A Piece about Peace
by S.P.Kachru
Everyone is seeking peace, peace
among peoples and nations,
peace within society, peace
within community, in the little
circle of our own family or most
intimately, within oneself. A great
majority of seekers still agree that be it
mighty or meek, prince or pauper, the
happiest find their peace at home.
If we want peace, happiness and
prosperity at home, then we must
establish them abroad. No
wonder when billions are
spent in aid poured into
various under-developed or
developing countries, also
supplemented by generous
donations from large
corporate or private sources,
only part of this money has
actually been used for the
avowed aim of helping the
recipients to help themselves, as huge amounts have
ended up in pockets for which
they were not intended or
misdirected in other ways.
Peace cannot be established
by wishful thinking, at least
not until everyone in the
world agrees on a common set
of values and beliefs. And
finally, even within a family,
hard words or hard blows can
be exchanged even without
the involvement of the
neighbours, for no one is born with
perfect self-control. The discipline or art
of self-limitation is considered in the era
of self-realisation as a means of repression, which
should be rejected. And
whether the wiser man
should always yield, is a
debatable contention.
The most convincing
way to experience in
peace is hardly
experienced here but the peaceful coexistence
as a normal state remains a
dream despite a wealth of instructively
painful experiences. We could
continue chasing a dream
that unfolds a time when the
power of love will replace the
love of power and then our
world will know the blessings
of peace. Where there is
hatred, let us sow love; where
there is injury, pardon; where
there is discord, union; where
there is doubt, faith; where
there is despair, hope; where
there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
Banishing avarice, ambition,
anger, envy and pride can
simply lead us to everlasting
peace, within and without.
Indeed these efforts may not
be easy but that is no reason
why we as individuals cannot
start immediately with
ourselves and with our
neighbours to practice peace
in freedom and tranquility.
Some seekers of peace desire to
create a new universe as they believe
that the society in which they live is not
compatible with their thinking, it is not
comfortable being in it. But a new
universe and society can be formed only
when a new mind and new peace is
formed. Psychologists say our mind is
conditioned on the basis of some
established beliefs and set convictions
- unless these are shattered, the
construction of a new society is not
possible. The human mind becomes
fully developed, usually at the age of 15,
when the power of lust is controllable.
We need to revamp and revolutionise the
whole system. Today, that part of the
mind which is called
the animal or
primitive mind, is
active. The animal
mind produces
greed, it is selfish. In
turn, selfishness
creates cruelty
which generates
criminal tendency.
Finally, the criminal
inclination gives
birth to addiction - a criminal takes to
intoxication so that he may forget his
inner Self and experience momentary
In this world, there is only one
fundamental deterrent to peace and that
is greed. The rest are just its extensions.
Our mind has actually been conditioned
by greed. The whole thinking process
hovers around that. Every man thinks
of his self-interest only and therefore
this thought prevents rationality hence
truthful relationships. Relationships are
either subjective or objective. In
subjective relations, reality is either
totally absent or it is negligible. It is only
a reformed mind that will have relations
based on peaceful reality, therefore, in
order to purify and reform the mind, we
take refuge in meditation. When we
actually start knowing, perceiving
within, then the ingrained beliefs are
reformed. Those beliefs - the basis of life
- start reforming. So the important thing
for achieving a state of peace is to reform
belief or to destroy it. The burden of
beliefs carried by man is even more than
the burden carried by a donkey. The
process of reforming life is meditation.
It reforms the basic beliefs and the mind
too will be reformed. A reformed mind
t r a n s f o r m s
personality which in
turn reforms society,
logically leading to
all abounding and all
prevailing peace
enveloping us and so it
does for the entire
world around us.
We see so many
congregations of
people praying and
meditating for peace. The spiritual
search for peace leads to various
methods, for, if one believes in the
existence of a Superior Force, a God,
then taking the next step to believing
that there is a Cosmic Design, that the
Stars and Planets are messengers of this
God who is the Celestial Architect, is a
simple and uncluttered step. To try and
find understanding and peace, there are
so many ways to find patterns that make
sense of our lives and give us the
fortitude to face our fears and
Source: Milchar