Fundamentalist terror and global
Islamic fundamentalist
terror is fast spreading beyond the confines of sponsoring countries. Khumeinite
Hizbollah is as active in Turkey as it is in Lebanon. Indonesian Christians
are the latest victims to this phenomenon.
Khumeinite philosophy of export of Islamic revolution
was soon hijacked by the more strident Sunni-Wahhabi radicals centered
in Ar-Rabitau’l-Islami in Saudi Arabia. Other rabid Sunni organizations
in some Islamic countries fine-tuned the new brand of theo-fascism. Fundamentalists
- terrorists raised by specific organizations in Pakistan, Afghanistan,
the Philippines, Bangladesh, Burma etc. have found their way to Chechnya,
Daghistan, North Caucasus, Tajikistan, Kashmir and as far away as Indonesia.
Muslim ummah theorists reject boundaries
separating the territories of Islamic countries, nor do they find it obligatory
for them to obtain a passport or a visa when travelling from one Islamic
country to another. Thus a fundamentalist Islamic warrior in Kashmir considers
it his Islamic right to be in Kashmir fully equipped with arms and ammunition.
He is told that it is his Islamic mission to fight the infidel in his own
land or outside it. This also explains why most of trans-border Islamic
fundamentalists-terrorists generally carry fake passports and visas.
Fighting kufr, therefore, means performing the
religious duty of destabilising legal local governments, extirpating
non-Muslim populations, fighting and finishing the opponents to their creed
and conscience, establishing nizam-e-mustafa (the Prophet’s system) as
against the atheistic political system brought by the west, and rejoicing
in the Islamic Caliphate that will emerge as the single world order. Therefore,
their ruthless opposition to democracy, secularism and pluralism becomes
self-explanatory. That is why, for example, Pakistan must have a military
regime against democracy.
India, Tajikistan, the Philippines, the US and
lately Russia have tasted or continue to taste of Islamic fundamentalist
terror. Clandestine crossing of international borders, smuggling of arms
and ammunition to create disturbance, fomenting lawlessness in the targeted
country, unleashing rabid communal propaganda, and galvanizing volunteers
and activists for the conduct of criminal acts of murder, arson, subversion,
kidnapping etc. in the name of religion, are the new dimensions of theo-fascism.
With the Khumeinite exporters of Islamic revolution
partially sidelined by better-organized, strongly funded and ardently motivated
Sunni-Wahhabi ideology, their operational field shifted to Pakistan
and Afghanistan. The rise of Taliban provided territorial foothold to the
theofascists because their regime knows no constitutional constraints or
international commitments. For the first time, a lawless people in a lawless
country had decided to wage a lawless war against humanity.
The first to bear the brunt of theofascists forays
were Tajikistan in Central Asia and the Indian part of Kashmir. Tajikistan,
the secular state and the gateway to Central Asia, and Kashmir the symbol
of India’s secularist dispensation, became the immediate targets. Iran
a rival of Sunni-Wahhabi theo-fascism in Tajikistan played mediatory role
and brought the secularists and the radicals to an understanding of sorts
for the governance of that strife-torn land. But in Kashmir, Iran has little
at stake and hence her pronounced anti-India tilts manifest occasionally
as in the resolutions of OIC.
India’s continued complaint to the US, the UN
and the European Union against the expanded agenda of Pak-sponsored theofascists
made little impression on them because of their larger political and economic
interests. But then a few incidents took place that forced the West and
the US to review their opinion about Islamic theo-fascism. The killing of
the CIA agent by a Pakistani terrorist in front of CIA headquarters in
the US, gunning down of two American Consulate officials in Karachi by
the Pakistan-based terrorists, the blasting of Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad
by the Islamic terrorists, rocketing of American Embassy in Islamabad,
New York Trade Fair blasts and its linkage with Pakistani theofascists,
the bombing of two American embassies in Africa on august 7, 1998, all
made a big difference. Occasional anti-American utterances by Pakistani
Jammat-e-Islami firebrands, Osama, the blind American Muslim cleric Rahman,
and many others made it clear to the Americans what the Islamists were
up to.
Then followed other events in a sequence. Islamic
theofascists intensified their anti-India activities in the aftermath of
Kargil incursion in which Pakistani government was an accomplice. Then
happened the Islamic war in Chechnya and Daghistan in Trans-Caspia, fundamentalist
activities in Uzbekistan and an attempt on the life of Uzbek President
Islam Karimov, bomb blasts in Moscow, underground activities of Islamists
in the UK in regard to collection of funds for theofascists organizations
operating in Kashmir, fanning of fundamentalist flames in Xinjiang - Eastern
Turkestan province of China and death penalty by the Chinese authorities
to the culprits of Pakistani nationality, and finally the hijacking of
the Indian airliner in Kathmandu. All this laid bare the ambitious agenda
of the theofascists in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The civilized world now
awoke from its deep slumber.
Today, the civilized world is coming closer to
discuss and adopt measures of containing the new threat. India and the
United States have had several rounds of bilateral talks on the subject,
and a Working Group on Counter-Terrorism has been formed. India and Russia
have also begun serious bilateral talks on the subject and Russia and the
US have recently decided to examine the question. Beijing and New Delhi,
both have already given their full support to the Russian military action
in Chechnya. Moscow was pressurized by the European Union to cease hostilities
and find a negotiated settlement of Chechnya, of course keeping in mind
the vast economic interests the Union countries have in the Muslim world.
But Acting Russian President Putin put his foot down. He did succeed in
warning the European Union that Russia was fighting the Islamic fundamentalism
on the southern borders of Europe and that too single-handedly.
Washington has begun to concede that India has
become the frontline state to bear the brunt face of this threat.
She has asked the military ruler of Pakistan to contain the fundamentalist-terrorist
operatives and organizations in his country and to restore democratic dispensation.
Islamabad considers it a clear shift in Washington’s policy in the subcontinent.
This becomes more significant in view of Pakistan being excluded from President
Clinton’s visit to the subcontinent in March.
It may, therefore, be assumed that the US, the
UK, Russia, China, India and some more countries in Europe have begun to
take due notice of the serious implications of Islamic theo-fascism trying
to spread its fangs deeper and wider. It is now in their own interests
and in the interests of the peace-loving Muslims all over the world to
formulate a joint strategy of how to eradicate this menace and let the
strangulated societies and groups breath an air of freedom. In particular,
the progressive segments among vast Muslim populations forced to migrate
to the US and to Europe, are reassured that their right to freedom of expression
and conviction will not be denied so that they return to their native land
and work for the freedom and emancipation of their strangulated compatriots.
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