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An Introduction to Spoken Kashmiri

Panun Kashmir


Symbol of Unity

Mar 27, 2025: Thursday


This place is about 4 miles from Srinagar. Here was the old capital of Kashmir, which was founded by king Ashoka of Buddhist fame. The word is a corrupt form of Purana-old, adhishthan-capital. There is now a cantonment at this pace. Not very far from the road there is a very low spring in the middle of which stands a beautiful stone temple. The roof of the temple consists of one stone artistically carved. This was erected by Meru, the minister of kinz Partha who ruled ashmir from 921-931 A.C. It was dedicated to Vishnu and was called Meru Vardhana Swami. It must have been a place of pilgrimage in the olden times. Mention of it has been made in the Amar Nath Mahatmva, but the place has now lost its sacred associations.

Text by: Samsar Chand Koul

Pandrethan (near Srinagar). One of the few temples of Kashmir with roof intact.
Pandrethan (near Srinagar). One of the few temples of Kashmir with roof intact. Although miniature in size, it is ornate with structural symmetry.
10th century era.


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J.L.Taku · Apr 25, 2012

It is perhaps on the road side from Srinagar to Jammu near cantonment area.

Inder Krishen Koul (Talib Kashmi · Apr 24, 2012


Purandisthana, meaning the `Old Capital' is marked by the present village Pandrethan located 2 to 3 miles above the municipal limits of Srinagar in the south eastern direction at the foot of a mountain spur rising to a height of about 3,000 feet above the village in bold slopes. The name of Purandisthana was used even in the first half of 7th century AD as mentioned by the Chinese traveller Hieun Tsang who referred to it as a 'Old City' 2 miles to the south east of New City.
Kalhana mentioned the name of Purandisthana first during the reign of Pravarsena I or Shrethasena (11 to 41 AD) when he got the shrine of Pravreshwara constructed and consecrated various holy shrines at Purandisthana. The well preserved little temple in the centre of the village has been recognised as Meruvardhanswami temple (**please see note below). General Cunningham has assumed that the `Old Capital' was infact the site of Ashoka's Srinagari, and the name was later transferred by Pravarasena II (78 to 138 AD) to his New Capital City of Pravarapura or modern Srinagar. It is said that Pravarsena's new capital was contiguous with the old capital of Srinagar for many centuries. Though importance of Purandisthana had diminished since Hindu times itself, but extensive remains of old building can still be traced on the terraced slopes rising immediately to the north and north east of Pandrethan village. Those to the north extend even upto Aitagaj, where broken pieces of colossal lingas did attract attention of researchers.
The Buddhist influence is also visible in some old structures found at this place. Stones of three Stupas were recovered from this place in 1916 to 1917 AD on the plain ground at a place where Army barracks have been constructed now in the east of Pandrethan village. One of the stupas measures 72' X 72' at plinth level having 7 compartments. The other Stupa on the western side perhaps owed its origin to Lalitditya's time (699 to 736 AD). The renowned Archaeologist R.C. Kak writes that the temple at Pandrethan had been constructed by Rilhana, a Minister in Jayasimha's time (1128 to 1155 AD). Stein confirms it and mentions its name as Rilhaneshwara, being a Shiva temple. However, subsequent detailed investigation reveals that it must have been a Bodhistava which was converted into a Hindu temple in subsequent times. The outer peripheral breadth and height is 17.5' X 17.5' with a roof bearing Chinese style. This city is said to have been destroyed by a fire around 960 AD during the reign of Abhimanyu.

The well preserved temple of smaller dimension located in the centre of Pandrethan village (old Purandisthana) has been recognised by Gen. Cunningham as Meruvardhanswami temple. It was erected by Meruvardhan, a Minister during the reign of Partha (915 to 930 AD)in honour of Lord Vishnu. When Stein visited this place towards the close of 19th Century, the structure of the temple stood in the water of a shallow tank which had occupied a place in the courtyard.

Inder Krishen Koul
( Talib Kashmiri)
April 24, 2012



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