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Koshur Music

An Introduction to Spoken Kashmiri

Panun Kashmir


Symbol of Unity

Mar 26, 2025: Wednesday


This ceremony begins like the Yajnopavita ceremony with gara-navai or house cleaning and then, in like manner, henabandi and divagon are performed. On the wedding day the bridegroom is dressed with gold-laced garments and over them is worn a bright coloured robe, and his turban is adorned with a bunch of herons' feathers. A procession is formed in the compound where the bridegroom stands on Vyug (a place decorated with lime and colour). Then the eldest lady of the house comes and turns lighted lamps and a couple of pigeons round his neck and the relatives sing songs all the while and shower coins and sugar over him. Then he starts, riding on a horse preceded by other horses and palanquin to the ghat and thence the party starts in a procession of boats (now cars) to the bride's parents' house. If the wedding party has to go to a village not approachable by boat, horses and vehicles are used. There the Vyug is kept ready for the bridegroom to stand upon. The bride is brought and made to stand on his left side on the Vyug, and the ceremony of turning lamps and pigeons round the heads of the couple is performed by the eldest lady of the house. A feast is given to the bridegroom and the party. The lagan or the nuptial ceremony is performed by the priests of the bridegroom assisted by other priests. After reciting various incantations the couple is given food which they partake in one and the same plate. Then they are made to walk together hand in hand on seven coins of silver round the fire lighted on the occasion. Then the priests are given cash presents. In the end the parents of the bride offer them flowers with many blessings in Sanskrit poetry which the Brahmins recite in one chorus (Posh Pooza).

After the lagan is over the bridegroom with his bride and party returns to his own house. Before starting he and the bride are made to stand again on the Vyug and the ceremony attached to it is repeated. The bride is then placed in the palanquin and the bridegroom rides his horse and the procession returns to the bridegroom's house. There again the Vyug ceremony is performed and after that the couple enter their home, the ladies singing songs all the while.


Excerpts from:
The Kashmiri Pandit
by Pandit Anand Koul
Thacker, Spink & Co.


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