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Mar 16, 2025: Sunday

Pran Nath Wanchoo

A B.Sc. in Agriculture/ Horticulture Sciences of the University of Agra (India) with Post Graduate Diploma and courses from Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) New Delhi, India (FAO), NIN Hyderabad, NIRD Hyderabad (India). Expertise in Plant Propagation with Project Formulation and Implementation as a speciality, has remained associated and affiliated as a fellow with the Royal Horticulural Society London (FRHS), member of EMRA England, member of IDFT Association, Michigan USA, and University of California. Retired after 35 years from Agriculture and Horticulture service of Jammu and Kashmir (India) in research and development. Held key-level provincial/state level positions for over 20 years. Contributed largely to Area Development Programs in Jammu and Kashmir as provincial and State Chief. Worked as Project Consultant until 1988 and as consultant Horticulture thereafter in J & K, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, U.P., Maharashtra etc. Has scores of publications to his credit in regional, national journals/papers/periodicals etc.

Pran Nath Wanchoo
Pran Nath Wanchoo

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