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An Introduction to Spoken Kashmiri

Panun Kashmir


Symbol of Unity


Mar 6, 2025: Thursday

Shikara in Dal Lake, SrinagarThe Kashmiri Pandits, the original inhabitants of the Valley of Kashmir, have a rich culture and peaceful traditions that they have managed to maintain over five thousand years of recorded history. Kashmir is known amongst the Kashmiri Pandits and other Saraswats (who fled Kashmir during periods of Islamic persecution) as Shardapeeth or the Abode of the Goddess of Learning and Fine Arts. During their five thousand years of history, they have made great contributions to world civilization in such diverse fields as religion ... >>>
Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage
Cultural heritage of Kashmir is as multi-dimensional as the variegated backdrop of its physical exuberance which has nursed and inspired it all along. Its sanctity and evergreen stature can be conveniently inferred from the chaste shimmering snow, with its virgin demeanor from top to toe, adorning the towering peaks of its mountainous periphery. >>>

History and PoliticsHistory & Politics
The Muslim and Hindu peoples of Kashmir have lived in relative harmony and friendliness since the 13th century when Islam first became the majority religion in Kashmir. Periodically however, there have been rulers and leaders who have had a narrow view of Islam, and have subjected Hindu minorities to great cruelties and discrimination. >>>

Religious PracticesReligious Practices
The religious practices of Hindus of Kashmir (popularly known as Kashmiri Pandits) revolve around the worship of Shiva and Shakti. All other deities (gods and goddesses) of the traditional Hindu pantheon are worshipped as various manifestations of Shiva and Shakti. 
Mayhem in KashmirMayhem in Kashmir
This website will show you a glimpse of the history, culture, and the current plight of Kashmiri Pandits. You will understand the goals of the bigoted religious terrorists in Kashmir whose vision of Azadi (independence) is to use religious dogma to exclude women, religious minorities, and secular-minded people from every kind of freedom in social and political life. 


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And the world remained silent

A documentary about ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits by Pakistan-trained terrorists. Kashmiri Pandits have now become refugees in their own country.

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