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Mar 27, 2025: Thursday

Mystic Trends in Kashmiri Poetry

Kashmir, which is known as the 'paradise on earth', has been the abode of eminent scholars, savants, historians and poets, like Bilhan, Mamatachary, Anandavardhana, Gunaverman, Abhinavagupta, Jonaraja, Kalhana, etc. These luminaries had mastery over Sanskrit language. During the Muslim rule, Persian became the court language. Kashmiri scholars did not lag behind in acquiring mastery in this language also and produced scholars and poets like Gani Kashmiri, Munshi Bhawani Dass Kachroo, Hyder Malik Chadura, Narayan Kaul Ajiz, Muhammad Azam Didmari, etc. Besides them, there were saints and poets who preferred to use their own Kashmiri dilect for conveying their messages and thoughts. These included both men and women. Most prominent among them were Sheikh Noor-u-Din Noorani, Lal Ded, Rupa Bhawani, Habba Khatoon and Arinimaal. 

Featured Collections

The Secrets of Ishbar
Subhash Kak has been called India's leading expressionist poet. He is the author of two other books of poetry "The Conductor of the Dead and Other Poems" and "The London Bridge and Other Poems". His poems have appeared in leading journals of Hindi and English poetry in India and the West. 
Ek Taal, Ek Darpan
A Collection of Hindi Poems.   >>>
The Best of Mahjoor
Mahjoor has a place of honor among the poets of Kashmir. He is especially noted for two things. First, he introduced a new style into Kashmiri poetry. Second, he introduced a new thought into Kashmiri poetry. Mahjoor wrote poems of freedom and progress in Kashmiri. These songs awakened the sleeping Kashmiris. He came with a new voice and a new (literary) form. 
Meditation on Time
M. Kaul, who was born in the beautiful Vale of Kashmir in northern India, is an engineer by profession. He has written many articles and poems that have been published in periodicals in the U.S. and India. His main interests are in science and philosophy. He is currently engaged in writing a book on human culture and is planning a sequel to Meditation On Time.  >>>
Sukeshi Has A Dream
Sukeshi has a Dream and Other Poems of Kashmir is part of a larger poetry collection, about to be submitted to presses. The genesis of this volume has to do with Pandit's years of intense engagement with teaching literature and literary aesthetics in a cross cultural context, and her theoretical interest in the science of Aesthetics.   >>>
Of Gods, Men & Militants
This book of poetry gives expression to the intense hurt, sadness, disappointment, shock and disillusionment of a whole community. Only a son of the soil like Kundan Lal Chowdhury, could provide the right voice for these emotions and thoughts. 

Kashmir Publications


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