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Koshur Music

An Introduction to Spoken Kashmiri

Panun Kashmir


Symbol of Unity


The Battle Cry of Jihad

Time - autumn of the year 1989
Scene -Precincts of a medical institution in Srinagar, Kashmir.

First speaker:
Fellow medics, students,
doctors, nurses, residents,
technicians and attendants,
ambulance drivers, gatekeepers,
of Azadi - all soldiers.
Let us to the mosque,
to the prayer,
the Friday sermon,
hear, hear.
Come hurry, your work can stay,
the patients are not running away,
praise be to Allah,
the all-merciful,
the eternal healer,

Second speaker:
Welcome ye faithful,
chosen worshippers,
true believers
of Islam - all soldiers.
Gird up your loins, comrades-in-arms,
unite for the holy Jihad,
let us in this domain
usher in God’s reign,
the true Nizame Mustafa,

Third speaker:
Forward brave Mujahid youth,
destroy this evil, forsooth,
take the suffering in its stride,
all sacrifice is but trite
for the noble cause divine,
as much yours as mine.
Success knocks at the door,
else martyrdom
and heaven, for sure.

Fourth speaker:
Cleanse this land once for all
of the usurper, the polluter,
the infidel, the informer,
the Dale Batta and Batten,
symbols and agents of Bharat
that erode our Kashmiryat.
Follow them to their working place,
kick them out of your grace,
hound them out of this place,
wipe out their every trace.

KP go back.
Indian dogs go back.
Sikhs and Muslims are brothers,
wherefore all others?
This land is ours.
Islam Zindabad!
Pakistan Zindabad!
Praise be to Allah,

Srinagar - September 1989



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