Saligram Kaul, the noted
physician passed
away on Feb ruary 17,
2005 at New Delhi
after a brief illness.
He had a
distinguished career both as an
able physician as well as an
administrator. He served as Principal
Govt. Medical College, Srinagar
and Director Health
Services, J&K before his retirement
in 1973. As an academician he had few
He never
sought to promote his career by
seeking favours. Imbued with sense
of high idealism, Dr. Kaul
never compromised on
principles. He was a gentle colossus.
Ancestry: Saligram
Kaul was born to Pandit
Aftab Kaul Nizamat and Mrs.
Devaki Kaul in 1913. The family
lived in BreKujan quarter of
Habbakadal. Incidentally, Pt. J.L.
Nehru’s ancestor Raj Kaul
‘Naru’ also lived in the same
mohalla before moving out to plains
to seek fame and fortune'.
Kaul’s ancestor Pt.
Kaul had two sons-Ram Kaul and
Sukh Kaul. The former was a
well-connected administrator during
Pathan rule (1759- 1819). He
got constructed a mosque in
the adjoining Gadud Bagh
Mohalla. The mosque came to be
called ‘Bata Mashid’- a mosque
constructed by a Pandit
(Bata). Ram Kaul earned the
sobriquet of
for his
administrative capabilities.
He died at
the of 95.
Ram Kaul
had three sons- Chandra
Kaul, Nath Kaul and Krishan
Kaul. Chandra Kaul did not leave
behind any descent and died
at the age of 80. Krishan Kaul died
quite young. Aftab Kaul was
born to Nath Kaul.
Aftab Kaul
had three sons-Janki Nath,
Jagar Nath and Saligram.
Saligram Kaul had meticulously prepared
his family pedigree a few
years before his death.
Pt Aftab
Kaul: Pt. Aftab
Kaul Nizamat was born in
1886 and was educated in the CMS
High School.
always a topper in his school, he
did not pursue his studies
beyond matriculation.
His father
had died young. Pt.
Aftab Kaul
served as a subordinate official
in the Audit Department of the
Kashmir government.
family’s compound used to be
the common playground for boys
of locality. It was called
‘Kola Angun’ (compound of Kauls).
Pt. Aftab Kaul used to
play with young boys
Since his
childhood Aftab Kaul was
restless and wanted to
bring the much
desired social
change in the
society. He alongwith
Kaul Khasta and
Srikanth Toshkhani
have been among
pioneers in
bringing social
change in Kashmiri
Pandit society in early twentieth
Dr. Annie
Besant, the great Irish
Theosophist had entered politics
and was elected the first woman
president of the Indian National
Congress in 1917.
Same year,
she alongwith Dr.
cousins launched the Indian
Women’s Association in Chennai to
ameliorate the condition of Indian
women. She took keen
interest in the developments in the
Valley. Dr.
advised the local theosophists to do
something for the uplift of
the local women.
Dr Saligram
Kaul recalls, "Dr. Annie
Besant was my father’s
guru. On
five or six occasions
1 had the
privilege to meet Dr. Besant and
stay with her.
the great theosophist
Kashmir, my father
arrange all-religion
prayer meetings. Father
was able
to get Musa
and Hamza Shah
from among
the majority community
to join
these composite
meetings. Mr. Patigaroo
displayed great dignity.
My father
instinctually drawn to reform
of the
society, Pt. Janardan
Teng, some
Pt. Munshi and
younger people worked
with him
in this eavour.
They would
conduct meetings
for social
upliftment near
temple. Since there
was no
daughter in the family,
welfare of
women held special
him. He
Brekujan. Father had
helped the
and needy
Miss Mayo was sent
by the Britishers
to denigrate
Her book
on India
carried a chapter on Kashmir.
This drew
strong protests in Kashmir in
which the people made
bonfire of the book. Pt.
Aftab Kaul
Nizamat launched his public
career on this issue.
represented the local
theosophist chapter. He was a devoted
theosophist for thirty five years
and became the Secretary (1925) and
the Vice-President (1948) of
the Kashmir Lodge. Pt.
Aftab Kaul worked closely
with leading theosophists - Dr
Venkatchalam and Dr.
Jonarajan, who was later associated
with Salar Jung Museum.
Welfare Trust: After the
agitation on Miss Mayo issue
was over, Pt. Aftab Kaul
involved himself in Women’s
Welfare Work. In September
1926 an organisation known as Women’s Welfare
launched with an objective to
“advance the Welfare of the
Kashmiri women by imparting to them
knowledge, by
stimulating home industry among them
and by promoting their
physical health and wellbeing.
founding members of the Trust
were: Mrs. Margaret Cousins,
Mrs. L.D. Van Gheel
Gildemeester, Sri Kanth Toshkhani,
Shridhar Kaul Dullo, and Aftab
Kaul Nizamat. The Trust
embarked upon an ambitious programme
for advancement of
education among women. The
membership of the Trust was
strictly confined to those who
professed to be theosophists.
The rule
was made to exclude
people who did not consider all
religions equal and thus avoid the
taint of communalism.
Soon after
its initial success the trust also
launched a school for Muslim
girls in 1929.
Saligram Koul recalls, “I was
reading in 9th class in 1926.
Father was
keen to conduct the ritual
ceremony of Shradh of his father.
After taking the fasting meals, he
raised the issue of starting a
school with Shiv Bayo.
Till then
there was only one school for
girls, Nani’s school at Chinkral
Mohalla. Kashmiris were
reluctant to s female students
to schools where teachers were
invariably males. My father
felt that parents might relent out of
reverence for Guruji if Shiv
Bayo was involved in it.
Bayo’s school, which
subsequently became Vasanta School,
initially started at Gadud Bagh just
opposite to where Narus
lived. Later it was shifted to Dewan’s
house at Kharyar.
were raised from public for
running the school”.
Pt. Aftab
Kaul would provide books and
soap to school to serve the
needy students. He also launched a
campaign among poor
students for undertaking bath
regularly and maintaining personal
hygiene. There was just one
Anglo-Indian school at Nowakadal.
Shaiv Bayo’s school ran
very well. It started as a
Primary school with just five girl
students on its roll and one teacher to
instruct them. Within four
years, the number of schools managed by
the Trust rose to ten (six
primary, three middle and one high)
and the number of students was 575.
In 1929
the Trust was emboldened
to start the first Muslim
school for girls. A
drafted to start this school,
which was named after
The latter was a great Buddhist
scholar. Maitreya School was
near Hamza Shah’s house.
Still the response from Muslim
girls was not encouraging.
Pt. Aftab
Kaul before going to office,
would take a potter’s daughter
and one Sajjida to school.
Mrs. Sajjida Zameer Ahmed,
subsequently became Director
School Education. Her concern
for female education and
secular views have few parallels in
Kashmir’s contemporary history.
school was opened in a
rented accommodation near Rugh Nath
Razdan’s house.
School later was renamed as Kashypa
School. Since education
among girls was a taboo, Vasa boya
was appointed in Kashypa
School. Students, who passed
out from these schools,
later rejoined as teachers.
Ahmed Ashai, Inspector of
Schools, had authoritarian streaks
and harboured extremely parochial
views. He had susped
PN Bazaz and Sheikh
Abdullah in two different cases. At
the instance of Jagar Nath
Bazaz, the younger brother of
Prem Nath Bazaz, Pt.
Aftab Kaul
allowed the latter to join the
Trust. He joined the staff of the
Women’s Welfare Trust in August
1930 as Supervisor of the
schools. Bazaz’s elder brother
Dina Nath Bazaz was posted as
teacher at Hanjura.
him two great intellectuals of Hanjura-Dina
Nath Hanjura
and Damodar Bhat Hanjura
joined the Women Welfare’s
Trust. The Hanjura brothers
developed intimacy with Pt.
Aftab Kaul and his son, Saligram.
Dr. Saligram Kaul would
often turn nostalgic while recalling
his association with Pt.
Bhat, who was a leading authority
on revenue law in Kashmir.
In 1930,
an adult school with three
young women, Sidha Lakshmi,
Posha Kujji and Radha Mal, was
opened in a room of Nizamat’s
own house. Leading role in
the Trust work was taken by Prof.
Toshakhani and Aftab Kaul
Nizamat. Prem Nath Bazaz pays a
moving tribute to Aftab Kaul
Nizamat for his work,
Kaul Nizamat was the
heart and
soul of the Women’s
Trust. It was the passion
of his
life to labour, night
and day,
for the progress of the
institution...A patriot par
excellence, he was a visionary
who felt
happy to dream about
the bright
future of a free
Kashmir in
which woman
would find
an honoured and a
place... Such was his
desire to see Kashmiri
restored to a position
of dignity
that every minute of
his waking
life, when off his
duties, he would sp
in doing
the Trust Work. Indifferent
to praise
or censure,
encomium or slander, to applause
or abuse,
which all were
his lot in
lesser or greater measure,
laboured incessantly
for the
cause till the very day
of his
death on 30th May,
in close contact
with him
and had the pleasure
to watch
him work for years. I
can say
that among the builders
of modern
Kashmir who
are not
much known but who
entitled to the gratitude of
Aftab Koul Nizamat
is surely
one. If ever we decide
construct a temple of fame
for the
illustrious sons and
who lived and died
for the
welfare of humanity
freedom of the Kashmiris,
this noble
soul should have a
reserved for him in it”.
Devaki Koul, wife of Pt. Aftab Koul
Nizamat, was secretary
of the Women’s League.
This organisation, which too
was affiliated to the Trust,
used to hold debates and
discussions on social evils and other
important issues to raise political
awareness among Kashmiri
women. Mrs. Devki Kaul also
took a leading part in
regeneration of the community in 1931-34
and organised demonstrations in support
of social reform.
Pt. Aftab Koul Nizamat enjoyed
the company of outstanding people.
His fris included Nand Lal
Mandloo, Pt.
Tota Koul
Jalali, Vasa Kaul Shair,
Shankar Lal Kaul and Kashyap
Bandhu. Nand Lal was a poet of
repute, who was rated as good as
Mehjoor. He played in a play ‘Harishchander’ alongwith
Akalal. Kashyap Bandhu was
an Arya Samaji Pracharak
in Lahore. He had left Revenue
Department service to become a
Pracharak. He stayed with
Nizamat family, whenever he visited
Jammu during winters.
Saligram Koul and his maternal uncle, Pt.
Maheshwar Nath Kaul
enjoyed Bandhu ji’s
hospitality in 1926-27 at his Ganesh
Gali residence in Lahore.
Saligram Kaul: Dr.
Saligram Kaul’s initial schooling,
upto 7th standard took place
at Babapora School.
Later, he
joined State High School.
His baptism in politics was
through an organization called ‘Fraternity’. Dharam
whose existence in Kashmir dates back
to 1896, was
spearheading a social reform movement.
The moving spirit behind
this was Pt. Hargopal Kaul
Khasta. Spread of education among
women and re-marriage of widows
was the main aga of
this movement. The
conservative elements headed by Amar Nath
Kak opposed widow
remarriage. The conflict between two groups
ed in open schism in 1930.
Younger elements, who yearned
for change, walked out to form ‘Fraternity’
forcefully articulate
the demand for widow
re-marriage. The word’
‘Fraternity’ was borrowed from the famous
slogan of the French Revolution
- ‘Equality, Fraternity and
Liberty’. To become a member of
‘Fraternity’ one had to leave
smoking, become a vegetarian and wear
Khadi dress.
Among the
prominent persons who were
directly or indirectly associated
with the ‘Fraternity’ were Damodhar Bhat,
Dina Nath
Hanjura, Mohan
Tikku, Dr. Col.
Kaul, ShambuNath
Dina Nath Bazaz, PN
Bazaz, T.N.
Kaul, Dwarka
Kachru, Dina Nath
poet Dina Nath Dilgir,
Nath Kaul and the
Ved Lal Dhar
Bhat’s rented house at
Malyar (Ganpatyar) served as
‘Fraternity’, office.
About the
launching of
'Fraternity’, Col. Kaul
Says, “We formed
Fraternity group with eleven
people in the beginning.
It was a
group of modernist, forward- looking
young people. No political
organisation was allowed during
those times. I would join
meetings of Fraternity’ at Malayar
in Damkak’s rented
house”. With the developments following
the 1931 Muslim
agitation, the ‘Fraternity’ was soon
pushed to the forefront
in an eavour to def the
interests of the Pandits in general
and renamed itself as
Dharm Young Men’s
13th July
On 12th
July, 1931 Dr. Saligram
Koul had gone to visit Hanjurah
brothers at Hanjurah. He and the
Hanjurah brothers returned to
Srinagar on 13th July, the
Monday. As tension built up, they went
to meet Amar Nath Pyala, the
Pandit leader. Mobs had
attacked Bohri Kadal, Mahraj
Ganj and Vicharnag Pandits
and Punjabi traders. Dr. Kaul while
describing the role of fraternity
says, “we as ‘Fraternity’ members
were silent. My father
asked us to get active. On the same
day we went to visit Maharaj
Ganj and saw tea and turmeric
bags strewn all over in Maharaj
Ganj Chowk. It looked as if the
road had been dyed.
Then we
visited Vicharnag. Pt. Janki Nath
Chandpora had a big house.
It housed our trust also. 8-10
families from Vicharnag
were brought here.
clothes of refugees had been torn. They
had suffered big losses and
remained here for pretty
long. Father expressed concern
and desired a strong
organisation to address the challenges in the
wake of communal violence.
Raja Harikishen Kaul, the Prime
Minister did not allow
registration of any association.
So Sanatan
Dharam Yuvak Sabha was
started”. At the instance of Pt.
Janardhan Teng, Yuvak Sabha papers
were collected from Zana Kak.
informal headquarters of the new
group was also at Malyar.
Its members were mostly the
members of the ‘Fraternity’ group. Pt.
Kashyap Bandhu
came to Kashmir in summer and
expressed desire to att SD
Yuvak Sabha meetings.
Pt. Aftab
Kaul was against allowing
entry to Kashyap Bandhu in
SD Yuvak Sabha. He feared
that he would try to 'grab' it. Young
men told him,” your are an Arya
Samajist. Our
organisaiton is a Sanatan Dharam
affiliate. How can we allow you
entry in our
organisation”. Kashyap Bandhu insisted
that he was with them and
applied Tilak on his forehead.
Bandhu Ji
was allowed to attend the
meetings but was kept away from
the core group.
In 1932
Kashmiri Pandits launched
to protest
against the
recommations of Glancy
Commission. The young school boys of
ter age organised themselves
into The
Bal Sabha with a
view to furthering the agitation at a time
when the Roti agitation
was losing steam. Col. Koul was
President of Bal Sabha, by
virtue of his being a member of
Fraternity’. He was a student
of Fsc. in SP College.
Gandhi had
given a call for boycotting foreign
goods and wearing Khadar
Pandit students, with few
exceptions like BK Madan,
were not attending the college
and were involved in picketing.
Principal Macdermott was
informed that Saligram Kaul was
involved in picketing at Sathu.
Kaul was rusticated. In Roti
agitation Saligram Kaul, Amar Nath
Pyala and Moti Lal Dhar
(Later Vice-Chancellor, BHU) were
key figures, who ran the
underground movement.
Kaul had been advised to remain
underground. Dr Saligram
Kaul recalls, “I was introduced in
Rainawari by somebody as ‘Miyon
toth Boya’ (My dear
brother). I lectured the audience on the
need to intensify the
agitation. Pt. Nilakanth Hak had
returned after doing LLB.
thrashed him as a government toady. I
was to be arrested soon after
the speech. I went
underground. At night I would go
to Amar Nath Pyala’s house. He
was the Dictator of the agitation.
To evade the police, we kept on
shifting litho. My class
fellow and fri Moti Lal Dhar would
arrange Litho. A police official
from Murran lived in his
neighbourhood. My father knew about
my activities. During night, in
our Tahkhana (Wardrobe)
posters would be
In the
morning these would be
circulated to different places.
President of the Organisation, I would
decide the places for courting
arrest. Som Nath Dhar was my
General Secretary. Amar Nath Pyala
had undertaken the
responsibility for coordination.” As per Dr.
Kaul, Pt. Shanker Lal Kaul and
Tota Koul Jalali were key
figures involved in drafting the
128-page Roti representation.
Kaul’s father never imposed
his views on his son and allowed
him full liberty.
Kaul’s marriage was probably
the first love marriage among
Pandits. He was only 11 and
recalls, “My wife was just 9 years
then. She was reading in Vasanta
School. We fell in love.
relations did not want me to marry a
commoner but my father stood by
Pt. Aftab
Kaul was vegetarian but
allowed his son to take meat. He,
however, told his son that if he
desired to take up Medicine
as a career, then he would have
to think whether politics
and Medicine can go together.
Dr Kaul
was in the hardline
group, which did not Dr. (Col.)
Saligram Kaul was a Social Visionary allow JL
Killam to open negotiations with the
He did not
have high opinion about JL
Killam as a politician and
considered him as a clever person.
The rank
and file of the movement and the
‘hardline’ group had
apprehensions that the government would not
abide by the agreement
reached. The government was only
willing to give verbal
assurances on revising Glancy
recommations. In Col.
Kaul’s opinion
led to
great political awakening
At the of
the agitation, Dr
Saligram Kaul was reinstated.
McDermott, an
Irishman appreciated his role.
tauntingly told TN Kaul (later
Foreign Secretary),
“I admire
students who joined
for a cause. I detest
people who sneaked quietly
to gain my
goodwill.” Radhey
Nath Kaul and his brother TN
Kaul used to att college
regularly during the agitation.
Soon after
the agitation ed, Dr
Saligram Kaul left for Lahore to
pursue career in Medicine.
unfolds the second chapter of
his life as a doctor.
Source: Kashmir
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