Imperfect Mankind
by S.P. Kachru
Ever since human beings
started thinking about their
identities and values, they
have been aiming for an ideal
– the perfect human being, whom all other human beings should strive to
imitate. There is only one concrete
result of this deliberation upon which
everyone in the human race will agree,
however-namely that mankind as it
lives and behaves on this planet today,
has not yet become perfect. No wonder
that while nature does
attain perfection but we
people never do.
There is a perfect ant,
a perfect bee etc. etc. but
mankind is perpetually
unfinished. Imaginatively,
when mankind’s spirit awoke to life, a concept
was born that became known as
ethics. Ethics can serve as a signpost
on the way to becoming perfect.
Imperfect or as some may want to
address unfinished man requires
ethics because the consciousness of
self prompts people to think of
themselves first and only then – if at all – to think of others. Despite Ethics, crimes like wars, murder, mayhem
and better not to mention lesser rated
ones like dishonesty, continue to exist
and grow, unabated. The only thing that
has continuously changed and will
continue to change is the way in which
morals are interpreted, justified and
implemented. Unfinished mankind,
however, has remained and will continue to remain as far away from what
people actually should
be or could become.
Modernity has provided
a garb that men now
have a shower and a
shave before going to
attack another fellow human being.
The ethics of those who are on
their way to becoming perfect human
beings seem thus to be imperfect, a
fact that will clearly
prevent these ethics from
becoming fully effective.
One of the main
shortcoming probably is
that , ethics are, as a
rule, preached to others, hoping that they
will take them to heart
thus underlining that we have two
sets of morality, one which we preach
and the other which we practice but
seldom preach. Every human being,
however, has his or her own unique
experience to guide their ethical
practices. There may not be any society
where morals are not contravened
daily. We are, thus, forced to admit
that crime is unavoidable hence
routine. Consequently, there is no
point in referring to the unavoidable
imperfection of human nature as a
disease too since if it were so, we all
would have contracted this disease as
imperfection reigns everywhere.
In short, the perfect human being
will never exist.
Source: Milchar