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Mar 26, 2025: Wednesday

Terrifying Statistics from 1988 to June, 1998

Source: Kashmir Issue: New Perspectives

The terrorist violence has brought about a disaster to all the communities in Kashmir, its culture, its development, its overall social conditions and so on. Following are the figures of the incidents of violence, killing, kidnapping, extortion, destruction of properties and recovery of weapons from mercenaries which indicate the magnitude of the miseries suffered by Kashmiris. 

Table I: Terrorist Violence in J&K
Year Total Incidents Attacks on SF Attacks on Others Explosion & Arson Other Incidents
1988 390 6 1 142 241
1989 2154 49 73 840 1192
1990 3905 1098 485 1810 512
1991 3122 1999 321 611 191
1992 4971 3413 507 744 307
1993 4457 2573 539 900 445
1994 6895 2675 1594 1774 852
1995 6819 2570 1836 1633 780
1996 5523 1473 2133 1260 657
1997 3421 1212 1399 672 457
1998 (June) 1213 458 505 256 20
Total 42870 17526 9393 10642 5654

Table II: Killings in Terrorist Violence
Year 1988-91 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 (June)  Total
Total Killed  2693 1909 2567 2867  2768 2858 2199 831 18691
SF Personnel  331  177  216  199  234  185  186 85 1613
Govt. Officials 123  36  34  26  46   67  26 8 366
Top Political Leaders 1 - 2 6 1 5 - - 15
Politicians 37 4 8 6 12 29 20 5 121
Judiciary 5 - 1 - 2 2 - - 10
Pressmen 3 1 1 2 2 1 - - 10
Hindus 228 67 87 95 99 110 55 96 837
Muslims 1121 706 841 858 983 1217 828 326 6880
Sikhs 18 10 7 5 2 3 - 1 46
Others 28 35 40 73 55 30 9 - 270
Militants 798 873 1330 1596 1332 1209 1075 310 8523
Foreign Tourists 1 - - 1 1 - - - 3

Table III: Kidnappings by Militants

Year 1989-91 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 (June) Total
Incidents 159 124 181 332 395 473 448 141 2255
Persons Abducted 231 183 269 368 548 666 440 148 2853
Foreigners* 12 - - 6 - - - 20
Women 16 13 26 20 31 20 19 - 145
Politicians 86 26 4 3 3 4 3 - 129
Govt. Officers 48 43 37 36 55 48 39 2 308
SF Personnel 41 38 92 25 14 21 20 - 251
Killed 59 38 92 157 207 345 164 56 1118
Released** 106 112 128 164 163 104 82 21 879
Whereabout not known - - - - - - - 88 88

 * Israelis-7, Swedish-2, Dutch-1, Japanese-1, French-1, British-4, Americans-2, German-1 and Norweign-1.

 ** In most cases released after extortion, torture, exchange of militants, rape (Remaining untraced).

Table IV: Criminal Acts Extortion* & Lootings by Militants

Year Incidents Amount Robbed (in Rupees)
1990 23 2,26,91,200
1991 31 62,30,768
1992 39 64,86,563
1993 50 83,57,626
1994 149 5,48,46,532
1995 130 31,37,826
1996 139 25,20,205
1997 139 28,89,696
1998 (June) 31 06,97,200
Total 731 11,00,37,616

  * Only a small fraction of such cases is reported

Table V: Destruction of Property by Militants

Year Total Incidents Govt. Bldg. Educational Institutions Hospitals Private Houses Bridges Shops
1988 128 4


- 19 1 -
1989 294 191 172 - 427 16 -
1990 646 501 129 - 1242 172 202
1991 391 45 24 - 819 24 83
1992 564 65 57 - 2312 28 200
1993 662 98 46 - 1110 34 400
1994 606 172 119 4 666 46 162
1995 688 127 133 2 1814 16 402
1996 482 52 68 3 602 2 161
1997 259 13 11 1 437 5 67
1998 (June) 164 9 7 - 112 - 31
Total 4858 1277 770 10 9560 344 1708

Table VI: Recovery of Weapons from Militants

Weapons/Explosives 1988-93 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 (June) Total Incidents
Rocket Launchers 550 31 36 43 81 94 835
Machine Guns 640 141 81 96 76 26 1060
AK Series Rifles 10275 2196 2055 2150 1725 590 18991
Sniper Rifles 77 41 38 49 60 26


Pistols/Revolvers 3413 940 965 1052 1024 313 7655
Ammunition (Assorted)
1390 446 342 343 270 147 2903
Grenandes 12846 2603 2870 3949 5124 2361 29753
Rockets 1140 395 170 378 479 277 2839
Rocket Boosters 602 66 24 119 208 72 1091
Mines 2391 1049 634 552 408 404 5579
Guns 285 223 370 303 191 61 1433
Explosives (Kg.)  6265 1342 1484 2382 6448 1352 18173
Bombs 1384 56 126 31 204 80 1881
Grenade Launchers 11 56 27 21 98 30 243
Mortar 12 7 12 3 3 51 88
WT Sets 298 211 246 413 302 233 1703

Atrocities in Kashmir


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