July-September 2001 Issue
by J. L. Manwati
~ Tuesday, the 11th of September 2001 shall go down in the civilized
society as the Darkest Tuesday which needs condemnation in most harsh words.
Politics may be 'Opportunity of Suitability' which shapes the attitude
of the Nations to deal with such wanton attacks differently at different
times, but the fact remains, innocent civilians become victims of the senseless
idiosyncracies of the perpetrators. The reflex mood of anger and revenge
may have died by now in USA, but irony is that the protagonists of these
even in USA, plead that innocent Afghan people should not be targeted,
as if all those 7,000 odd people which included 250 Indians, who are missing
and now can safely be declared dead, were not innocent. Let's not play
politics. We condemn this spiteful act and pay our homage to the deceased
of this ghastly tragedy.
~ 'Each man is a hero and an oracle to somebody'. True to this Emerson
maxim, Shri Sunil Fotedar of Texas, USA has flashed as a real hero and
an oracle to us at 'Project ZAAN' through his deluge of e-mails, ever since
Sunil jee came to know that we have published the book "Basic Reader for
Kashmiri Language' in Devanagari, under the Project ZAAN, we understand,
has been working on Kashmiri website ceaselessly for many years in USA
and has created a comprehensive site
wherein all the relevant information on Kashmir is stored for curious knowledge
seekers. They say, 'Man is only truly great, when he acts from the passions'.
Shri Fotedar has the right passion
for Kashmir and Kashmiri.
He has already put the whole
Reader and the two Information Digests Volume I & II on the Web, as
also other relevant information which has been disseminated so far under
the Project ZAAN. Expressing 'Gratitude' would be too poor a word for the
benign gesture Shri Fotedar has exhibited towards the Project ZAAN. We,
at the Kashmiri Pandits' Association, Mumbai look at Shri Fotedar as the
custodian of Kashmiri heritage. May his passion grow from time to time.
~ Admission to the Professional Colleges in Maharashtra State, for the
current academic year have nearly concluded. Almost all the B.E. seats
have now been filled in the second round of counselling held on the 22nd
of September 2001. Normally the prospective candidates and their parents
are accommodated in Sukhanand Ashram and Marwari Panchayat Sabha at C.
P. Tank. The other place, Bal Vikas Mandir at Chembur is often preferred
because of the proximity to the place of counselling. While KPA, after
fixing the arrangements at C. P. Tank, leaves the incoming Biradari members
to fend for themselves, the members at chembur are taken care of, day in
and day out by Shri M. L. Mattoo, Vice-President, KPA. Be it late night
or early morning, Shri Mattoo, even with his indisposed health was observed
rendering selfless service to the community. Shri Mattoo was caught by
an inquisitive press reporter of the Times of India. The reporter featured
Shri. Mattoo in the Chembur-Ghatkopar edition of the Times of India dated
8th September 2001. Shri Mattoo no doubt is modest by nature and has been
underplaying his service to the Biradari but the Times if India has caught
him unawares.
Kashmiri Pandits' Association is proud of you. Keep it up Shri Mattoo.
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