of Jammu and Kashmir State Council
Legal Document No
- His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur shall preside over the meetings
of the Council.
- The council shall consist
of the following Members:
- Revenue Member and Army
- Finance and Police Member.
- Member for Commerce and
- Home and Law Member.
- The Council shall have a
Secretary and the necessary establishment.
- The quorum of the Council
shall consists of three Members.
- In the absence of His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur, the Member senior
amongst the Members present at the meeting
shallpreside and the proceedings of such meetings
shall be submitted by the Council Secretary to His
Highness for his sanction, and no resolution shall
come into force until it is sanctioned by His
Should His Highness
disapprove of any Council Resolution arrived at in
his absence he will command the Council Secretary to
direct the Members of Council to attend at such time
and place as His Highness may appoint for discussion
in his presence of the subject involved. His
Highness will preside and after the members have
been given the opportunity of explaining their
views, His Highness will decide and announce his
decision in Council as to whether the Resolution
shall be confirmed or vetoed.
- At any meeting of the
Jammu and Kashmir State Council at which His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur is present, if their
is a difference of opinion on any question, His
Highness may, if he does not agree with the
opinion of the majority, exercise his right of
veto in the Council. In such a case the
determination of the question shall follow the
commands of His Highness.
- With the exception of the
subjects enumerated below, which are reserved for
the direct commands of His Highness, all matters
shall be dealt with by His Highness i n Council
and the proceedings of the Council shall be
submitted to His Highness and to the Members by
the Council Secretary for signatures, no
Resolution being brought into force until the
proceedings have been duly signed and sanctioned.
- In the Reserved Subjects
enumerated below the follow-ing procedure shall be
- Military matters shall be
submitted to His Highness for His Commands by the
Colonel-on-the staff.
- Subjects dealt with by the
Foreign Department shall be submitted to His
Highness for His commands by the foreign
- Cases connected with
Reserved Subjects other than those mentioned in
No. 25 shall be submitted to His Highness for His
commands by the Member concerned through the State
- Civil and criminal appeal
and applications and cases for confirmation of
sentences of death or imprisonment for life shall
be submitted by the Law Member after hearing the
parties with his opinion through the State
Secretary for the commands of His Highness.
- Nothing here in contained
shall, in any way, derogate from the power of His
Highness to refer any matter enumerated in the
list of Reserved Subjects to Council whenever he
may consider it expedient to do so.
- Military.
- Political matters
affecting the peace and good Government of the
- Treaties and agreements
now in force or which may here-after be entered
into by His Highness with the British Government
of his Feudatory Chiefs.
- The relations between His
Highness and the British Governments of his
Feudatory Chiefs.
- Prerogatives and powers of
His Highness, and the rights, priveleges, gifts
and allowances of the Ruling Family, its relations
and connections.
- Titles, Salutes,
Ceremonials, Tours and Special occasions.
- Frontier Affairs.
- Residency and Residency
- Khillats, Tambols, Vartans
and Grants at His Highness disposal.
- Toshakhanas.
- Rakhs and Game
- State Representatives.
- Baggikhana, Malmaveshi,
Stables, Boats and Cars.
- Jagirs and Muafis.
- Devasthans and Dharmarth
Trust Fund.
Note: - Petitions submitted
direct to His Highness shall be referred by the
State Secretary to the Member-inCharge of the
Department concerned for disposal or report as the
case may require.
- Subject to the sanction of
His Highness, the Council shall be the final
authority in all matters which cannot be dealt
with finally by any Member or any other officer,
by virtue of powers delegated to him under any
laws rule, regulation, order, resolution or
practice sanctioned before the constitution of the
Council, or by the Council or sanctioned in future
by the Council with the exception of cases
relating to the subjects reserved for the commands
of His Highness under the title of Reserved
- The Council shall, amongst
other things, be empowered:
- to see that the Annual
Budget is framed and submitted to Council six
weeks before commencement of the next Financial
- to pass the Annual Budget;
- to sanction the
reappropriation of any expenditure from one Head
to another of the General Budget, over and above
the powers delegated to Members;
- to sanction all
extra-grants not provided for in the Budget;
- to sanction leave to
officers, over and above the powers delegated to
- to pass progress and other
Reports submitted by members;
- to settle boundary
disputes and questions relating to the Settlement
Department, over and above the power delegated
to-the Member concerned;
- to sanction suspensions of
remissions of Revenue over and above the power
delegated to Member concerned;
- to issue instructions for
the more efficient organisation and despatch of
business in the various departments of the State
and to make rules to regulate the proceedings of
any department;
- to settle all matters
pertaining to more than one department;
- to revise any order passed
by the Member-in-Charge of a department;
- to call for and modify any
proceedings in any department of the
Administration and to stay the execution of any
order pending the final decision of Council; and
- to sanction scheme of
general reform, no such scheme being introduced
without the previous sanction of Council.
As regards Revenue Appeals,
applications for Review or Revision, the opinion of
the Law Member shall, where he agrees with Revenue
Member, be treated as the decision of the State
Council, and the Secretary State Council shall inform
the Revenue Member accordingly, to enable him to take
action accordingly. In cases in which the Law Member
differs from the Revenue Member, the papers shall be
submitted to the Council by the Secretary of Council
with a detailed note for orders.
Note: - Reserved subjects
shall be excluded from the operation of clauses C
to H both inclusive above.
The following matters shall
be under the direct control of His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur:
- Military.
- Foreign.
- General Supervision.
- Political Matters
affecting the peace and good Government of the
- Land Revenue.
- Jagirs and Muafis.
- Revenue Settlement.
- Civil Veterinary
- Devasthans and Dharmarth
Trust Fund.
- Road cess, Patwar Fund and
Chowkidars funds.
- State property in British
(a) Home Member.
- Education.
- Medical and Jails.
- Municipalities.
- Research and Libraries.
- Archeology and Museums.
- Manageries,
- Meterological Department.
- Telegraph Department.
- Telephone Department.
(b) Law Member:
- Judicial Department and
- Civil and criminal appeal
and applications and cases for confirmation of
sentences of death or imprisonment for life.
- Tasdiqi- i- wasiqajat on
which His Highness the Maharaja Bahadur commands
are required by law.
- Finance.
- Treasuries.
- Accounts,
- Audit.
- Stamps.
- Kashmir Valley Food
- Police.
- Police special Reports,
such as Accidents, Riots, Arrival and suspicious
movements or actions of visitors.
- Co-operative Credit
- Forests.
- Sericulture, Silk Weaving
and Mulbery Culture.
- Mineral Survey.
- Commerce and Industries.
- Excise.
- Customs.
- Stationery.
- Industrial Education.
- Printing Presses.
- Agriculture and
- Irrigation.
- Roads and Buildings.
- Electrical Department.
- Mechanical Department.
The Rules for the conduct
of business in the Council shall Be as follows:
1. Every case to be
submitted to Council shall be sent to the Council
Secretary by the Member concerned. The Member
concerned shall see that a complete Precis of the
case is drawn up, and that his own opinion and the
opinions of the Head of the Department or Heads of
Departments subordinate to him and affected by the
question at issue are duly recorded.
In every case in which
financial issues are involved, the opinion of the
Finance Member shall be obtained by the Members
concerned and submitted with the case to Council.
When it is proposed to
sanction, amend, or repeal any regulation, rule,
law, order or notification the opinion of the Law
Member shall be obtained by the Members concerned
and submitted with the case to Council.
In every case which
directly affects more than one Member of Council,
the Member submitting the case shall see that the
opinion of the other Member or Members directly
concerned and the opinion of the Heads of the
Department affected are duly obtained and recorded
before the case is referred to Council.
- The Council Secretary
shall prepare, in the order of the receipt, a list
of all cases received from Members in the
prescried and complete form, he shall then draw up
the Agenda for the Council Meeting: as a general
rule, no case shall be entered in the Agenda
unless it has been received at least four clear
days before the next meeting is due to take place.
- When the Agenda has been
drawn up, copies shall be submitted to His
Highness and forwarded to every Member at least 48
hours before the time fixed for the Meeting of
Council except in emergent cases.
- Except as provided for in
Rule 16, the Council shall: assemble as such time
and place as may be appointed by His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur or the Presiding Member. The
Secretary shall inform all Members of the time and
place so appointed for the meeting.
- The Council shall, as far
as may be practicable meet on two consecutive days
in every fortnight, but arm matter of special
urgency requiring immediate disposal may be dealt
with at an extraordinary meeting which may be
called at any time by His Highness the Maharaja
Bahadur in the manner provided in Article 20.
- Three Members shall
constitute a quorum.
- If a Member is unable to
attend any meeting, he shall notify the fact in
writing to the Secretary.
- The business of the
Council shall be transacted in English.
- If any Member desires
postponement of the consideration of any case, it
shall be postponed, unless His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur or the Presiding Member, for
reasons to be recorded, rules otherwise.
- All cases so postponed
shall be taken up at the subsequent meeting of
Council if practicable.
- Any cases not disposed of
at a meeting of Council shall be taken up at the
next meeting if practicable.
- Should the Council decide
to refer any question to a Select Committee, the
Chairman and the other Members of the Committee
shall be appointed by the Council. The Council may
authorise any such Committee to record evidence or
to summon representatives of any class or
- In all cases discussed in
the Council, if there be no difference of opinion,
the decision of the Council shall be recorded in
the form of a Resolution. If opinion be divided,
the question shall be put to the vote and the
opinion of majority shall be recorded in the form
of resolution, the Presiding Member being entitled
to a casting vote in the event of the votes being
equally divided, but in all cases where the
decision is not unanimous, the opinion of every
Member shall be separately recorded.
- The proceedings of such
Council meeting as are held in the absence of His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur shall be submitted
by the Council Secretary to His Highness for his
sanction and no resolution shall come into force
until and unless it has been sanctioned by his
Highness. Should His Highness disapprove of any
Council Resolution arrived at during his absence
he will command the Council Secretary to direct
the Members of Council to attend at such time and
place as his Highness may appoint for discussion
in his presence of the subject involved. His
Highness will preside and after the Member have
been given the opportunity of explaining their
views, His Highness will announce his decision in
Council as to whether the Resolution shall be
confirmed or disallowed.
- All orders of the Council
shall be issued in the name of His Highness in
Council and shall be signed by the Secretary.
- The proceedings of the
Council shall be reduced to writing in the form of
proceedings which shall be signed by all the
Members present at the meeting concerned and shall
also be recorded by the Secretary in a Minute
Book, which shall be signed by His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur.
- In the absence of His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur the duties assigned
to him under these rules shall be discharged by
the Member Senior amongst the Members present at
the meeting subject to the provisions of Article
- Under orders of His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur any papers requiring
immediate disposal shall be circulated by the
Council Secretary amongst the Members of the State
Council for their opinion, on receipt of which the
case shall be laid before His Highness for
commands, which will be communicated to the Member
concerned. Such cases shall in due course be
recorded in the Council proceedings in a complete
form. No member shall retain a case so circulated
for more than 2 days.
Note: - All the Members of
Council and Secretaries attending Council
meetings, shall do so in black Achkans or black
morning or frock coats
- to receive all papers
submitted to the Council;
- to prepare and circulate
t!1e Agenda of Business and to give due notice of
meeting to Members;
- to return cases to Members
which have not been submitted in a complete form
as laid down in Rules 1 to 4;
- to record the proceedings
of Council;
- to obtain His Highness
sanction to the Resolutions of such Council
meetings as are held in his Highness absence;
- to issue to the Members
concerned the Resolutions of Council without loss
of time;
- to furnish each Member
with a copy of the printed proceedings;
- to comply with
requisitions made by the Members of the Council;
- to see that reports called
for by the Council are promptly sent for from the
Department concerned;
- to supervise the working
of the office and be responsible for the custody
and maintenance of records;
- the Secretary, subject to
appeal to Council shall have complete control over
his office establishment including the
superintendent, in the matters of appointment,
suspension, leave, punishment and promotion;
- he shall be responsible
for the custody of the seal of the Council and for
tile maintenance of the usual office registers, a
list of pending references and the Minute Book of
proceedings of the Council;
- in all cases in which the
Secretary sees no objection, copies of Resolution
of the present and the late State Council and of
His Highness orders passed in the interim between
the abolition of the old Council in 1905 and the
constitution of the new Council in January in 1922
if applied for, may be given by him to applicants
without reference to Council;
- The Council Secretary
shall be empowered to authorise fluctuating
expenditure and to pass travailing allowance bills
of his subordinate establishment within the
allotments provided;
The Council Secretary shall
dispose of notices served on the Government under
Section 79, 80, 82 (i), 89 (i) order XXVII Rules
2,3,4,5 and 8 order XLI, Rule 7 and appendix XIX (2)
of the Civil procedure code, vice Council Resolution
No. 72 dated the 4th September 1922.
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