotam Laugakshi |
Choku, Chhotu, Turi |
Svamina Gotam Shandalya |
Labru, Razdan |
Svamina Gotam Kaushika |
Svamina Gotam Shalan Kucha Atreya |
Razdan |
Svamina Gotam Gosh Vas Aupamanyava |
Chakan |
Svamina Gotam Atreya |
Tsul |
Svamina Gotam Shalan Kucha |
Svamina Hasya Dvaseya |
Khanakatu |
Svamina Kaushika |
Thakur, Watal |
Svamina Kantha Kashyapa |
Labru |
Svamina Laugakshi |
Svamina Maudgalya |
Bhuni, Chana, Dewani, Galikrapa, Kanth, Khazanchi,
Mazari, Muj, Madan, Mushran, Put, Shora Taku, Zahi, Razdan, Zitu, Zotan |
Svamina Maudgalya Parashara |
Svamina Parashara |
Svamina Rishi Kanya Gargya |
Koul (Kulin) |
Svamina Rishi Kanya Vatsya |
Svamina Shandalya |
Bhatt, Bakhshi, Nari |
Svamina Aupamanyava |
Gigu |
Svamina Kautsa Atreya |
Svamina Vasishta |
Svamina Vasishta Bharadwaja |
Bhatt, Handu, Hukhu |
Svamina Vaaa Gulak |
Svamina Vara Mitra Vatsya Guna Kaushika |
Svamina Vasa Gargya |
Langer, Sum |
Svamina Vatsya |
Svamina Vas Atreya |
Ghasi, Thusu, Waza |
Svamina Vatsya Aupamanyava |
Bhatt, Wallu |
Svamina Warshaganya |
Chothai; Duda, Hangal, Kathju, Lange, Kasid |
Svamina Was |
Chhanda Shandalya |
Varshayani |
Barbuz, Karnel |
Vatsya Atreya |
Vatsya Gusha Aupamanyava |
Pandit |
Vishnu Bharadwaja |
Vishnu Gargya |
Vishnu Shaunaka |
Vasishta Svamina Maudgalya |
Bhandari |
Vasa Aupamanyava Laugakshi |
Wasishta |
Bhatt, Rangateng |
Wasishta Dhatta Shalana Kucha |
Wardhatta Shalana Kucha |
Muki |
Wata Shalana Kucha |
Excerpts from:
The Kashmiri Pandit
by Pandit Anand Koul
Thacker, Spink & Co.