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An Introduction to Spoken Kashmiri

Panun Kashmir


Symbol of Unity

Mar 27, 2025: Thursday


Prayer hall at Harwan (during Kushan period 125 A.D.)
Prayer hall at Harwan (during Kushan period 125 A.D.)


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I K Koul (Talib Kashmiri) · Apr 25, 2012

The 'big boulder' referred to in my previous post is still known as 'Shanker Pal'amongst the locals and a case for retrieval of the possession of 'tirath' to the Hindus was sub-judice till the mass migration of Pandit community from the Valley.

I K Koul (Talib Kashmiri) April · Apr 25, 2012

SHARDAKUNDA or SHARADABAL (Tirath near Srinagar)

This substitute for ancient Sharda Tirath is located close to Harwan in a village previously known as Tsatsa. There is a spring located at this place and large number of pilgrims of Srinagar who could not undertake the tedious journey to original Sharda Tirath in Krishenganga ( now Neelam) valley used to visit this Tirath exactly on the day prescribed for Sharda pilgrimage. This place is also known to have been seat of Vasugupta a well known propounder of Trikha philosophy of Shaivism which is said to have been revealed to him as Shiv Sutras engraved on a big boulder during 8th century AD near Harwan.

Inder Krishen Koul
( Talib Kashmiri)
April 25, 2012

I K Koul (Talib Kashmiri) April · Apr 25, 2012

HARWAN (Village, Forest & ancient ruins)
Sadarhadvana `the wood of six saints' has been identified as modern Harwan by the Harakabhatta, the famous glossator of Rajtarangni. The well known Bodhistava, Nagarjuna who is the 13th patriarch of Buddhists had lived here during the time of Kanishka (around Ist/2nd Century AD but quoted wrongly as 1282 1261 BC by early historians). Remains of ancient monuments of Kushan dynasty including some brick pavements etc. have been traced and excavated in the south of Harwan village on the left bank of Sharab kol. The locals call this site by the name of Katri Daj which literally means tract of baked earthen ware pieces. Towards the beginning of 20th Century some ancient moulded tile work pieces were found here when digging was carried out for Sharab kol canal, but extensive excavation was undertaken in the supervision of Shri R.C. Kak, the then Superintendent, Archaeology, J & K Govt. in 1925 AD. These ancient remains are estimated to be pertaining to around 300 year AD. The ruins are spread over six terraces and there are clear impressions of two tanks/ponds which must have served as water reservoirs in ancient times. The artefacts including coins etc. recovered from the site are unique in style and resemble only those which have been found in Afghanistan. There is presently a large reservoir of water which is fed by the streams coming from Dachhigam sanctuary and Mahadev range of mountain peaks and this water flows through a canal up to the hill above Nishat garden where it is purified/filtered and then conducted to a part of Srinagar City for drinking purposes.

Inder Krishen Koul
( Talib Kashmiri)
April 25, 2012
Note : Please also see the next connected post of date.



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