of Maharaja Hari Singh, Round Table
Legal Document No
"Allied by treaty with the British Crown and
within our territories, independent rulers, we have
come with a full sense of responsibilities to our
State and all India. As the allies of British we stand
solidly by the British connection. As Indians and
loyal to the land of our birth, we stand as solidly as
the rest of our countrymen for our land's enjoyment of
a position of honour and equality in the British
Commonwealth. Our desire to cooperate to the best of
our ability with all sections of the Conference is
genuine, as also is our determination to base our
cooperation upon the realities of the present
Neither England nor India can afford to see this
conference end in failure. We must resolve to succeed.
Difficulties shall not be insuperable. We must
exercise patience, tact and forbearance and be
inspired by mutual understanding and goodwill and we
must give and take. The task is gigantic. In case of
no people would such an aim as ours be easy to
accomplish. In case of India, complexity of factors is
unique but by the grace of God and with good will and
sympathy on both sides difficulties shall be
surmounted and with the words of the King Emperor
still ringing in our ears, we Princes affirm that the
Conference shall not fail "through any fault of