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Morality Matters

by S.P. Kachru

A fish seeing from below the water and a bird from above shall see same thing differently and so for our opinions about moralities. It is sometimes matter of convenience to preach morals but law makers have nowhere been able to impose it by law. Morality in effect is the result of a rational process, whereby, the mind reasons about moral ideas and creates moral rules, which shall make morality acceptable and applicable universally. An interesting paradox this since the myth of moral conduct and justice needs to address the application of so-called ‘duty'to rescue those suffering injury by others or by nature. Indeed legal quibbles cannot govern the morality of governance.

Some European nations even go to the extent of imposing lawful stipulation of binding duty for citizens to offer support and help in such emergencies, failure of which may even lead to defaulter’s imprisonment. On the contrary, in USA even a group of qualified life guards may not be penalized for seeing a child drown, however, they may be questioned for the liability of any injury to the child or even for the damages to the pool, caused by the rescue attempt. So while there indeed is a moral duty to help but legally there is none. European nations may have perhaps overlooked or underplayed the Janet Jackson visual but unusual uproar and protest that ensued in USA was unrivalled.

Understandably, there is more than one set of morals and therefore each one can cause aggravation in a different fashion, time and people. We observe media morality in what we see in the newspapers splashed across the pages whether passed off as a news item or indecency and obscenity flashed in the garb of product promotion but how often is there a public outcry against them ? Not unaffected is our Censor Board and hence the liberal spirit of unprecedented anatomical displays and permissiveness for daring and baring thus the so called morality of our nation undergoing a big change. Similarly, the increasing indecency over Radio has many running for cover over their ears while the eyes shall anyways bear the brunt of unprecedented race for exposures over various TV channels, trying to out do each other in order to ensure higher TRP. Films have always led from the front when it comes to showcase morality in various forms, however, policing of eroding morality appeared in yet another form through recently released and running to packed houses, Bunty Aur Babli, a movie wherein the super cop Amitabh Bacchan lends a perfunctory nod to morality.

Morality in public life and politics has also attained newer dimensions –political leaders of all kinds and creeds overruling the established laws and precedents as and when they want to do so. Be it the Chief Minister of Bihar, Tamil Nadu or Gujarat, they would get away by doing their own thing just as, morality in political arena showcases how no political party falls short of offering tickets to many gangsters, slumlords etc., what with a strong vote base that they may claim to carry with them. Not too long ago, Barbie dolls were declared a threat to morality in Saudi Arabia since revealing clothes of the “Jewish” toy were considered offensive to Islam hence religious morality was activated. Similarly, Mumbai recently heard some moralists blaming the molested women and their attires for inviting the attacks on them while the offenders were given the support of sympathy. Morality may also mean bombing schools and hospitals as war against terror and terming protection of temples and residential areas in Kashmir from militant barbarism as human rights violation. Morality thus also distinguishes world’s most powerful democracy from world’s largest democracy - depends upon how one sees it.

Source: Milchar

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