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Mar 25, 2025: Tuesday

Swami Shankar Razdan

Saint Shankar Razdan

Saint Shankar Razdan

(courtesy: Prof. Anil Raina)

As the Lord, according to the Bhagvad Gita, incarnates periodically for the protection of the oppressed and the destruction of the wicked, so does He sends, from time to time, his chosen ones to strengthen the wavering faith of the devotees and relieve them of their troubles and mental tribulations.

Apart from showing the right path to the Sadaka by their teachings, they set an example for the people to live a pious and a fruitful life in the service of mankind. For the relief of their devotees they go to any length. Their spiritual attainments give them control over environment and they are able to perform miracles for the relief of their devotees which seem incredulous to the uninitiated but strengthen the faith of the Sadaka. Their supernatural feats could also be intended to shock the ignorant into the realization that there is a divine force above and beyond the ken of human understanding which controls the destinies of us mortals.

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Swami Shankar Razdan who lived for others

As the Lord, according to the Bhagvad Gita, incarnates periodically for the protection of the oppressed and the destruction of the wicked, so does He sends, from time to time, his chosen ones to strengthen the wavering faith of the devotees and relieve them of their troubles and mental tribulations.  >>>

Shankar Ramayana by Swami Shankar Razdan

Over the ages Kashmir has had its compliment of Rishi, Munis, Saints and Sufis who helped common people discover the truth. Among them lived in the middle of the last century, Swami Shankar Razdan, who was revered by all for his spiritual attainments. Swamiji was not only a saint, but also had great literary attainments.  >>>

Shankar Ramayana

Courtesy: Prof. Anil Raina


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