October-November 2003 issue
Kashmir's Silk Embroidery with floral patterns
Sweet and Sour
Tribhuwan N.Bhan
and Reality
Sunday, I boarded the local train at Churchgate. Being Sunday, the
compartment was almost empty and there was absolute silence. As the train
was about to enter the next railway station i.e. Marine Lines, I could
hear someone shouting, "Thief, thief ...". Out of curiosity, I
alighted at Marine Lines and walked in the direction from which the sound
of the words 'Thief, thief' could be heard. I reached Marine Drive and saw
a tall old man wearing a long Kaftan-type outfit standing on the parapet
of the drive. His long silvery grey beard and hair were being tossed about
due to the sea breeze. He wore a hair-band round his forehead to keep his
long hair rather orderly. In his hand, he held a long staff, which was at
least a foot longer than the height of the man. He was looking in the
westerly direction and shouting loudly "Thief, thief ....". I
went close to him. Looking at his face, I could see his deep sunken
eyes and felt as if penetrating beams were emanating from them. He with
his weird countenance and attire did not seem to me an inhabitant of this
planet. I had to sum up all the courage and strength and ask him,
"Where is the thief?" "There is the thief", he said
and pointed towards the west. As I could see no one except the setting
sun, I told him, "I do not see anybody except the setting sun."
"That one, the setting sun is the thief. He is going behind the
horizon after having robbed a day from the life span of every living
being. He is the biggest thief !!" He held my hand firmly. His grip
was strong like a steel grip. It was astonishing to realise that despite
being so old, he had so much physical strength.
I tried to wriggle out my hand from his grip but he would not let
go of my hand. As he walked briskly with long strides, I had to run by his
side. To keep pace with him was not an easy task. It fatigued me. He then
showed me a place of worship with serpentine queues of devotees outside
it. "Do you see these people? They are the people who have absolute
faith in God. They will perform all their religious rituals, worship their
deity and ask God to protect them all the time. According to them, God is
'omnipresent'. They believe, He will be by their side always irrespective
of what they indulge in. Their misplaced faith means protection to
them. Remember the heartless and ruthless dacoits of Chambal valley. They
would begin their day by performing puja and worship their deity, put a
long black Tilak on their foreheads before indulging in loot, plunder,
arson and murder. It was their faith made them believe that they
were receiving protection from their deity , had a divine mandate and thus
lived a charmed life. Ravana too was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. He
thought he was invincible due to Lord Shiva's blessings. But then he met
his Nemesis in Ram whose Sita he had abducted."
Saying this he made me walk a long distance more and pointed out to
me a group of people who were being tempted and brain-washed by a few
religious fanatics, in the garb of preachers. They were being coaxed to
indulge in nefarious and questionable activities, create anarchy in the
name of religion and thereby they would benefit monetarily and otherwise
too. This group of people heard the so-called preachers but turned their
backs on all the temptations they were offered. "My dear, did you
observe this scene? This group of people who did not want to do anything
wrong despite all that they were promised, were the ones who have fear of
God". The old man summarised all that we had seen by saying,
"There are basically two kinds two kinds of people, some have faith
in God and others have fear of God. The former believe that by
making offerings at places of worship, rubbing their foreheads at the
entrance and by performing all the religious rituals regularly, God will
provide divine protection to them, even when they may deprive other human
beings of basic necessities of life. But the latter think that God is
almighty and will not spare any wrong-doer, be he strong or weak, rich or
poor, low or high. This fear prevents them from indulging in
anything questionable, unethical or deprecatory. It is the latter ones who
are nearest to God, who dwells in their hearts. While the former are
farthest from God."
Saying this, he loosened his grip on my wrist, which had become
numb by then and suddenly disappeared, as if he had made himself air into
which he vanished mysteriously.
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