Ancient Remains At Multan
By Sanjay
Mr. Anant
Joshi, from Pune Maharashtra India resides in
Sadashiv Peth, (Peth a residential sector in the
city) and is the lawful owner of the temple
of Lord
“Narsinha” (a Hindu deity in the form of half
human and half lion body e.g. incarnation of
lord Vishnu).

In the March
2004, he successfully obtained a Visa permit
from Pakistan and with a view to visit the
original location of the incarnation of Lord
Narsinha, as detailed in Hindu Mythological
scriptures & visited Multan in Pakistan. He
photographed some of the ancient remains and
ruins of the Hindu culture. During his stay at
Multan, he was presented a book in Urdu named
“Tarikh-e-Multan” written by Munshi Abdul Rehman
Khan and published by “Ulum-Islamia-Chahalak”.
Some vital information of the ancient remains
and ruins of the Hindu Culture is detailed on
Page No. 480 of this book. The translation of
the related Urdu matter is as follows:
Hindu Asar-Bot-E-Multan (Hindu Idols-antiquities
of Multan)
In the history
of the city of Multan, during the dilivu-an
period , the deity called “Aditya” played a
substantially vital role. That is exactly why,
Multan was, in Arabia addressed as Betul-Juhet,
literally means a house full of Gold. The reason
is, as stated by Abdul Qassim an Arab Author,
“Mohammad Bin-Quasim-got 40 Bhars of Gold (l
Bhar equals 380 Maunds and 1 maund equals 40
seers or 20 Kilograms approximately) from a
house in Multan.
Ester, a
contemporary historian, too, has made a
statement about Multan that the name of the
deity called Aditya, was also “Multan” and that
the deity was mounted in a Glorious palace. The
location was a big market place near Thatheri
Bazar and ivory Bazar. The spot was in the
vicinity of the “Pralhad” Temple. Abu Zahid Safi
writes about Multan that many pilgrims, after
undertaking a tedious journey, lasting many
months, visited Multan to obtain glimpses of
this deity “Aditya” and brought with them, an
incense called Chandan (Sandlewood) the famous
Kamrani Dhoop, which was burnt in front of the
deity. The then, price of this sandle wood
incense was 200 Dinars for 1 maund (40 seers or
20 Kgs.) in 886 AD. Ibn-e-Rasta in the year 906
A.D. Writes that in Multan, there is an idol
which is 2000 years old. It is here only, the
descendents of “Ibn-e-Manba” dynasty rule the
province (Ibn-e-Manba is a branch of Sama bin
Louie) on such occassions when Indian rulers,
waged war and arrived near Multan, the local and
native rulers became alert and kept their
Military forces ready for action and showed
their valour on the battle field.
Masudi, in 905
A.D. writes that the Sultan of Islamic rule, had
both the riches and military. The Sultan was
having a direct control of one lac twenty
thousand towns in the near vicinity of Multan,
spread around on all four sides. The famous
Hindu temple is here only and the suitan gets a
substantial income by the sale of sandle wood,
required at the temple for performing religious
rituals. The sandle wood was brought to Multan
from far off places. Whenever, the Hindu rulers
waged war on Multan and had a winning edge, over
the Muslims, they (the muslims) threatened that
they would destroy the idol of the God and the
Hindu Military would retreat and go back. The
famous city of Kanauj was also under the control
of Multan.
Hindus from
Sindh province held this idol of Aditya, in a
very high esteem and treated it as an emblem of
the Almighty and flocked this place frequently
without fail, to have glimpses of the deity .
After their
arrival here, the pilgrims got their heads and
beards shaved off. This deity, primafacie had
live anthropoid human features and therefore,
Mohammed Bin Qassim had, with a view to behead
the deity, taken out his sword.
This idol was
made of pure gold and was inlaid with precious
stones. There was a dense forest around the
temple, where the pilgrims rested under the
The temple of
Pralhad at Multan
This temple is
within the precincts of the old fort of Multan.
The popular legend states that this temple was
got constructed by Bhakta Pralhad, himself.
Bhakta means devotee. It is title associated
with Pralhad. It is one of the ancient remains
of Hindu religious centres, and faces the Shrine
of Hazrat Bahul Haque-Zakeria”.
In side the
temple, there was an idol of Lord Vishnu in the
incarnated form of Narasinha (A half human and
half lion form) A grand fete was celebrated, of
Narsinha, here in every month of “Jyeshtha”. On
that occasion, many fairs and pilgrimages were
held. This fete was of great importance for
(father of Pralhad) wished to punish Pralhad. So
he got one golden pole fabricated. He heated the
column from inside and tied Pralhad to it. But
Lord Narasinha favoured Pralhad and got the
golden pole transformed into a column made of
soil and cooled it. The Lord killed
Hiranyakashyapu and made Pralhad a king. Multan
was earlier known as Kashyappur then. This name
was subsequently changed to Pralhadpur, after
Pralhad occupied the throne.
Sir Alexander
Bernas” visited Multan and has mentioned that
the Prahlada temple had no roof-top. In the year
1810 A.D., the Hindus collected contributions
and got an acme for the temple. This acme was
errected at a higher level than that of the dome
of the tomb of “Hazarat Zakaria”. This led to
rift and disharmony in the two communities. This
was one of the first communal riots in Multan.
Hindu as a result of the riots, were compelled
to reduce the height of the acme, so as to bring
it lower than the height of the dome over the
tomb. In the year 1848 A.D., the East India
companie’s English forces attacked the Multan
Fort. Due to the explosives used in and from the
artillery, the structure of the temple was badly
damaged and the very existence of this ancient
structure went into Jeopardy. In the year 1853
A.D. the Temple was conventionally put into
non-use and was put out of vogue. The temple
finally was reinstated and restored, by using
the funds, gathered by way of public
contributions. The temple was in a fairly good
shape till the year 1992 A.D. This intact temple
was destroyed by the Muslims of Multan as a
revenge of the Babri Masjid episode on 6th of
Dec. 1992. This day, only stray remains of the
walls of the temple exist in a dilapidated
The Suraj Kund
of Multan
This Surya-kund
temple is situated at a distance of 3 kms from
Multan. Here is a kund (water tank) which is 10
feet deep and 132 feet long. During the Sikh
regime, Shri. Savanmal, got all the four walls,
surrounding the tank, constructed. As the legend
from the Hindu scripture goes, Lord Narasinha,
drank water from this Kunda after he relieved
Pralhad from the clutches of Hirankashyapu.
The Sun God (Aditya)
Surya Devata (Deity) was worshipped at this
temple. This place was considered as the second
important ancient place in Multan.
The temple of
Totlamai (Mai
means mother) is the third important and sacred
spot for Hindus in Multan and is situated inside
of the Haram Darwaza. In olden days the cities
and towns were protected from outside attacks by
constructing surrounding walls from all sides
and only a few entry points were provided which
were called Fasil Ka Darvaza.
This temple is
called the temple
Totlamai. The deity here is Goddess “Totla. The
Mughal King Aurangzeb had thrown the idole of
the deity in a well here. The Chief priest of
the temple at that times was an expert in
Ayurvedic medicines and he treated the son of
Aurangzeb and got him cured completely. The
priest, as a reward, requested Aurangzeb for the
idol of Goddess Totlamai and by royal order, the
same was returned to him. The deity was
subrogated in the temple. Shri. Savanmal richly
contributed for the restoration work.
The temple of
Goddess Jog Maya
This Jogmaya
Mandir happens to be the fourth important and
sacred religious place in Multan. It is very
near from Multan Railway Station and was
initially in the form of a stone pedestal.
During the regime of Deewan Savanmal (Deewan-Chief
Administrator) the temple was errected and Mr.
Mulraj completed this construction work.
As per the Hindu
Mythological Scripture in Mulsthana i.e. Multan,
when Lord Narasinha incarnated, many Gods and
Goddesses arrived there on the occasion to
felicitate him, and amongst them Goddess Jogmaya
was one who decided to inhabit and remain
present at the spot forever. Here the Navaratri
festival was celebrated in the months of Chaitra
and Ashwin ( from Hindu calendar months) every
This is the
fifth important and sacred place in Multan for
Hindus. This is the abode of Lord (God)
Ramchandra. There is a Kund (Water tank). Which
is situated near the place. This is situated on
the outside of Delhi Darwaza (Gate) and near
Melsi-Duniyapur highway. During the regime of
Maharaja Ranjeet Singh, the Kund and the temple
were constructed. The festival is celebrated
here on the full moon night in the month of
Narsinhapuri Mandir
Since this
temple was inside the precincts of Multan Fort,
the priests could not enter the temple, except
for the pre-scheduled timings on account of the
restrictions on visiting hours. To remove the
cause of this pre-decamental inconvenience, the
priest of the temple, got a new temple errected
near the sabji mandi and subrogated an idol of
Narsinha incarnation. Afterwards, a wealthy
devotee of Multan renovated this temple into an
elegant and modern one at a cost of rupees ten
The Other old
remains at Multan
Apart from the
above, there are a few religiously important
remains at Multan. These include the Samadhi of
Savanmal outside the gate of the fort.
Dnyanshala at Delhi gate, a Kund for the use of
Pathashala (School), the Jain temple at
Chodisara market and a temple
of Lord
The Hanuman temple in the Chowk
area is also very famous. This temple was
utilized as a safe refuge, for Hindus during
communal riots. The other defence implements and
weapons needed during such periods of riots were
also stored over here. These implements were
mainly used for retaliatory purposes. The
Dnyanshala, referred to above topped the list of
such hideouts.
*(The author is a noted
Archeologist, based in Pune)
Source: Kashmir
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