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Mar 26, 2025: Wednesday

Martand (Sun Temple)

Pictures provided by: Kamlesh Moza, Baytown, Texas, USA


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I K Koul (Talib Kashmiri) · Apr 25, 2012

(The last para of my post dated April 24,2012 may be read as follows):

When Mohd Quli Khan was the subedar of Kashmir (1590 to 1601 AD), Mohabat Ali an official administering affairs of the state in Dacchan pargana, deceptively killed a band of bold and courageous youth at Mattan who had sought employment in the Army. It was during the same time that emperor Akbar while on his sojourn to Kashmir spent two days at Mattan where he entertained himself with the game of shooting eagles in the plains of Babul.

Inder Krishen Koul
(Talib Kashmiri)
April 25, 2012

Inder Krishen Koul (Talib Kashmi · Apr 24, 2012

( This post dated April 24,2012 may be read in continuation of the earlier one dated April 23, 2012)

In subsequent times when Harnamdev was on the throne of Kashmir (2378 to 2339 BC) his Commander in Chief named Durga who had become weary of the licentious habits of the king raised a revolt and not only imprisoned the king but burnt down a part of Babul town.
Among the deities worshipped at the ancient temple of Martand in various substructures following are notable :
i) The Sun god in the two small isolated temples on either side of the entrance to the quadrangular courtyard, where the chariot of Surya Arjuna is clearly visible engraved in the walls.
ii) Goddess Ganga with a pitcher in one hand and lotus in the other one and a Krama (crocodile) staring at her.
There is a Sharda inscription engraved on a stone slate just outside the main temple. The roof and other structures of the temple are believed to have fallen due to earthquakes and the action of Sikander Butshikan, the iconoclast, who as per Hassan Shah Khuihami spent one complete year in trying to dismantle this temple of huge size and dimension but didn't succeed to his satisfaction, upon which he ordered a large heap of wood to be burnt inside the courtyard causing disfigurement and destruction of a number of gold crested images and idols. He also got several stones pulled out from the foundation of the temple. However, a number of large and thick walled earthenware pots (Matkas) firmly dug into the ground lining the open quadrangular compound did still exist till recent times, which some historians believe were used in ancient times for storing the royal treasure. Sikandar Butshikan is said to have built a Muslim monastery at Mattan during his time. That the shrine at Mattan enjoyed very great sanctity and significance in the past is borne out by the fact that King Ramdeva after renouncing his throne in 2936 BC retired to this place and spent rest of his life for ten years in worship here alongwith his two disciples named Haruswami and Maruswami (who had helped the King through their spiritual powers in conquering many areas in Central India), whereafter all the three disappeared never to return . Abul Fazal, the official historian of Akbar, also writes that 'two demons Harut and Marut had been kept in captivity in a pit or depression close to Martand temple'.King Vyasdeva (2936 2880 BC) is said to have brought from India one thousand images of Mahadev or Shiva and ninety nine thousand stone lingas and installed them in the temples at Martand. King Kalasha had great faith in this shrine and as per his last wish, he was taken to Martand in 1089 AD where he breathed his last before the image of Surya Martanda , after a brief period of illness. Seven of his queens and a concubine performed Sati (self immolation on husbands pyre) at this place after Kalasha's death in 1089 AD. His son Harsha (1089 to 1101 AD) who was responsible for breaking idols and images of several gods in the Valley of Kashmir spared the shrine of Martand. Subsequently during Kalhana's time, the shrine was used as a fortified position by rebel contingents under the command of Sanjpala against Trillaka.
During the fifth and final term of Sultan Mohd Shah's rule (1530 to 1537 AD) the Nobles and Ministers assembled in the fields of Babul alongwith the royal army and engaged in pitched battles with the forces of Mirza Haider Dughlat in 1532 AD in which a number of Kashmiri soldiers including some prominent commanders were killed and several others got drowned in Lidder river. This was enough to lower the morale of Kashmiri Nobles/Ministers who did not venture to come out from their hideouts located in mountain crevices etc. Mirza Haider Dughlat sent the message of his victory from the plains of Babul itself to his Mughal Ruler Sultan Syed Khan who had camped at Kashghar, Tibet Kalan,
When Mohd Quli Khan was the subedar of Kashmir (1590 to 1601 AD), Mohabat Ali an official administering affairs of the state in Dacchan pargana, deceptively kille

Inder Krishen Koul (Talib Kashmi · Apr 23, 2012

MARTAND (Tirath and Place)
This Tirath has remained the most celebrated pilgrim centre not only for the people of Kashmir but also for many devout Hindus all over India who still visit this place for performing Shradh and other sacred oblations. The ruins of ancient temple of Martand are located near the northern edge of the plateau or wudar of Mattan in district Anantnag about 4 miles from Anantnag town at 75 17' long. and 33 45 lat. The present tirath of Martand with its sacred springs is situated about a mile to the north west of the ancient Sun Temple. According to Martandmahatmya, the origin of the two springs Vimla and Kamla at Martand is connected with the story of the creation of Sun from the lifeless egg (Martand) which Aditi, the wife of Sage Kashyapa had brought forth as her 13th child. The popular name Bhavan is derived from the Sanskrit word Bhavana meaning a sacred habitation. A more specific designation is Matsya Bhavan which is attributed to the abundance of fish in the sacred springs.
At one time, the image of sage Kashyapa was worshipped at this place as per Nilmatpuran, but the image/idol no longer exists now. Lalitaditya (699 to 736 AD) is credited with having built the wonderful shrine of Martand and had also founded a town by that name, of which there is now no trace left. The village now existing near ancient Martand temple is known as Ranbirpura which was founded by Dogra King Ranbir Singh (1857 to 1885 AD). About the ancient town of Martand, Kalhana describes it as a place near the Sun temple "Swelling with grapes". A canal is believed to have been built to bring water from river Ledari (present Lidder) to the arid plateau in the vicinity of the ancient temple by King Ramdeva as back as 3005 to 2936 BC. This canal was perhaps repaired by Zain ul Abidin or Budshah (1420 to 1470 AD) who also got experiments conducted for cultivating cane sugar at this place. The ancient remains of this canal were visible at village Hutamura at the time of Stein's visit to this place in 1895 AD. The present Martand canal was, in ancient days called, Vahini. A garden is said to have been laid by Asif Jah, brother of Noor Jahan at Mattan by the order of Emperor Shah Jahan (1627 to 1658 AD).
Alongside the two small Dogra style temples located at the foot of the plateau at Mattan on the south east corner of the vast premises of the shrine is the cave about which it is said that it has no other end. But Vogel writes that he stayed in the cave for a night and it is not much in length. He also believes that some Bhikshus might have used it for meditation.
The ancient temple of Martand named Martandeshwar situated on the Mattan Wudar or alluvial plateau is believed to have been built by King Ramdeva (3005 to 2936 BC) with carved stone raising it to the height of about 50 yards. Some of the stone slabs are of gigantic size measuring 12 to 15 feet in length and breadth. King Pratapsheel (1570 to 1534 BC) is said to have built a temple by the name Pratapeshwar at this place. The subsequent constructions at this site have been attributed to the illustrious king Lalitaditya Muktapida (699 to 736 AD) giving it the status of a great shrine. The quadrangular courtyard of imposing dimension (220 ft. x 142 ft.) is surrounded by colonnades in a rectangle. Kalhana refers to this massive enclosure as Prasadantar. There were 84 octagonal pillars in rows. The main temple built on a 33 ft x 33 ft. square structure was about 75 ft. in height. The arches on the north and south of the temple were triconal. The width of stones used in the construction of temple was so large that inner space of the temple has remained only 18 ft x 14 ft. approximately. The base of the temple is believed to be that of original temple built by Ramdeva, who is also said to have founded a large city on this plateau by the name Babul with about 11 lakh dwelling units in it (which appears quite exaggerated). He had also brought a canal from Lidder river at Dachanpor pargana to his new city of Babul. In subsequent times when Harnamde



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