June-July 2003 issue
The Natural Ice-Lingam of Shri Amarnathji
from ‘Kashmir’ by Francis Brunel)
Between Ourselves
… M.L.Mattoo, President
•Our Association organized a unique event “Workshop
on Enhancing Personal Effectiveness” for our biradari youth, the first
of its kind in our history, on 21 June 2003, with the idea that such
events enhance the community relationship alongwith the career
development. The Workshop was conducted by Dr. Om Kaul, a world renowned
management consultant and a member of our Mumbai biradari. Our sincere
thanks to him.
•Admissions to the professional colleges in
Maharashtra state, for the current academic year have concluded, though
with a lot of confusion regarding the fee structure. A good number of
seats both in MBA & BE courses remained vacant. As usual we
accommodated prospective candidates & their parents in Marwari
Panchayat Sabha, Sukhanand Ashram at C.P.Tank & at Bal Vikas Bhavan,
Chembur. Incidentally, President of All India Kashmiri Samaj (AIKS) Shri
M.K. Kaw happened to be in Mumbai during the course of admissions. At the
request of KPA, he visited the counselling Centre at Chembur. He met
various migrant parents from all parts of India who put in all the faith
in him. He was very happy to be present at this conglomerate and
complemented KPA for rendering various services to the migrant community.
Our BoT members met him separately for nearly 2 hours and discussed
various subjects with him. We also had fruitful discussion on the 'Project
•Kashur Gazette from New Delhi came to my hand
recently and it is shocking to note that Kashmiri Sabha, Delhi has
disaffiliated itself from AIKS for the reasons best known to their
Executive. All Kashmiri Pandit organisations in India and abroad had at
last come under one umbrella by virtue of our affiliation with the Samaj.
We in Mumbai were very happy about this unity and expected good time
ahead, with a dynamic leader Shri M.K.Kaw at the helm of affairs. It is
irony of the fate that Shri Sunil Shakdar, President KSD was himself
instrumental in persuading and proposing Shri Kaw for the post of
President AIKS. It seems we have not learnt the lesson even now that
'United we stand, Divided we fall'. - Nothing but clash of 'Egoism'.
We assure AIKS that the Kashmiri Pandits' Association, Mumbai shall always
stand behind it.
•As you all are aware that our Project Zaan has
taken deep roots and has come to stay. It needs whole hearted and
continuous support, involvement and commitment by all of us, without which
it can not succeed. The efforts put up by the organisers are enormous and
we should see that these bear positive results. So far 4 volumes of the
Information Digests have been published to maintain Kashmiri heritage,
which has created deep interest in the youngsters as well as elders in
India and abroad. It is the need of the hour to nourish the Project with
all our mite.
In this context, we are conducting a Workshop on
Kashmiri Language on Sunday, the 7th September 2003 at Kashyap Bhawan for
all parents and children, as a prelude to 4th Kashmiri Quiz Contest,
slated for 19th October 2003. We impress upon Biradari members to attend
the Workshop.
•Lastly Smt. Shushila Dhar Charitable Trust,
Mumbai has extended the Educational Awards to 2 camp schools in Jammu at
Mishriwala besides Muthi and Nagarota camps. A great work indeed! KPA is
proud of Shri Girdharilal Dhar of Bandra.
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