Request by Chamber of Princes for
Statement of Policy by his Majesty Government
Memorandum by the Secretary of State for India
September 4, 1942
Legal Document No
The Chancellor of the Chamber of Princes (the Jam
Saheb of Nawanagar) is very shortly arriving in this
country and will almost certainly ventilate this
matter while he is here. It is very desirable to be in
a position, whenever he refers to the matter (which he
may take an early opportunity of doing), to say that
the Crown Representative is already composing his
reply on lines which can be indicated broadly to him
as set out in this paper. Unless, therefore, any of my
colleagues wish the matter to be discussed in Cabinet,
I propose to dispatch the draft telegram to the Crown
Representative not later than the 8th September.
2. The Chancellor, in his letter of the 1st June to
the Viceroy's Political Adviser, complains:
- of the failure of the Draft Declaration of March
1942 to include an assurance that the British
Government stands by its treaty obligations to the
States, and of the apparent intention to impose
treaties on the rulers;
- of the Lord Privy Seal's remarks in the House of
Commons on the 28th April (Hansard, Cols. 834 and
835), which the Chancellor interprets as meaning
that the Paramount Power intends to impose
democratic institutions on the States;
- of various smaller grievances in connection with
the "Cripps Negotiations," which, on the
whole, need not concern the war Cabinet (except
for the complaint that, by joining an Indian
Union, they might involve themselves in succession
from the Empire);
- of the absence of recognition of the right of
non-adhering States-like non-adhering Provinces -
to form a separate Union of their own.
3. In the view of the Viceroy and his advisers the
Princes feel genuinely that their interests were
insufficiently considered both in the Draft
Declaration and in the discussions arising from it.
The Viceroy accordingly suggests that a considered
reply, "the nature of which can only be
determined by His Majesty's Government," should
be sent. I have accordingly agreed with the Viceroy on
the following line of reply:
- the absence from the Draft Declaration of a
special reference to the State's treaty rights is
of no significance; the Prime Minister's statement
of the 11th March made quite clear that the fulfillment
of treaty obligations to the States remains an
integral part of His Majesty's Government's
policy. Moreover, these treaties will only be
altered by negotiation and agreement;
- The Lord Privy Seal said that the House would
wish the British administration in India "to
do all it can to encourage and expedite the
development of suitable representative
institutions in All Indian States." This does
not necessarily mean the imposition of democracy
(which in any case might be quite unsuitable). It
mean that the Paramount Power will continue, as at
present, to urge upon Rulers the establishment of
institutions for representing the views and
grievances of their subjects with a view to their
being remedied (viz. administrative reforms)
constitutional changes (which might involve
restriction on the Ruler's powers) may or may not
be a sequel, but that is for the Rulers themselves
to decide; no pressure to introduce such changes
will be applied by the Paramount Power on the
Ruler, as it is in the case of administrative
reform. (This conforms with what has been said
here in Parliament as recently as 1938 and with
the Viceroy's own pronouncements on the subject in
India. The argument, though somewhat sophisticated
is at any rate consistent with our declared policy
in a matter on which the Princes are very
- replies on the minor points need not concern us
(the succession point is covered under IV);
- between now and the next Indian constitutional discussions
the Princes may certainly consider the outline of
a scheme for a separate Union, if they wish. They
might also consider what terms they might wish to
demand of an Indian Union before they Join it,
e.g. the right to secede from the Union if tile
Union secedes from the Empire. Consideration of
these points could certainly not be excluded from
future discussions.
(In actual fact) the Viceroy hopes-- and proposes
thank we suggest privately to the Princes that - the
idea of age separate States Union might be used by
them merely as a bargaining counter to secure better
terms for accession to an Indian Union, and not as a
serious objective. This seems sound).
- The question arises whether a reply on these
lines should be published. The Victory assumes it
will; my view is that it should not, since it is
in effect an explanation of why we consider that
there should be no new declaration of policy
towards the States at this stage. If the reply
aces not have the effect of satisfying the
Princes, and if the Jam Saheb presses the matters
strongly, it might conceivably be necessary to
make some statement in parliament, but I am
anxious to avoid it since there is little we can
say and it might make matters worse for them by
stimulating criticism in other quarters.
- Finally, the Viceroy and I remain agreed that we
should press on as vigorously as possible with
measure (such as internal organisation, pooling of
judicial and police services between co-operative
groups of States, absorption where possible of the
administration of smaller by that of larger States
& c.) towards making the lesser States more
fit for survival in the modern world. The Viceroy
hankers a little after a public pronouncement
reaffirming the Crown's existing obligations to
protect the States, linked with a warning that we
interpret this only to mean protection of such
States as are fit to survive. I am against any
more pronouncements, and particularly against a
qualification of the treaty obligations. It is
because internal reforms are in the State's own
interests that I think we should continue to urge
the Rulers to adopt them.
- The course of action I propose to authorities is
- the issue in India, on behalf of the Viceroy to
the Chancellor of the Chamber of Princes, of a
reply on the lines laid down in paragraph 4,
indicating no change n our policy towards the
- this reply to be expressly limited to
confidential circulation among the Princes (hints
of its contents may no doubt leak out in due
course, but it will not be in any sense a formal
- the avoidance of any new formal declaration
about the sanctity of the Princes treaties at this
stage, even though it is possible that we might
have to make some reference to the subject in an
Indian debate (even this however I should prefer
to avoid);
the continuance and intensification, so far as this
can be done without alienating the more important
Ruler's of our present policy of bringing the States
into line with modern administrative standard).
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