Top Secret
by S.P. Kachru
Many politicians, policemen,
lawmakers, law breakers,
protectors, perpetuators,
professed lovers etc. have one
thing in common. They all participate
to a great degree in the delights – as well as the burdens – of sharing a
secret. That is why we are jealous of
them, for the secret fulfills a truly
basic human need. A secret is
absolutely wonderful ! Whether wife
discovers it while scrumptiously
rummaging through husband’s drawers, or Saas ji eavesdropping
outside closed doors of Bahurani,
whether we share it in furtive whisper
or stoically keep it to ourselves, a
secret is the perfect synonym for
excitement and adventure.
A secret can be a burden too, if we
have to keep it to ourselves. But the
difficulty of keeping a secret cannot
outweigh the delight of discovering
one. Nothing unites people than
having a secret in common. Secret
societies, conspiracies and intrigue
benefit from the power and attraction of
a secret. And the good news is – there’s a secret around just about every corner. So while there is no
dearth of secrets, the trick is to retain
a sense of curiosity.
Most people have a secret or two. A
friend of mine once indulged in the fun of calling up all sorts of people on the phone
and whispering "I just
chance to know a couple
of those things and goings
on etc." into the
handset in his most
conspiratorial voice.
Actually he knew nothing at all but
almost all of the people so addressed
were nevertheless astonishingly quick
to realize which of the secrets he
claimed to 'know'.
Secrets lie in wait just beyond our
own four walls for the open mind-well, at least if one of the walls borders on a
neighbouring flat. What goes on there
day and night, why this neighbour
returns so late in night, who is that
frequent visitor of theirs? What
mysterious fates are lived out behind
the doors and windows which we pass
by so innocently? Nothing but
uncharted territory on our maps. All
of animate and inanimate nature offers
us nothing but secrets – the minute we care to look.
But you need not become too
inquiring and marvel at every single
thing from now on. A spark of curiosity
is enough to confer undreamt of allure
on life. If that is not enough for you and
then I recommend that you adopt a lead you to all manner of excitement and complications – if you really keep it concealed. This in turn will make
substantial contribution to honing your
memory and mental agility. But above
all, such an alter ego enables us to
act out aspects of our personality which
we may not have inkling of yet. An alter
ego might actually save you from boring
or indeed dangerous conformity.
But beware ! keeping your own
secrets is not the sole requirement.
In every close relationship it is
essential in more ways than one that
we remain reverent and respectful
towards the secrets of others. If you
lack discretion, you actually challenge
your opponent to insist on his
inalienable right to have secrets by
reverting to secretiveness and
disloyalty. If, one the other hand, you
think you already know all of the
others’ secrets, then tedium and boredom are your just punishment.
Not every secret has to be resolved. If
you persistently seek to be open and
alert, however, and live by these active
opposites of mysteriousness, then you
will never have to worry about running
out of secrets.
Source: Milchar