External threat and internal
Kargil aggression
unfolded Pakistan’s nefarious designs against our country. It envisages
disintegration of India through subversion and territorial incursions.
The success of Taliban in capturing nine-tenth
of Afghan land including the capital city of Kabul through the instrumentality
of Pakistan army and ISI combine brought Pakistan military and political
depth westward.
In Kashmir, she has been able to achieve the ethnic
cleansing of the religious minority of Pandits, and radicalizing of Kashmiri
Muslim polity. Yet one more significant achievement of ISI in Kashmir is
of making deep inroads in a segment of the State bureaucracy, political
groupings and administrative structure. Today in Kashmir, the land is with
India but the people are not.
It is not correct to say that the core issue between
India and Pakistan is Kashmir. That is too simplistic an interpretation.
Pakistan’s basis is her religion meaning Islamic identity. For two reasons,
Islamists have brought about turmoil in many parts of the Muslim world
as well as in many countries where Muslims are in sizeable numbers.
Two factors have contributed to the rise of Islamic
fundamentalism towards the last three decades of the previous century.
One is the cumulative impression that the West politically and economically
exploited the Muslims after the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire in
West Asia and the Mughal Empire in the subcontinent.
The second is the belief that Muslim scriptures
promise the worldwide dominance of the religion of the holy Prophet. It
also guarantees the superiority of the Islamic civilization because the
holy book prescribes Muslim society as the most perfect and an ideal society.
Yet more important than these two factors is the
third one, viz. the contradiction within the Islamic society, which has
pitted the progressive, reformist and liberal segments against the conservative,
orthodox and retrograde segments. In this inter-group dichotomy, the non-Muslims,
wherever in a minority in a given Islamic state, become the sitting ducks
for the Islamic musclemen. No doubt, the moderates also become the victims
of their fury. Thus we have the examples in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco etc.
At the same time, we have also the examples where religion is exploited
for political ends and regimes are sustained through support to fundamentalist
Pakistan has, per necessity, to be a Theo-fascist
state. In order to justify her existence, Pakistan must reject democracy,
secularism and pluralism. Accepting secular dispensation would negate the
basic plea of carving the Islamic state on the subcontinent, and accepting
of democracy or in other words devolution of power to the masses, means
sealing the fate of the big landed aristocracy in Pakistan. Both of these
dispensations are unacceptable to her.
This is why we say that Kashmir is only a small
nut in the big anti-India machine. Islamabad is not as much afraid of India’s
military or economic might as of the political philosophy she has accepted
to follow.This explains the imperative with Pakistan of destabilizing or
disintegrating India, the arch enemy. We hope Indian ruling circles understand
it very well.
After the Kargil aggression, Pakistan stepped
up her sponsored terrorist activites in Kashmir. The army and paramilitary
camps in the valley have been made the target of their attacks. Suicide
squads have been launched to carry out the deadly assignments. This is
to rejuvenate confidence among the local militant whose energy had begun
to sag.
The ISI has spread its tentacles throughout our
country particularly in places where there is a concentration of Muslim
population (like 21 districts of Western U.P.) or where logistical support
is easily available. She has also thrown a ring of her operational basis
around India wherefrom subversive activities of her agents inside India
are coordinated. Thus we find Dhaka, Katmandu and Rangoon among such centres
in the East and Afghanistan, Dubai, Sharja, Emirates and Qatar in the West.
Pakistan’s overt and covert support to the religious
extremist organizations on her soil has added a news dimension to Theo-fascism
through which these fanatics want to establish the Islamic Caliphate of
their dreams. These organizations based in Pakistan openly raise war cries
of jihad against the Indian kafirs (infidels). The type of slogans raised
during the Dawa wal Ershad congregation in Muridke near Lahore on November
3 – 4, 1999, explain the mega agenda set forth for themselves by the radical
Islamists not only in Pakistan but all over the Muslim world. After all
we cannot ignore the fact that delegates of more than two dozen foreign
theocratic organizations participated in the Muridke conclave. India, Russia
and the US are the declared countries against whom they are to wage a relentless
Their activities are linked to Osama Ben Laden
and his organization Al Qaida. Funding for these fanatical religious organizations
does not come only from Osama Ben Laden’s source. The Saudi monarchy and
its intelligence agencies have never let these organizations starve. In
fact any organization publicly announcing its affiliation to the Sunni–Wahhabi
source in Saudi Arabia, becomes the choice beneficiary of their largesse.
New Delhi is bogged down with desk-book formulae
of running the government by a democratic dispensation. Meeting this serious
threat should not preclude some extraordinary measures aimed at protecting
territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Indian State. Evidently, the
administrative machinery in the State of Jammu and Kashmir has failed to
deliver the goods notwithstanding the mandate it got in 1996. The question
is not only of meeting the external threat: internal subversion is proving
more disastrous and damaging. The ruling parties in New Delhi should come
out of the debilitating spell of vote bank politics and respond to the
call of the nation. A radical and far-reaching structural change of J&K
State, in which proven anti-national elements are sidelined while proven
nationalist elements are empowered, is as urgent a requirement as that
of upgrading the counter insurgency tactics.
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