Mar 26, 2025: Wednesday
Brutalities and Killings of Innocent Persons
Cold-blooded murder
of innocent persons is despicable enough, but the thirst of the terrorists
in Kashmir for blood is not satisfied and their objective for creating
absolute terror is not met by instant killing. The killing must therefore
be accompanied by unimaginable brutality or the act of killing itself must
be dastardly or heinous.....
Case No.: 1
Date: 16.1.90
Place: Srinagar
The body of Abdul Akram Ganai, J&K Police Constable was found hanging on a
tree. The body bore signs of torture.
Case No.: 2
Date: 12.2.90
Place: Beeru, Badgam
A Muslim was tortured and later hanged to death on the suspicion of being a Police
informer by the terrorists belonging to 'Hizb-ul-Mujahideen' .
Case No.: 3
Date: 23.2.90
Place: Srinagar
Ashok Kumar Qazi, Field Officer, State Agriculture Department was brutally killed
by the JKLF. First he was shot on his legs, and left on the road side. People were
warned against helping him. Later after one hour of sadistic display, bullets were
riddled on his chest and he was killed.
Bilal Ahmed Najar
Ram Chavda Yadev
Zulfikar Ali Shah
Case No.: 4
Date: 24/25.2.90
Place: Srinagar
Furqan Ahmed Mir, a Muslim youth, was pushed out of a window on the third floor
of his house by JKLF terrorists.
Case No.: 5
Date: 27.2.90
Place: Badgam
A Hindu youth Tej Kishen was kidnapped by the terrorists from his
house. Later his dead body was found hanging from a tree. His body bore signs of torture and multiple
Case No.: 6
Date: 11.3.90
Place: Shopian, Pulwama
Two bodies of Maulvis (Ab. Aziz and Ayub Ali Al Qasni) of West Bengal were
recovered from a local mosque. The bodies bore signs of torture. Hizbul Mujahideen
owned responsibility for the killings.
Case No.: 7
Date: 28.3.90
Place: Shopian, Pulwama
Two Muslim youths who had resisted terrorists pressures to join them were kidnapped
by Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists from their houses. They were tortured and electrocuted till they died.
Case No.: 8
Date: 5.4.90
Place: Baramulla
Eighty five year old Radha Krishen of Karan Nagar was dragged out of his house
by the terrorists; he was kicked around in the neighbourhood and later shot dead
outside his residence.
Case No.: 9
Date: 11.4.90
Place: Bijbehara, Anantnag
Mohd Ismail, a washerman working for BSF was kidnapped from his home by a
group of terrorists. His dead body was later found on the road side. The dead body
bore marks of torture including broken limbs. Terrorist outfit Hizbul Mujahideen
owned responsibility for the killing.
Case No.: 10
Date: 29.4.90
Place: Srinagar
Moti Lal Pandit, was abducted from his residence at Tankipora on April 26. Later,
his dismembered dead body was found in a jungle near Kupwara.
Case No.: 11
Date: 4.5.90
Place: Baramulla
Two Kashmiri Pandits Satinder Kumar and Swroop Nath were abducted from
their home. Their dead bodies with multiple injuries including burns were recovered
on the road side. They had earlier received threats to leave the Kashmir Valley.
Case No.: 12
Date: 8.5.90
Place: Sopore, Baramulla
A Muslim couple, Sikander and Fatima Shah, were killed
by terrorists for not accepting the dictats of local terrorists. Their
dead bodies bore signs of severe torture.
Case No.: 13
Date: 10/11.5.90
Place: Srinagar
3 Hindu youths Surinder Kumar, Rattan Lal and Omkar Nath were kidnapped from
different parts of Srinagar city Their bodies were later recovered from Alijan Road,
Soura. Their dead bodies carried the gory tales of brutal torture at the hands of terrorists.
JKLF claimed responsibility for the killings.
Case No.: 14
Date: 16.5.90
Place: Kulgam, Anantnag
Bhushan Lal Kaul, Assistant Engineer in the PWD, was kidnapped by terrorists
from Kulgam. His body was recovered by road side. His eyes had been gouged out.
Case No.: 15
Date: 17.5.90
Place: Raithan, Badgam
Mohd. Ali Rathan and his son Mohd. Shafi were dragged out of their home by a group
of terrorists. They were tortured in public and shot dead, despite pleas by the local people.
Case No.: 16
Date: 23/24.5.90
Place: Rajghat, Baramulla
Bansi Lal Zutshi was tortured by a group of terrorists in his own house
where he was living alone. He was later hacked to death and his remains stuffed in a gunny bag.
Case No.: 17
Date: 23.5.90
Place: Badgam
The dead body of Makhan Lal Raina, a Medical Assistant in local Govt. Hospital
was recovered at Khandwa. His dead body bore multiple injuries including a dismembered
right leg as well as strangulation marks.
Case No.: 18
Date: 26.5.90
Place: Shopian, Pulwama
Bril Nath Kaul, his wife Ratna and sister Sunita were abducted from their house.
The women were stripped naked and molested in front of a large number of people.
Later they were taken to an isolated place and gang raped, while Brij Nath Kaul was clubbed to death. The Kaul women
were dragged by a jeep which was driven with high speed on a mountainous road causing their death. The dead bodies were
totally mutilated.
Case No.: 19
Date: 17.6.90
Place: Srinagar
A group of terrorists forcibly entered the house of J.L. Ganjoo and opened fire indiscriminately
killing 4 family members including 2 women and injuring 4 others. The family had returned to their home a
day before from Jammu, where they had taken refuge for a few months.
Case No.: 20
Date: 19.6.90
Place: Srinagar
Mohd. Amin Cheetanagar was kidnapped by terrorists from his residence at
Malaratta. His decapitated body was recovered from the Bota Kadal area.
Case No.: 21
Date: 29.6.90
Place: Trehgam, Kupwara
Mohd. Amin Baba of Trehgam was kidnapped by a group of terrorists on 27.6.90.
His body bearing marks of severe torture was found hanging from a tree.
Case No.: 22
Date: 17.7.90
Place: Merhama, Kupwara
Abdul Rashid Pir ot Merhama was kidnapped by a group
of terrorists from the roadside on 13.7.90. His body was later recovered
at Kupwara on 17.7.90. The body bore marks of severe torture including
blue flame burn marks.
Case No.: 23
Date: 2.8.90
Place: Dera Andergund, Kupwara
Abdul Hamid Khan, a Govt. official was abducted from his home on 1.8.90. His
body with marks of torture was recovered on 2.8.90 by the police.
Case No.: 24
Date: 14.10.90
Place: Srinagar
A group of armed terrorists forced their way into the house of Shyam Lal Kaul and
shot dead 4 family members - Dr. Shibanji, Mrs. Usha Kaul, Rajinder Kaul and Mrs. Rajinder Kaul. Mrs. Rajinder
Kaul was in an advanced stage of pregnancy. The brutal killing of the family caused an immediate reaction in the area
and Muslims living in the neighbourhood exchanged hot words with the assailants.
Later in the same area two more Hindus, Chuni Lal and Kapoor Chand were killed by the same group. Al Umar Mujahideen
was responsible for the killing.
An Appeal to Terrorist Organizations
On 6th October, 1992 at 7 p.m. some unknown persons
have kidnapped my husband Mohd. Munawar Mir S/O Ghulam Moohd. Mir R/O Osan-Khoi
Pattan without any reason and has been kept at some unknown place. The
said person has two minor children with no source of livelihood. My husband
was running his own business and is not a Government employee. I am a poor
lady without any income. For God-sake my husband may kindly be freed. Dated
18th January, 1993.
Mrs. Zaina wife of Mohd. Munawar Mir
Aftab, January 19, 1993
Case No.: 25
Date: 9.1.91
Place: Danav Kandimarg, Anantnag
Ghulam Mohd. Malik Maqdoomi was abducted from his house by a group of
terrorists. Later his dead body with broken ribs, burn injuries and bullet marks was
found in a stream.
Case No.: 26
Date: 6.5.91
Place: Bohripora, Kupwara
Terrorists entered the house of one Hayat Ganai during the night and
resorted to indiscriminate firing killing a 2 year old boy and injuring two women seriously.
Case No.: 27
Date: 16.5.91
Place: Kangan, Srinagar
The tortured body of one Abdul Ahad Malik was found hanging from a tree.
Case No.: 28
Date: 6.6.91
Place: Bandipur, Baramulla
Terrorists abducted two Kashmiri Muslim BSF personnel (H/C Saifuddin Mir and
Constable Mohd Akbar). After keeping them in captivity, they tied them with explosives and blew them into pieces
separately in two localities of Srinagar city on June 20, 1991. The pro-Pak 'Al Umar
Mujahideen' owned responsibility.
Case No.: 29
Date: 12.6.91
Place: Haksar, Badgam
Terrorists took away Senior Post Master Ghulam Mohd. Sheikh from his house and
his tortured dead body was recovered from the road side.
Case No.: 30
Date: 9.10.91
Place: Qazigund, Anantnag
2 Hindus Mohan Lal and Ramesh Kumar were kidnapped from their village. Later
their dead bodies carrying marks of severe torture were found on the road side.
Case No.: 31
Date: 5.1.92
Place: Nowshera, Srinagar
A defaced body of a muslim was recovered from a field with marks of torture.
Case No.: 32
Date: 12.1.92
Place: Handwara, Kupwara
Lassa Kar, working as a labourer in an Army camp was abducted from his home,
tortured and hanged to death.
Case No.: 33
Date: 15.1.92
Place: Zoonimar, Srinagar
Terrorists abducted a Hindu and tortured him to death. The face of the person was
so brutally disfigured that he could not be identified.
Case No.: 34
Date: 1.2.92
Place: Kupwara
Terrorists abducted two Muslims of Kupwara and brought them to Srinagar
where they were tortured for many days in a rented room near Zendshah Mosque,
Rainawari. The tortured bodies were recovered from the said room.
Case No.: 35
Date: 12.5.92
Place: Chakla, Baramulla
Terrorists resorted to indiscriminate firing in village Chakla following a protest by villagers over the abduction of a woman by
them. Three villagers were killed and 15 others including 7 women and 2 children injured.
Case No.: 36
Date: 21.5.92
Place: Naidkhai, Baramulla
A local, Jalal-ud-din was abducted by terrorists from his home and tortured for
three days for being an informer. Later his dead body was recovered from a field.
Case No.: 37
Date: 26.5.92
Place: Khanabal, Anantnag
Noor Mohd. Kanoo was abducted and killed by terrorists after 3 days of torture.
His body was left near the District Hospital, Anantnag.
Case No.: 38
Date: 10.6.92
Place: MirSaheb, Srinagar
Terrorists abducted a JKP Constable Nazir Ahmed Shah on June 8 and tortured
him in a vacant house of a Hindu for three days. They left him in the house in a serious condition where he
subsequently died.
Case No.: 39
Date: 20.7.92
Place: Dilipora, Kupwara
Terrorists abducted three local muslims Pahalwan Shah, Hussain Shah and
Akhtar Shah from their houses and tortured them for several days. Their bodies were later recovered from a field.
Case No.: 40
Date: 4.9.92
Place: Hariparbat , Srinagar
Terrorists killed two Hindus including one Lala Ram Shashi r/o
Ganganagar, Rajasthan and another who is still unidentified. These dead bodies were recovered
from temple area of Hariparbat.
Case No.: 41
Date: 5.9.92
Place: Pattan, Baramulla
Following a clash between two rival terrorist groups, they resorted to indiscriminate firing in the village.
Four villagers were killed on the spot and 8 others injured seriously.
Case No.: 42
Date: 14.9.92
Place: Nowshera, Srinagar
Terrorists tortured a local Muslim Jan Mohammad for seven days after holding
him captive in a house and finally hanged him to death.
Case No.: 43
Date: 19.9.92
Place: Srinagar city
Four army personnel were trapped by terrorists and whisked away. They were killed and their dead
bodies were recovered.
Case No.: 44
Date: 20.9.92
Place: Hawal, Srinagar
Two Hindus Vijay Kumar r/o Jammu and Om Prakash r/o U.P. were killed by terrorists and their bodies thrown on the roadside.
Case No.: 45
Date: 2.10.92
Place: Hawal, Srinagar
A muslim CRPF Constable Baba Saheb hailing from Hyderabad was abducted by
terrorists and tortured for two days till he
Case No.: 46
Date: 4.11.92
Place: Newa, Pulwama
Mushtaq Ahmed Butt was tortured to death by terrorists in the village. His body
was recovered from the fields.
Nazir Ahmed Siddiqui and his wife Haseena in
a pool of blood. Both were shot dead while asleep in their ground floor
bed room in Srinagar on June 16, 1992 night by unknown gunmen.
Case No.: 47
Date: 11.11.92
Place: Wardnu, Jammu
Trilok Nath Dagga s/o Lal Chand r/o Wardnu was shot dead at Chattaha. Two
live rounds of 9mm were recovered from the spot.
Case No.: 48
Date: 14.11.92
Place: Karannagar, Srinagar
Munir Ahmed Mir, a local Muslim was abducted by terrorists and tortured to death. His body was later recovered from the road side.
Srinagar Times/Alsafa
February 12, 1993
Militants hanged four persons to death, shot dead
one and another kidnapped.
Case No.: 49
Date: 17.1.93
Place: Bijbehara, Anantnag
Ghulam Mohd., a 60-year old person was abducted and tortured to death.
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