Arun Fotedar-A Tribute
By M.M. Munshi
A gem and a brilliant scientist of our
community Dr. Arun Fotedar
away due to liver failure at UCSD Medical Centre, Hillcrest California on 9th July 2007. His disease surfaced in less than
two months before his death, and doctors were unable to determine
its origin .”His death is a tragedy not only for his relatives and friends
but to the world because he was positioned to develop a whole new line of
cancer drugs”, stated Dr. Albert Deisseroth, President and Chief
executive of Sydney Kimmel Centre.
Dr. Fotedar was born at Srinagar, Kashmir on 12th May 1953 . He studied at C.M.S Biscoe Memorial High School and S.P. College
Srinagar before passing his B.Sc. Though he wanted to pursue scientific research as a career but at the
insistence of his parents he completed his MBBS degree from Srinagar Medical College in 1977. In 1983 He was
awarded Ph.D in immunology by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He later did
postgraduate work at the University of Alberta, Edmonton in Canada and taught there before joining the faculty
of the La Jolla
Institute of
Allergy and Immunology in 1991. In 1992 he moved as Professor and Director
at Cancer Cell Biology Program, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Centre , San Diego Centre California and
assembled an international team of scientists to design the drugs that approached cancer from a
new angle.
According to Dr.
Albert Deisseroth Dr. Fotedar explored cell cycles as a way of
interrupting the development of cancer cells before they were allowed to spread, he wanted to block things at that
stage. Dr. Deisseroth added that Dr. Fotedar's strategy was an innovative way fighting cancer cell development
“.We are zeroing on the bull’s eye, as opposed to a broader target and this means more effective drugs with
fewer side effects “stated Dr. Fotedar in a seminar in 2005. He was an extremely intelligent and great scientist,
one of his colleagues at Sidney Kimmel Cancer centre said. He always wanted to get to the bottom of things. It
wasn’t enough for him to accomplish one task, he always wanted to look miles ahead and remained at the
forefront of the quest of battling and local fund raising for cancer till his death. He was an internationally
sought after speaker for symposiums and his work was published in the top peer reviewed scientific journals . His
profile and publication can be seen at
http:// and db=pm&terms=fotedar A&field =AU
He also became a member of the American National Institute
Health’s Tumor Cell Biology Peer Review Group. His friend Bob Margolis described Dr. Fotedar as a very
fulfilling person to have deep discussions with on any subject like religion, art, history, physics, astronomy
or other subjects.
Dr. Arun Fotedar is survived by his parents Lakshmi and Prof.
D.N. Fotedar formerly head of Zoology Deptt and Dean of Science Faculty Kashmir University, his
younger brother Avinash Fotedar, Bhabi Rinu Fotedar and nephew Adhtya and other relations and friends who
are inconsolable. *(The author is Maternal uncle of Dr. Arun Fotedar). Source: Kashmir
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