By Onkar Aima
Kashmir has been a sacred place a seat for learning. Swami Paramahansa
Yoganranda tells us in 'Autobiography of a Yogi'-"Mythological tales in Purana
say that the Himalayas are abodeof Shiva-King of Yogis". So does Kalidas
describes the Himalayas as"The massed laughter of Shiva". 'The Hindu Tradition' mentionsthat Kashmiri was a center of Shiva Worship and according to some
traditions, it was from here that the devotional Shaivism passed on to the rest
of India.
Right up
from ancient times great scholars, sages, saints, philosophers have been
visiting Kashmir to learn, to gain knowledge, to escell in the field of
spiritualism, mysticism and religion. Saints and seers found Kashmir
a fertile place for the spiritual Sadhana. They always gained by their visit to
sincere purpose - intention - of this article, to be followed by such other
articles, is to remind ourselves - to inform our younger generation - that
Kashmiri Pandits have always been torch bearness in different fields. History is
witness to it that we have always been GIVERS. We have led and have not been led
- we have represented and have not been represented. That is our past - that is
our strength - that is what we are. The object is to resolve that the glorious
past of thousands of years will not be allowed to be disturbed by unscrupulous
elements through subversive efforts and activities for their selfish ends.
Shankaracharya, a great philosopher - a saint of high order, re-established true
faith in upanishads and gave Vedanta philosophy a right footing. He visited
in first quarter of 9th Century (788-820 A.D) NK Kotru in 'Sivastotravali of
Utpaladeva'mentions that when Buddhism was dominating in India,
the great Shankaracharya launched a Vigorous Campaign in the South and
popularized the cult of Bhakti, to reduce the influence of Buddhist domination.
He had a sweeping tour of the country and defeated Buddhist Scholars with his
powerful logic.
checked the tidal wave of nihilism (denial of all reality)Says the writer in
'The life of Swami Vivekananda'. At the sametime Kashmir was also under strong
influence of Buddhism, when Vasugupta appeared on the scene and changed the
whole current of religious thoughts. He propagated the 'Siva Sutrar', revealed
to him by'Shiva' himself, as engraved on a big stone at the foot of Mahadeva
Dr Ved Kumari in
'The Nilamata Purana', writes that accordingto writer of 'Sankara
Digvijaya' -- 'Sankara visited Kashmirafter giving a final blow to Buddhism in
the rest of India". However, according to NK Kotru -- "It was in Kashmir that
Buddhismreceived death blow". PN Magzine, a research scholar of repute,
writes in 'Shankaracharya Temple and Hill' that Shankaracharyavisited Kashmir with the
intention of advancing Vedantic knowledge. That time Kashmiris were culturally
and spiritually much advanced and believed strongly in the greatness of both
Shiva and Shakti. Shankara did not, at that time, when he visited Kashmir,
believe in Shakti cult PN Magzine mentions that Shankaracharya with his party
camped outside the city of Srinagar,
without any boarding and lodging arrangements. Seeing the plight of visitors a
virgin was sent to meet Shankara. She found the party uneasy and frustrated
because of not being able to cook as no fire was made available to them. The
first glimpse of Shakti was exhibited to Shankara by this girl, when Shankara
expressed his inability to make a fire, in reply to girl'squestion that you are
so great, can not you make fire.The girl picked up two thin wooden sticks (samidhas)
into her hand, recited some mantras and rubbed the sticks and fire was produced
to the surprise of Shankara. PN Magzine further adds that later a Shastrarth
(religious discourse) was arranged between Shankara and a Kashmiri woman. This
discourse continued for 17 days. Shankaracharya yielded before the lady in
discussion and accepted the predominance of Shakti cult (greatness of Devi).
to PN Magzine, after accepting predominance of Shakti cult, Shankara wrote
Saundarya Lahari, in praise of Shakti, at the top of the hill, known till then
as Gopadari Hill. Pandit Gopi Krishan writer that Panchastavi--gamut of Shakti
Shastra--a priceless gem -- a peerless hymn of praise addressed to Kundalini.
The work has been cited as source book by several eminent scholars, but the name
of the author has remained undisclosed". According to him the only other work in
whole gamut of Shakti Shastra in the country, comparable to Panchastavi is
Saundarya Lahari. PN Magzine says that Saundarya Lahari is acclaimed as
master-piece in Sanskrit literature. After the visit of Adi Shankaracharya to
he became staunch believer of Shakti-Shri Chakra - the symbol of Devi (Goddess)
as mentioned in 'Shankara Digvijay' - Life history of Shankaracharya. Thuswe
know that even, a very knowledge philosopher, a Saint of greater order- Adi
Shankaracharya - gained further depth in spritualism and mysticism in
Kashmir.Kashmiri Pandit - great 'Mehman Nawaz' - highly appreciativeof knowledge
(which has at time sproved undoing for them), awarded a degree of the Sharda
Peetha, the highest honour conferred on any dignitary of knowledge when
Shankaracharya visited Sharda, a famous temple, Shrine of Goddess Saraswati and
a famous university of learning.
temple is situated about 100 kilometers to the South West of Srinagar, which is
now under occupation of Pakistan. Kashmiri Pandits were not satisfied by this
award to Shankaracharya and desired to honour him further more and dedicated the
hill and temple where he wrote Sundarya Lahari to the memory of his visit to
The hill, till that time known as Gopadri hill and temple are both, thereafter,
known as Shankaracharya hill and Shankaracharya temple.'Kashur Encyclopadia'
published by J&K Academy records -"Behind Shiv Lingam at Gopadri (Shankaracharya
temple) is Statue of Adi Shankaracharya, which has been installed in 1961, by
Shankaracharya of Dwarka Peeth, Pilgrimage to this temple is must be any
scholar, philosopher, mystic, saint or seer who visits Kashmir.While writing
this I am reminded of a Kashmiri poet, who has said:-
"Yus chaman
paamaal kari tas laar
kar Saz yath dil vaayi Suy raazaah vanav
Yee pagaah asi
peyi karun tee azy karavAschi
kwochhi manz prazli pagahuk aaftab
Azchi berang
zindagaani kar hissab".
Chase him who comes to blight the garden,
Speak the word that makes the heart sing,
Let us begin tomorrow's work today,
Today is nurse of tomorrow's Sun
stock of your present pallid fate.
Source: Kashmir
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