Presidential Address Kisan
May 11, 1946
Legal Document No 99
The movement of the toiling masses in the world has awakened us also.
We have begun to look at the freedom struggle of our country front a different
angle. Now political freedom alone is not our cherished goal. We demand
and crave for social, economic and spiritual emancipation as well. The
toiling masses of the subcontinent of India not only want to throw away
the yoke of foreign imperialism but are also keen to free themselves from
the bondage of indigenous feudalism and capitalism. The day of deliverance
from alien rule is not far off. Events bear testimony to the fact that
the British cannot stay long in India. There is awakening in-the country
and the British cannot hold it in subjugation. But let me pose a question.
Who will replace the British authority in India? Will there be a government
of the upper classes or one representing the toiling messages? This is
the main and the biggest problem facing the country at present.
The upper class Hindus, having thrown into background the question relating
to the future Government of India, are engaged in the dispute over Akhand
Hindustan with a view -to preserve their vested interests. Their counterpart
among Muslims demand the establishment of Pakistan for identical reasons.
But we stand neither for the one nor for the other. We believe that so
long as it is not decided who the future rulers are to be we can neither
support Akhand Hindustan nor side with the demand for Pakistan. Our first
task is to do away with the prevailing social and economic inequality and
injustice and lay the foundations of a new and just order of society. It
is only when this objective is achieved that the people of India can themselves
decide whether they want to preserve the unity of the country or device
it. At the present moment the basic problem referred to above aces not
receive necessary attention. The supporters of Akhand Hindustan and Pakistan
want to preserve the present social order which is dominated by capitalists
and feudalist. That being so the toiling masses can have least interest
in this scramble for power.
Following in the footprints of the workers of Europe we have to put
an end to the capitalistic and feudalistic social -order so that a new
society based on social justice and equality is brought into being. We
want an end of all kind of exploitation so that the peasants are not tyrannized
and the mill-owners pet no opportunity to rob the workers of the fruits
of their labour. All laws aimed at sucking the blood of the toiling masses
need to be repealed and abolished. We want establishment of a society which
will guarantee to the workers fullest opportunity for progress.
The freedom movement in our State is now fifteen years old. The toiling
masses have nourished it by undergoing supreme financial and physical sacrifices
but without any good to them. Only the upper classes have benefited by
it. They have not only been able to preserve their vested interests but
have also added to these. The reason is that both the toiling masses and
the upper classes took part in this struggle and whereas the former fought
for freedom, the latter used it to their advantage. Why it happened so
is not difficult to understand. We had been entertaining hazy and vague
notions about our goal so far. But now the Freedom Movement has reached
a new stage. The toiling masses and the upper classes have fallen out.
We want to revolutionize the present unjust society so that the toiling
masses get their political and economic rights. This we call real freedom.
Till now the upper classes exploited us because we were not clear about
our goal but they find that such exploitation is not possible in future.
Freedom for us means establishment of a new social order in our country
which knows no exploitation and guarantees equal social, economic and political
status for all. Our moment aims at affording all the opportunities and
facilities to the toiling masses here in our country which a man in this
world is entitled to. The upper classes have raised communal slogans so
that the masses are misled in the name of religion. Also with a view to
preserve their vested interests the upper classes have founded parties
in the name of the nation and the country. The toiling masses have nothing
to do either with the communal organizations or the so-called nationalist
parties. Our struggle knows no communal barriers or nationalist prejudice.
We are hostile to all distinctions based on colour, creed or race. We believe
in a society which is free from the evils of landlordism, capitalism and
feudalism and which is opposed to exploitation of man by man.